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After the Xia Jing went to the locker room, after replacing the chef, he came to the back kitchen, the chef of the kitchen and the gang of governance have been wearing neat, to welcome Xia Jing.

Xia Jing is not only good for cooking, but also high value, and salary is full, so these Zhongzhuang male chefs are very valued, respectful to Xia Jing.

Xia Jing is the boss, only important guests or some unique secret dishes, she will do it personally, and the meals of most of the other food points are made by these chefs, so they are the medium-sized pillars of the Xiaoxia Restaurant, only summer Quickly passing some of the unique kitchen arts of summer home to ensure uniform taste.

"Everyone will come to the spirit, and the Mi Yulin reviewers have to try to eat, can not lose our small summer restaurant." Xia Jing is giving these chefs.

"Okay, summer is always at ease, we must let the foreign ."

A northern chef humorous, causing a hilarious.

"That line, Western food group should be extravagrate today, I estimate that he is a focus on the western food." Xia Jing said.

"Summer is always worried, I am old, I'll fall back, you deduct me half a month salary." A Master of a Western Western food released the rhetoric.

The surrounding colleagues were very surprised. I didn't expect that I'm so embarrassed military order. They had 20,000 wages a month. This is a lot of money, but this also shows that Ou You is full, and I got an applause.

"That's good, you work together today, strive to give our Chen Dabu, and get a melin Samsung's evaluation back." Xia Jing said.

"You have a good summer, that is, the rice is only Samsung, if there is a four-star five-star, we can also comment!" A chef laughed.

It is also unfortunate that they are so confident. These chefs are all overcharge, before they are the chef of some hotels, the cooking is superb, and one is confident.

"There is a good thing, but it is also very proud, I see your performance!"

Xia Jing encouraged, I started working.

She first checks some ingredients that she marinated and handled yesterday, seeing the foam is good, not delaying it.

Next, she will call the fruit and vegetable supplier, let them send more fresh Western food today to make the foreigners can eat.

After the reservoir is completed, Xia Jing will go to the front desk to meet the service. After all, the rice has a restaurant, the service is also an important indicator. It has always been smiling is the most basic, and it is necessary to behave the standard, courtesy, even jewelry And hairstyles, try to do unity, can't huge tiger.

During this, Xia Jing is in the restaurant, waiting for the Mi Yulin reviewer.

In the evening, Chen Hao also wears a straight suit to come to the Xiaoxia Restaurant, to give Xia Jing to the town to help.

He sat in a small box and got some fruit sitting, and he also wanted to see how the accuser was reviewed, and it was long-term knowledge.

"Boss, what do you want to eat, I will do it."

Xia Jing saw Chen Hao, and he was able to wait for him to wait, but also active enthusiasm than the past.

"Don't say hello to me, you are busy with you, and then there will be half an hour." Chen Hao said.

He has received a call from the text, and he will accompany the reviewer to the court.

Chen Hao is not exemptively strange. He seems to look at some of the public numbers. This reviewer is in the form of unannounced visit to the store, which can taste the original food and service of a hotel, but Chen Hao does not understand this line. It may be that the public number is not necessarily.

After half an hour, there is a service life to report, the vice president of the International Food Association, with a foreign old man, has arrived.

Chen Hao nodded, let this wait for life, now Xia Jing is the owner of the restaurant, let her go to the hospital, he passes the surveillance of the restaurant to observe the people.

Wen Jinli Chen Hao is very familiar. I came to kick the hall before, I have been educated by the Xiaoxia Restaurant. Since then, the obligation propagandist of the restaurant has written a lot of recommendation articles in various media, and it has played a role in the promotion of the restaurant.

Wen Hongli is a foreign old man in a suit. It seems that there is a five0 years old, a golden hair, and knows the hairstyle of the king, but he faces dry, thin, and there is no smile on his face. It looks very good. Serious people, this kind of person is usually not very good deed.

Xia Jing is receiving two guests.

"Mr. John, you are good." Xia Jing wore a chef clothes to welcome.

"The summer boss is getting more and more beautiful." Wen Di smiled.

"Wen President is polite." Xia Jing smiling responded.

"Mr. John, please go upstairs, we have prepared an original holographic box for you." Xia Jing polite invitation.

John shook his head and said in English: "I don't need a box, I want to dine in the most popular hall, the level of other guests, is also one of my assessment standards."

Xia Jing cooking high, but does not represent her foreign language, I have never speech 4 level when I go to college, this will make it difficult, I don't understand what this old is saying.

"Hurry to find a person who will speak English!" Xia Jing quickly let his hand look for translation talent.

John immediately said: "The restaurant does not do three-language communication, this is a deduction."


Xia Jing is dark in his heart. Today is really unfavorable, but it has been deducted it yet. This foreign old man is too strict.

Chen Hao saw this situation, I don't want to be in Suijing, I personally played. He came to the hall, talking with fluent English and John: "Mr. John, you respect your opinion, immediately arrange a seat for you. Please ask upstairs. "

Chen Hao gave Xia Jing with a eye, here to give him, let her go back to kitchen.

Xia Jing gave Chen Hao to the gesture of "this old man is not good to deal with" and then went to the kitchen.

John is not in the fifth floor, it is a western dining area, and some guests eat here are all wearing a dress, eat cow telled wine.

"Two want to taste what, even though." Chen Hao made a temporary translation.

It's just that he is high, and it is more than one million lines, which is more than two diners, and it is a bit unqualified.

"Chen is polite, this time, Mr. John is the main customer, I will come, come to the store's signature food." Wen Jin Li said.

John is not polite, use English to some long skewers, basically Chen Hao has not heard, he will record it in English, and I will know him in the back and Xiajing business. What is the point?

"Well, two waits, the meals will be good." Chen Hao said in the two languages ​​of Han English, and went to the back kitchen with the service of the menu.

"Chen is here!"

Text bonus suddenly chased it, and there is something to say and Chen Hao privately said.

Chen Hao nodded, let the waiter to go to the dish, he and the text of the empty box talk.

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