I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 133 New Factory Director

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu!Now the police also understand that they don't care why they transferred it, but it was indeed Hu Xiaoman who came to Chen Hao's winery to make trouble, so he took him to the police station to explain the situation.

"I won't leave, this is my factory!" Hu Xiaoman was still snarling, but was forcibly dragged away by two policemen, and the office finally calmed down.

And those winery employees, you look at me, I look at you, can't believe that the man they had to deal with before is their new boss. Didn't this flood the Dragon King Temple?

"Why, are you still hitting me?"

Chen Hao looked at the male employee holding the stick and asked jokingly.

"No, no no!"

The male worker hurriedly threw the stick and smiled.

Miss Li is still very clever here, she yelled out first: "Hello boss!"

Other employees also sparsely yelled, "Hello boss!"

"Okay, you go back to work, and the few arrogant rolls with me just now left, and Xiao Li stayed."

Chen Hao issued the order, with his own majesty. The workers were dismissed as birds and beasts, and the dismissed people were weeping. They wanted to flatter Hu Xiaoman. Who knows that he will become the former factory manager in a flash. Admit it to yourself.

"Boss, what's your order?"

Girl Xiao Li asked tremblingly, for fear that Chen Hao blamed her for negligence. In fact, she was stunned in her heart, and the change of the factory boss was too sudden.

"You call the person in charge of raw material sales, and the person in charge of production." Chen Hao said after thinking.


Miss Li led the way, while Cao Rui kept looking at Chen Hao with big bright eyes. She had too many questions in her heart.

The same was true for the French restaurant last time. The owner suddenly changed hands after offending Chen Hao. This time the winery also has the same routine. Now the winery instantly belongs to his own boss. In addition, Chen Hao has always been magical, Cao Rui vaguely had an amazing guess.

However, she didn't ask for it in the end, and decided to keep this secret for Chen Hao and be Chen Hao's personal assistant for a lifetime.

Soon, several people in charge of the winery arrived at the office, and they looked at the new boss a little confused, because there was no news before.

"Okay, now I order to buy the farmers' apples at market prices, and you will receive as much as you want." Chen Hao said to the purchasing manager.I love Soudu www.520soduxs.com

"However, our factory can't use so many apples, and the warehouse is not big enough, and the funds are not that much." The purchasing manager was embarrassed.

"Yes, we can only use apples for fruit wine brewing, and the market demand is not so great, it is impossible to produce fruit wine." The production director also poured cold water.

This is a problem, but Chen Hao also has a solution, but before the announcement, he decided to test his assistant and asked Cao Rui's opinion.

After thinking about it, Cao Rui said, "I think this can solve the problem. One is to temporarily stop the production of other wines. This is more than a month to fully produce fruit wine. After all, apples are the main harvest season throughout the year. Fruit wine also has a certain shelf life. In addition, this is still a drop in the bucket for the fruit farmers in Caojia Village. You can set up a canned or preserved fruit workshop with low technical content. It can be quickly formed to help the villagers digest unsalable apples."

"Mr Chen, what do you think?" Cao Rui came to ask Chen Hao's opinion.

"Your opinion is very good," Chen Hao was very satisfied with Cao Rui, but he added, "You can also use the power of the Internet to publish the disaster situation in various media, or find a few major anchors to bring goods. Sell ​​it online at a price lower than the market price. I think it’s a good Red Fuji for three or four yuan a catty. People who know it will always buy a few boxes. Then, use the express outlets in the village to send it to the country, so as not to collect the fruit. The dealer hanged himself from a tree."

"This is a good way, or the boss thinks thoroughly." Cao Rui praised.

"That's the decision. I now appoint Comrade Cao Rui as the executive director of Jiafeng Winery. Welcome everyone."

Chen Hao suddenly issued a personal appointment and was the first to applaud.

"Ah, I'm the factory director?" Cao Rui was a little dazed.

The veterans in other factories were stunned for a moment, and then they applauded sparsely. Anyway, they are just tool people, and it is the boss Chen Hao who really makes the decision.

Cao Rui suddenly took over the power, but she was not too happy, instead she had a sad expression.

"What's wrong? Not willing?" Chen Hao asked.

"Boss, but me, but I want to work with you." Cao Rui was reluctant.

"You always have to fly solo. You are a local and you are familiar with the situation. It is most appropriate to organize fruit sales here. I don't feel relieved to leave it to others.

Chen Hao was comforting her, "Don't worry, you can continue to follow me when things get on the right track here. By then, our Haoran trading company will also be established, and we will come back to help me."

"Okay, then I agree!"

Cao Rui approved this appointment. She felt that she had a heavy responsibility on her shoulders. She must do this well for Chen Hao, and also for the welfare of her fathers and fellows in her hometown.

Finally, Chen Hao still has one thing to implement, that is, the acquisition of Apple and the addition of production lines require funds, but this is the simplest thing for Chen Hao. He has a lot of recent savings in his card, and he just transferred out a million , So that Cao Rui has the start-up capital.

As for whether the winery can make a profit and how much money it makes, Chen Hao doesn't care very much. This is to give Cao Rui a chance to exercise. Who makes this his most beautiful, considerate, and gentle personal assistant?

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