I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 129: This Is An Elopement

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu!However, Cao Rui was still a little worried. She didn't know if Chen Hao could dispose of the apple. If she bought an apple for her and smashed it in her hand, she would be sad.

"Don't worry, I have my own sales channels, I won't lose money, on the contrary, I should still make a profit." Chen Hao smiled mysteriously, relying on the deliciousness of this apple, put it on the tens of billions of subsidies, not to mention five stars. Praise, just sell for a few points, it is also a big profit.

With tens of billions of subsidies, it is not difficult to make money, but it is rare to get points.

Now that Chen Hao said this, Cao Rui was relieved, and she toasted with both hands, and then to Chen Hao.

When she took a sip of white wine, a blush floated on her cheeks, which made her look even more delicate.

In this way, everyone had a pleasant meal. As it was late and it was not convenient to leave the village, Chen Hao stayed at Cao's house at night.

Cao Rui cleaned up an empty room for Chen Hao. The room was very simple, just a bed, a table, and some sundries.

Cao Rui put a clean bedding on Chen Hao, and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, boss, the conditions at home are poor and the hospitality is poor."

"It's okay, I'm not a young master who grew up with a golden spoon. When I was a child, I slept on a hard bed. Now that this condition is good, Chen Hao is comforting her.

Cao Rui was moved in her heart and made her want to cry. Few people have cared and thought about her so much. She knew that Chen Hao came to help the family this time, but she didn't want to repay her.

Thinking of this, Cao Rui couldn't help but raise a bold plan to repay her, but she was still immature, and she closed the door for Chen Hao full of thoughts.

Chen Hao lay on the bed and checked his mobile phone and found that the salmon was still shipping at a constant speed, but he did not receive a five-star rating. It seems that five-stars are not often available. Four-stars is the norm. As long as it is not a bad review, it’s fine. If you encounter too many bad reviews, there will be corresponding penalties, which is very disadvantageous in short.

After clicking on WeChat, Chen Hao found dozens of unread messages, most of which were sent by Xia Jing.

"Why didn't you and Cao Rui tell me when they left?"

"Is this an elopement?"

"Asshole, I knew that Cao Rui was too insidious, and he actually figured out this way to occupy you!"

"Man is really unreliable."

Then there was a series of angry emoticons, and the thinking of this big Hungarian girl was a bit too active.

In order to prevent her from going crazy, Chen Hao immediately explained the ins and outs and attached a few photos of Apple taken during the day, proving that he came to help.

Xia Jing is a bit straightforward, but she has a good nature. I heard that Cao Rui’s family suffered a disaster, so she stopped joking and asked Chen Hao to help the fruit grower. After all, it is not easy for everyone. If not, she is willing to use it. Private money helps fruit growers buy some apples.Novel 3800 www.xs3800.com

"Thank you for your kindness, but I will be enough. You should keep your money for clothes and cosmetics." Chen Hao replied with a smile.

Soothing the woman, Zhou Xitong's head lit up, and she also sent a message.


"I was eating just now and I was out of town. I guess I can go back tomorrow." Chen Hao replied.

"I will hold the World Expo in the Shanghai Stock Exchange some time later. I will participate on behalf of Zhou's International and want to invite you to join us." Zhou Xitong said.

"No problem, just notify me at that time." Chen Hao nodded and agreed.

The two have traveled around Sanya, and they have already had a "revolutionary" friendship behind them. It is reasonable to accompany them on a business trip this time.

When the chat was over, Chen Hao struck sleepily and soon fell asleep.


Early the next morning, after Chen Hao woke up, he found that Cao Rui had prepared new towels and new dental appliances for him, and even the toothpaste was squeezed onto the water cup, waiting for Chen Hao to use it. His pair of yesterday was covered with mud. The shoes are also cleaned and dried. Like new ones, they are well served in all aspects.

"Too polite." Chen Hao said to Cao Rui.

"It's okay, you help our family, I should do this." Cao Rui said shyly, and then she greeted Chen Hao to go downstairs for breakfast.

Although the farmer’s breakfast is simple, it tastes good, with steamed buns and porridge, with small pickles, which is light and delicious.

After tasting it, Chen Hao discovered a familiar taste. It turned out that Cao Rui's cooking skills were learned from her mother, and they were all so delicious.

After the meal, Cao's father asked a few villagers to help him transport all the apples at home with a tricycle. Chen Hao also rented a truck on the road outside the village to receive Cao's apples through the car rental phone.

Chen Hao promised Cao's father to buy it at last year's market price, and he made some money after taking into account the labor and transportation costs, so he worked very hard.

The hired truck also drove onto the road at the entrance of the village. As a box of apples was loaded onto the carriage, Chen Hao estimated the weight of the truck, weighed out the weight of a box, and multiplied by the number of boxes. There will be errors, but Chen Hao's family does not care much.

The Cao’s Red Fuji is more than 15 tons, and the price is calculated at 70 cents per catty, which is more than 21,000 yuan. Chen Hao used online transfer to pay.

But here is an episode. Cao’s parents are not very good at using the Internet to pay, so they first remitted Apple money to Cao Rui’s account. They are all family anyway.

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