I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 144 Planning the Opening Ceremony

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu!Chen Hao looked at her weirdly, and couldn't help asking the question in his mind: "Do you trust every man like this? Are you afraid that I will bully you at night? Take advantage of you?"

"No, I just trust you. You are different from those stinky rascals who can't move when they see beautiful women. I believe in my eyes. Now I just stand in front of you naked, and you won't bully me. "Xia Jing said astonishingly.

"Don't talk nonsense, don't challenge my willpower, be careful one day you turn into a beast, you won't have time to cry!" Chen Hao frightened her viciously.

"Come on, I'm here." Xia Jing took the initiative to cast a wink, but it was just a wink, not lewdness, her eyes were very clear, it was pure pleasure to make Chen Hao.

"I can not stand you."

Chen Hao took the initiative to retreat and prepared to clean up the dishes after eating, but Xia Jing rushed to wash it first. According to her words, she was an employee and had to serve her master.

Chen Hao said with a smile that if she had been in ancient times, she would have been awarded the title of "National Excellent Maid".

"By the way, I think it's very strange why the police didn't arrest you yesterday." Xia Jing suddenly asked.

"Maybe it's because I look handsome." Chen Hao said.

"Don't be stinky, serious!" Xia Jing said.

"Seriously, just seeing you are so beautiful, I can't bear to catch you." Chen Hao was talking nonsense.

"Well, I think that's why."

Unexpectedly, this reason was accepted by Xia Jing, she can only say that she is too narcissistic.

It was eight o’clock and it was time for work. Chen Hao drove Xia Jing to the restaurant, while he went to Zhou’s International Building. His company’s license has been issued. According to Zhou Xitong’s opinion, he should follow the usual practice. Hold the opening ceremony.

Of course, Zhou Xitong has asked his staff to prepare for his opening ceremony. According to the almanac, three days will be auspicious days for the opening.

Considering that Chen Hao is not well-known in the business circle, Zhou Xitong, in her name, sent invitations to some business people in the city, inviting them to cut the ribbon, and planned to arrange lunch in the hotel to give Chen Haoxin the establishment of the Haoran Trading Company Play a wave of advertisements, and make a lot of money.

Most of the matters were handled by Zhou Xitong's men, but Chen Hao also felt that he should take it seriously and organize a glorious opening ceremony for himself.

If you want to hold the opening ceremony, of course you need to find a professional team. Chen Hao asked several companies in this city. There is no company that specializes in celebrations. Some are part-timers in wedding companies. The opening ceremony does not feel very professional. They said something. Chen Hao didn't feel very satisfied with the planning.

This is a bit difficult. Whether to find a wedding company to run an ordinary one, or to find a professional team, this is a problem, and the matter must be resolved as soon as possible, because the day of the opening ceremony is imminent.518 Chinese Network www.518zw.com

However, Chen Hao suddenly thought of one thing. The last time the system version was updated, there was an extra living area that integrated some of the convenience measures of daily life. I wonder if there is any etiquette celebration service.

Chen Hao opened the Ten Billion Subsidy App and searched it. It was really there, and it was the official celebration channel for the Ten Billion Subsidy.

Chen Hao felt novel and immediately clicked to check.

There is a button to place an order inside, depending on the requirements, it can be customized.

Chen Hao clicked Next, the result was an option, and asked Chen Hao what kind of celebration he wanted to hold.

Chen Hao chose the "Opening Ceremony" and then asked Chen Hao what style of celebration he would like. There are several options below, including the future of science and technology, the classical aesthetic style, the cool and colorful style, the solemn style, and the celebrity style. There is also a funny style of S2.

Many business elites want to celebrate the opening ceremony. The best choice is the solemn and grand style. However, to increase popularity, this celebrity cheering style seems to be considered. In the end, Chen Hao chose the celebrity cheering style.

The next step is to enter the payment link. This celebration service is actually paid with points, but Chen Hao's points are all redeemed for the exemption card, which is really ashamed.

There are three levels of payment, ordinary celebrities need 1 point, senior celebrities need 5 points, top celebrities need 10 points, and members of the Super Supreme Hall of Fame need 100 points.

Chen Hao was speechless. It was so difficult to get points. He had only got 20 points once before. What kind of character would it take to be able to get into the Hall of Fame?

As for the 5-10 points, he can afford it. He accidentally scanned the account balance, but was surprised to find that there were 12 points in the account.


It seems that I haven't got any points in the first two days. How could it come out silently, and there are bugs in the tens of billions of subsidies?

However, a closer inspection revealed the problem. It turned out that it was the Caojiacun apple he sold. It was widely praised by customers and dozens of five-star praise. In the end, the system rewarded 12 points, which was used to pay for this time.

So Chen Hao booked 10 points for senior celebrities, determined the date and time, and found that it was gone. When the time comes, the tens of billions subsidy system will directly arrange personnel actions.

Yes, these mysterious pendulums have to be concealed from the user for a day and a half, let's try the surprise together.

According to the tens of billions of subsidies, Chen Hao is not worried anymore, so he can just watch the celebration.

Suddenly, Chen Hao's phone rang and found that the caller showed Bo Huber, the old Chinese doctor who made the pill for him.

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