I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 121 Fifty vs. One Hundred

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu!These people are of course the security personnel hired by Chen Hao. They are very punctual. After standing in their positions, the time has just arrived at the appointed time.

"Report to the guests, King Kong Security Company is here to protect your personal and property safety. There should be 50 people, but 50 people are actually there. Please arrange the task."

The leader of these people reported loudly to Chen Hao, just like in the army.

"Very well, protect our property and repel the opposing robbery gang!" Chen Hao pointed at Brother Niu and said loudly.

"Yes, promise to complete the task!"

Faced with these gangsters, these security personnel all took out the guys from the truck, helmet protectors, rubber sticks, etc., all standard anti-riot equipment, and took Chen Hao as the center to protect him.

Brother Niu thinks something is a little bit wrong, don't you find a group of people to fight?How to call a group of such bodyguards?

But the matter has come to this point, and the people of their society can't wait any longer. The little brothers who have called to help fist all drew out the machete and stick, and screamed and rushed up.

Chen Hao calmly recorded everything in front of him with a dash cam, and then dialed 110 to report to the police, saying that a large number of militants had robbed him of his million in cash. That box of pink banknotes, as evidenced by the video taken on site .

Chen Hao hung up to see how these security personnel beat up the gangster.

After all, they are veterans who have practiced. They formed a shield formation with each other. When the two armies met, they first resisted the attack of the opponent's weapon with a shield, and then suddenly pulled the cold child underneath and stabbed the opposite belly with a rubber stick. After the other party had the pain, they used shields as protective gear to collide forward together.

The gangsters in the first row have a lot of falls, and these fallen gangsters have become natural obstacles, making the comrades behind them unable to exert their full strength.

The next step is the show-time of the security personnel. After a short trial, it was discovered that the other party was just a group of unruly mobs. These security personnel also went crazy. Several shields were suddenly removed, and the security personnel behind took off. Kick fiercely, the iron feet they have practiced kicked on the bullshit's head. At that time, they fainted. Those deadly killers on the battlefield are now also applied to these bullies, and they cried and called their mothers.

In the past two minutes, more than 30 people fell and lost their combat effectiveness.

You must know that whether it is a war or a gang fight, momentum is a very important attribute. A bully can only fight a tailwind. When encountering a security team that looks like a wolf and a tiger, some people will soon retreat timidly, while the security personnel are more and more courageous and find it back. When they sweated like rain in the military camp, they chased the gangsters for a beat, showed their military fighting skills, and felled one person in two or three blows.

Three minutes later, soldiers were wounded in one place, clubs rolled down everywhere, and dozens of numbers were left mingled with birds and animals, running faster than rabbits.I love to read the Chinese website www.52kzw.com

Brother Niu found these people, not all of them are his direct lineages, so these people have no fighting spirit at all. Seeing that the other party is too strong, they smeared the soles of their feet. In the end, only five or six iron brothers of Niu were left. , Defensively raised a knife in horror.

"Brother Niu, let's withdraw first, there are too many of them, and it is not good for us today!" said a little brother in horror.

More than one hundred people beat 50 others, and they say that there are too many people. It can be seen that cheeky is also an ability.

Brother Niu was also getting hairy in his heart, and he couldn't figure out what Chen Hao was. This was completely different from the previous quagmire, and he did not act according to the script at all.

Just as he was considering whether to flee with his tail clipped, the group of security personnel suddenly stopped advancing, returned to Chen Hao to defend themselves, and did not come after them.

Because security personnel are the first priority to protect the employer, assault and bullies only threaten the employer’s safety. Now that the danger has been lifted, they have no obligation to pursue it. Returning to protect the employer’s property is the key.

Chen Hao smiled slightly. His combat goal was completely achieved. He hooked his finger at Brother Niu far away: "Why can't you come? Your hundreds of younger brothers are too unstoppable. It seems that you will have to find another two hundred talents next time. Row."

Brother Niu's face was green, but he wanted to refute but couldn't find any spray spots, because this fight was so useless and completely defeated, and the defeated army would be unable to speak up.

His younger brother is still yelling, "Don't be proud, you have annoyed Brother Niu, you wait, and you will be beautiful sooner or later in the future!"

After speaking, they all got into the Mercedes-Benz, ready to drive away.

Chen Hao only felt that it was funny, and the energy to speak cruel words could be put in a fight, and he wouldn't be so sloppy.

But they were destined to be unable to leave. The police siren outside the building was unfinished. A dozen police cars and special police anti-riot vehicles drove. A row of more well-equipped black special policemen wearing bulletproof vests with "police" printed on them. Surrounded the scene in a battle formation.

Before Chen Hao called the police, saying that there were more than a hundred armed gangsters, it was considered a huge incident for the public security system, so the police used elite forces to quell the violence, but after arriving, they found that the conflict seemed to have ended. Fully armed and wounded on one side, this is not a fight, this is crushing.

As a result, Brother Niu was stopped and, as a suspect, was picked up from the car and taken away.

Seeing the police coming, Chen Hao asked the security personnel to release the defense. He followed the police to the branch office very cooperatively. This time, because the incident was too much trouble, he crossed the police station and handled it directly at the western branch office.

As for the injured gangsters, there were no fatal injuries. Most of them were stunned and bruised. They were tortured away with minor injuries. Some people with severe concussions were sent to the hospital, and the aftermath collection work was done soon.

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