You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!In the branch, there was a policeman taking notes for Chen Hao. Chen Hao said that he was a victim. After taking the cash, he encountered more than 100 people to rob him. Fortunately, he hired security personnel in advance, otherwise the money Neither life is guaranteed.

Niu's confession came out quickly, and he learned that the two parties were making an appointment with each other in an unfinished building. As a result, Chen Hao did not follow Jianghu routines and actually found a security company. Niu also clamored that Chen Hao was unruly and must look for Back to the scene.

However, Brother Niu, who was ignorant of current affairs, suffered a big loss. In his confession, he proudly revealed many of his younger brothers. This was done. The crime of organizing a gang could not escape and was imprisoned.

However, Chen Hao was regarded as the victim's party, and the security guard was completely out of self-protection, and the group fight was not investigated.

Chen Hao quickly came out of the sub-bureau, and night had fallen. He snapped his fingers comfortably, and took down a Niu brother with no effort, and purified the air for the society, which is considered a merit.

As for the group of security personnel, they made a great contribution. Chen Hao happily paid the employment fee in the app and told the captain that he would have the opportunity to cooperate again in the future.

When Chen Hao returned home, Xia Jing was waiting for him and prepared Xiaojing’s secret small hamburger for him. Of course, this was not a Chinese ancestral craft, because the old society did not have a hamburger, which is what Xia Jing understood. This kind of improved diet, the burger slices baked by herself, sandwiched with her stewed meat and vegetables, and paired with ancestral sauces, the taste is unique, especially suitable for the taste of Chinese people, and it is several times better than KFC's.

"Yes, our French restaurant will have another signature dish." Chen Hao couldn't help but praise after tasting it.

"That is, you hire a beautiful chef like me for such a small amount of money, and I feel profitable for you." Xia Jing didn't know how to be self-effacing, and frantically put gold on her face.

"Well, I've made a profit." Chen Hao smiled and said in cooperation with her.

After dinner, Xia Jing and Cao Rui cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks together, while Chen Hao leaned on the sofa and drank a cold beer lazily. He felt that life was too easy and comfortable. The girls around him also had their own charms and personalities. Very satisfied.

At the same time, Chen Hao’s cell phone rang. It seems that the ID shows that it is Manager Liu Ming, the person in charge of the Zhou’s fresh Baihe area. Chen Hao sells seafood and is also in charge of him. The two only talked through the phone and have not seen it. surface.

Chen Hao answered the phone.

After a few polite sentences, Liu Ming asked apologetically: "Boss Chen, is it convenient for you tonight? I want to visit and discuss something."

"Yes, I'm in No. 101, Building 5, Emerald Garden Community. It's fine if you come." Chen Hao agreed, probably with seafood.

After more than half an hour, Liu Ming arrived. Chen Hao opened the door to let him in and made a cup of tea for him.

"Mr. Chen, why are the lights on the first and second floors of your building? Haven't the sales upstairs started yet?" Liu Ming asked casually after a few greetings.Rainbow Literature Network

"I bought it but no one lives, I don't bother to rent it out." Chen Hao said.

Liu Ming was surprised. From what Chen Hao said, this building was actually owned by him. He couldn't help but regained his understanding of Chen Hao's financial background.

Liu Ming adjusted his emotions, and then said his purpose: "This is Mr. Chen, I, this time I have an unrelenting request. Are you not selling high-end seafood to the outside world? There should be a lot of sales. My friend, I would like to ask you if anyone wants Norwegian salmon. They are all fresh and frozen. They are all qualified products. Salmon has a bad reputation now, and I wanted to make a fortune, but no one wants it after shipping. , If it’s all in my hands, the loss is too great, and I really can’t help it before I come to seek your help.

Then Liu Ming explained his difficulties, his expression was very sad, and his words revealed his urgent desire to ask Chen Hao to help, so he almost said "Salmon is not selling, save the children".

"Yes, how many tons do you have?"

Chen Hao thought about it and could help him. After all, Zhou Xitong's subordinate, Zhou Xitong must be his own woman in the future, so helping Liu Ming is equivalent to helping himself.

"There are seventeen tons." Liu Ming said.

17 tons is not a small amount. Chen Hao and Xu Zhiqiang in Sanya are all engaged in high-end business. It is not realistic to sell these 17 tons through retail. Besides, the market for salmon is indeed not good, and the public dare not eat it.

However, Chen Hao has an advantage that others don't have. That is the latest seller service in the tens of billions of subsidies. He can sell through the app. This is a new idea.

"Okay, where are your goods? Bring them all in a freezer truck. I will buy them all at the wholesale price."

Chen Hao wants to understand that if you want to sell through the tens of billions of subsidy apps, the system will collect all the goods at once, so you have to see the real thing. In order to reassure Liu Ming, he should buy the full amount.

"Really? Don't forcefully stockpile for the sake of our CEO Zhou's face, or you will have a backlog, and Mr. Zhou has to ask me to settle the account."

This Liu Ming is quite interesting, and he joked about his concerns.

"Don't worry, I have my own way. You only need to deliver the goods and transfer the payment to you at any time." Chen Hao said.

"Thank you so much. Then I will send someone over tomorrow morning. I won't make your money. I will settle the bill for you based on the original purchase price." Liu Ming is better at doing things, and he didn't use Chen Hao's kindness. Make a fortune.

The matter was finalized, Liu Ming then left, and there will be handover procedures tomorrow.

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