You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!At this time, Cao Rui came out with a change of clothes. She removed her secretary outfit and put on a light blue dress. She looked as pure and moving as the little girl next door, and her white and tender calves showed the glory of youth.

"You talk, I'll prepare dinner." Madam Cao left with a smile.

"I made you laugh, my mother has no culture and doesn't speak well." Cao Rui said apologetically.

"Auntie is very talkative." Chen Hao smiled. He didn't mind this, but felt cordial. It seems that all mothers in the world are like this.

"Where is your apple at home, take me to see." Chen Hao stood up and said.

"There are some at home, some are not picked on the tree."

As Cao Rui said, she took Chen Hao to the warehouse on the first floor. As soon as she entered the door, she saw red apples stacked in boxes. The fruit was large and the color was very good. It looked delicious. This batch was at least one or two tons. The amount.

Chen Hao picked up an apple, washed it at the faucet, and ate it. The mouth was crisp and sweet, with a sweet heart. It was a good apple.

"How much do you sell this apple for a catty?" Chen Hao asked.

"Basically, it fluctuates between five and six cents. I have to ask my dad specifically. He went to the village to find out the latest situation today." Cao Rui said.

Chen Hao nodded, and then admired the scenery before and after the house. The countryside is as good as the countryside. At first glance, it is all green, densely forested, and mountainous and beautiful.

The sky gradually dimmed, and Cao Rui's father came back in a tricycle, and Cao Rui introduced both parties.

"Please sit down!"

Cao's father is a nonsense person, and he always speaks concisely to Chen Hao. Chen Hao finds that Cao Rui is a little bit more like her father.

At this time the food was ready, and Chen Hao and Cao's family sat together and began to finish the meal.

"Uncle Cao, how is the Apple market this year?" Chen Hao asked at the dinner table.

"Alas, if there were no floods, it would be a good harvest year, but the floods blocked the roads in the village, and carts could not enter. It was too troublesome to rely on human transportation, and it was time-consuming and laborious. In addition to manual freight, vendors would lower prices and basically lose money. money."

Cao's father sighed, and then talked about the purchase price, like the red Fuji that Chen Hao ate, the price was 60 cents in previous years. If it is some special varieties of apples, such as the kind printed on the apple, or the snake fruit, it can be sold. It costs 1 yuan and 1 catty, but this kind of sales is not high, and the average price of apples is basically about 60 cents.Starting Point Novel Network

However, this year the hawker reduced the price to 40 cents a catty for the big fruit. The average apple is only 25 to 30 cents, which is not enough for the cost of fertilizer and labor, which is equivalent to working for the fruit dealer.

"so cheap?"

Chen Hao is very surprised. He buys apples at supermarkets or fruit shops. They are basically five or six yuan per catty. Some are delicious. Eight or nine yuan or more than ten yuan per catty is commonplace. He didn't expect that there are only cabbage in the fruit farm. The price is not even as valuable as cabbage.

"The retail price of apples is high, but we fruit farmers make hard money. The price of the fruit is almost the same every year. It depends on whether it is a good harvest year, the price is low in the harvest year, and the price is high in the arrears, but everything has happened this year. It's hard!" Father Cao sighed.

"Are there any sales for these apples at home?" Chen Hao asked.

Father Cao said: "Where is anyone collecting now? The old fruit vendors who were familiar with them closed down due to the epidemic. The remaining unscrupulous vendors desperately kept their prices down, and the purchase volume was still small. Most of the fruits in the village were piled at home. If you can’t sell it, you’ll have to rot.”

Cao Rui said suddenly, "Dad, isn't there a winery in the village? Every year, I also collect a lot of fruits to make wine. Where do I try and ask them if they can accept it."

Father Cao sighed: "I went there and asked about it today. The price of the winery is even darker, 25 cents per catty, and he has to be transported to the factory. Isn't this a loss-making business?"

"No way, this year is the disaster year, and it will be fine." Cao's mother is also persuading, but the family's mood is very depressed.

"Maybe, I can help solve these apples." Chen Hao said suddenly.

"Oh? Really?" Cao's father and Cao's mother all kindled hope.

"Yes, and I will buy it at the price of previous years, but there is a requirement to pack it out of the village. I will hire a large truck and take it away at once." Chen Hao said.

Chen Hao’s idea was to use the seller function of tens of billions of subsidies to help Apple sell, but the magical ability to take away all the apples at once was too shocking, so Chen Hao thought of such a trick, although it takes trouble to transport out of the village, However, it is necessary to avoid exposure of his biggest hole card.

"Okay, good, thank you so much, boss Chen, come, I toast you a drink!"

Father Cao was so happy, he took the initiative to toast Chen Hao regardless of the generation gap.

"Don't be too polite, you are Cao Rui's family, and she is my competent employee, so I can help a little bit if I can." Chen Hao said politely.

Of course Cao's father and Cao's mother were very happy, and went to fry two more dishes to entertain the distinguished guests.

Cao Rui was also very moved. This handsome female assistant secretly looked at Chen Hao's eyes differently, and immediately followed her parents to toast Chen Hao.

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