You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!After a brief inspection of the winery, Chen Hao also opened a small staff meeting for Cao Rui and notified the new beauty director of the winery.

Everyone is very curious about such a beautiful "new director". No one opposes it. If you dare to oppose it, you can just open it. This was taught by Chen Hao to Cao Rui. There are three fires for new officials. She is a girl. The leaders of the winery should also have a harder wrist, so as not to be difficult to carry out in the future.

Everything was set up, and it was getting dark soon, and Chen Hao planned to leave by night train, but Cao Rui strongly saved him to stay.

"My parents and folks all thank you for hosting a banquet in the village, you must attend."

Cao Rui grabbed Chen Hao's arm and refused to let him go. This well-behaved female assistant now showed a wayward side.

Being watched by Cao Ruishui's big eyes, it was a man who couldn't give birth to rejection, so Chen Hao agreed.

"Okay, then I will leave tomorrow." Chen Hao said.

"Boss, you are so kind, I'll tell my parents." Cao Rui happily called.

In the evening, Chen Hao went to Cao’s Village. At Cao Rui’s house, he was warmly received by some people including the village mayor. At the banquet, everyone changed their cups and regarded Chen Hao as a noble person. Chen Hao was very humble. He just helped as much as he could.

Chen Hao drank a little this night, and the banquet did not end until after nine o'clock. Originally, the village chief wanted to send Chen Hao to a hotel in the village for a rest. The conditions there were better, but the road out of the village was really difficult to get through. Afraid of accidents, he decided to stay one night at Cao Rui's house.

Chen Hao felt drunk and went back to the room to lie on the bed after a little wash. In a daze, he heard the door seem to open, but he was very sleepy and did not open his eyes.

Suddenly, a gust of fragrant wind blew, and with him the blanket was lifted up, and a fiery body came up, and the trembling body hugged Chen Hao's arm.

Chen Hao felt the fragrance and softness around him, and the touch was excellent. He was awakened in a daze, and turned his head to see that it was Cao Rui who was only wearing pajamas.

Cao Rui obviously had just taken a shower, and she still smelled of shower gel. Wearing thin pajamas, she took the initiative to get into Chen Hao's bed.

At this moment, she was extremely nervous and restrained, her pretty face flushed red, her eyes closed, she did not dare to look at people, and her long eyelashes kept trembling because of tension.

"You, you..." Chen Hao was also the first time she encountered a beautiful woman who took the initiative to get under the covers. He didn't know what to say for a while.

"I, I have washed it clean, this is the first time, I hope you don't despise me."

With that, Cao Rui plunged her head into Chen Hao's arms and was too ashamed to face him.100% Novel Network

"What are you doing?"

Chen Hao was a little dumb, feeling that Cao Rui was slippery and soft, and Q was soft and soft, his strong male hormones began to soar, under the influence of alcohol, he hugged her over.

"You are kind to me, good to our family, and you also helped the folks. I feel like I don't want to repay you... I liked you early in the morning, but I know I am not worthy of you, and my ability and appearance are not as good as that of Zhou Xitong. Not as good as Xia Jing, so I volunteered tonight and you are not responsible."

Cao Rui stammered what she was saying, revealing a woman's sincere feelings with inferiority.

Having said that, Cao Rui is not as bad as she herself thinks. After being packaged by Chen Hao, she is already a beautiful career beauty. She has a tendency to turn heads when she goes out. Chen Hao says that she is not tempted, that is a fake, especially It's because I feel uncomfortable after drinking alcohol.

Ever since, in this charming atmosphere, Chen Hao emotionally took her in his arms, found a touch of vermilion from her, and kissed her.

Cao Rui took it passively, and her slightly trembling body showed her tension. Soon, in the room, there was a sound of whistling, and the great harmony of life was about to be staged.

"Xiao Rui, Xiao Rui?" Outside the room, Cao Rui's mother was looking for her.

"Ah, my mother is here!"

Cao Rui exclaimed, and quickly sat up, fumbled for a while, and finally found the wrinkled pajamas from under the bed and put them on her body. Chen Hao was also embarrassed and lay down and pretended to sleep. Then the door was pushed open and mother Cao appeared. at the door.

"Hush, mom, keep your voice down. Chen Hao just fell asleep. I'm afraid he might vomit, so come and have a look."

Cao Rui also has a good psychological quality. She tidied her messy hair while talking, and because of the fact that there was no light in the room, Cao's mother did not see her daughter's pretty face that was red as an apple.

"Okay, I'll stare at you, go to sleep quickly." Mother Cao whispered, and then left the room with Cao Rui.

When the mother and daughter both left, Chen Hao let out a sigh of air on the bed. It was really uncomfortable to be stunned. It seemed that he had to think about it for the rest of his life. Find a girlfriend early to avoid such suffering.

Fortunately, the drunkenness hit, Chen Hao soon fell asleep.

That night, for unknown reasons, Cao Rui did not come to "night attack" again, and Chen Hao fell asleep till dawn.

The next day, Chen Hao planned to go back to Baihe City early in the morning. Xu Zhiqiang had already had a few seafood orders that he had not processed, and when he returned, Chen Hao said goodbye to Cao's parents.

Cao's father and Cao's mother also knew that Chen Hao was very busy, and did not force him to stay, just let him go after breakfast.

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