You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!Chen Hao hurriedly picked up the phone. Last time he visited his old man, he went out of town and didn't know if he was back.

"Boy, the second muscle strengthening pill is ready, come and get it."

The old man was still so straightforward. Chen Hao heard that this was a good thing and drove to Huber's clinic for the first time.

Upon meeting, Chen Hao discovered that Huber was more immortal. He was dressed in white with white hair and white beard. He was like an expert with good manners, and he was practicing a strange kind of gymnastics in the courtyard.

"Uncle Hub is full of spirit, gratifying and congratulating." Chen Hao smiled.

"The kid is quite good at talking, take this one." Hu Bo stood up, went inside and took a medicine bottle to Chen Hao, which contained his familiar tendon strengthening pills.

But Huber again ordered: "After a detailed study this time, I found that the records in the ancient books are not all correct. This blood moongrass is weakly toxic and cannot be eaten more. A person can eat up to two in his life. If you eat too much , The poison will accumulate in the bone marrow, and the consequences of the poison will be unimaginable. The ancients said that eating more than three pieces is infinite strength, but you see that those strong men in history are all rampant for a while, but how many are dead? Passing away, I guess it's probably due to toxin backlash. So, it's just right for you to eat two, don't be greedy."

Chen Hao's heart shuddered, thinking that he would have to thank Uncle Hub for reminding him, otherwise he would have to confess his life if he took medicine indiscriminately, so he carefully put the medicine bottle away.

When Chen Hao received the medicine bottle, Huber saw the band-aid on his palm, which was the wound caused by the fight with Brother Snake.

"Are you injured?" Huber asked.

"I had a fight with someone yesterday." Chen Hao said.

"You young people are just impulsive and combative."

Hu Bo sighed and asked Chen Hao to take off the band-aids to avoid inflammation. He had a special trauma ointment, which was better than the big hospital.

Bo Hu applied ointment to Chen Hao's wound, and felt the wound was cool and comfortable.

"Do not see water in the wound for these two days, it will heal soon, without leaving scars." Huber said.

After Chen Hao thanked him, remembering the gymnastics just now, he asked: "Bo Hu, what did you practice just now? It feels a bit like imitating animals."

"This is the Wu Qin Xi created by the ancient Chinese genius doctor Hua Tuo. You should have heard of it."

As Huber said, he took an ancient book from the shelf and solemnly handed it to Chen Hao. The three characters "Wu Qin Xi" were written on it in traditional Chinese characters. On the cover there was an ancient man imitating various animal poses.

"Do you want to learn?" Huber asked.315 Chinese Network

Chen Hao said: "I'm still young, so I don't want to learn this kind of aerobics. It's better to use the fitness equipment to fit me."

"Hehe, the world only knows that Wu Qin Xi is good for health, but they don't know that it can also fly over the walls." Hu Bo stroked his white beard under his jaw and said with a smile.

Chen Hao saw that there were ways in it, and hurriedly asked for advice.If it is really a kind of martial arts, then it will be twice the result with half the effort to fight those hooligans.

Huber said: "Some of our medical skills are passed on from Hua Tuo, so I naturally know the doorway inside. The Wu Qin Xi inheritance has so far lost many moves, so it has been simplified into aerobics, but the real Wu Qin Xi can give birth to a tiger The advanced martial arts of leopards and wolves."

Chen Hao's eyes lit up, and it seemed that the book "Five Animals" presented to him by Huber was the original version.

There are various postures that imitate animals, as well as meridian movement diagrams, various annotations in traditional characters and professional terms, which make Chen Hao's head look big.

"I don't understand, let the old man teach you." Huber stood up with a smile, ready to teach.

Chen Hao realized that his leather shoes were not suitable for martial arts training, so he took off his shoes and studied with Huber.

Huber put out his hand and said loudly: "Wu Qin Xi, one is tiger, second is deer, third is bear, fourth is ape, and five is bird. The five tricks all take the form of animals."

Huber's slow demonstration in front was just like the old man in the park playing Tai Chi, and Chen Hao followed along and learned a few tricks.

But after following these moves, Chen Hao didn't think it was so powerful. Instead, a question arose in his mind: "This radio gymnastics is like a movement, can it be used for fighting?"

Huber seemed to know Chen Hao’s thoughts, so he explained: “Of course I teach you that you can’t hit people. The book is about beating people. If I am an old man practice according to the book, this old man with arms and legs will not fall apart. No, I’m just showing you the spirit of Wu Qin Xi, and I’ll just follow the book when you go back."

"Thank you Huber." Chen Hao thanked him sincerely.

"Hehe, what are you polite? I am really envious of seeing you young people still have this kind of vitality. Time is not forgiving!"

Huber continued to perform Wu Qin Xi with emotion. Although his performance was slow and tidy, he was full of charm. Every face and smile seemed to be a related animal, which greatly benefited Chen Hao.

With reference to the contents of the bibliography, Chen Hao first studied the tiger play in order.

The main moves of the tiger show are the fight between the dragon and the tiger, such as the tiger adding wings, crouching tiger, hiding dragon, dragon Xiang and tiger step, dragon and tiger jumping, and black tiger digging into the heart.

Among them, the black tiger is the most famous. Many of the handed down martial arts have similar tricks. However, the black tiger in the Wu Qin Xi is different from other martial arts. Shi Kai is really like a tiger using its claws to dig the heart of its prey. As soon as the momentum of the king of the forest came out, it also had a psychological deterrent effect.

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