You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!It is said that it is a chess and card room, but it is actually a cover. After entering, you need to exchange cash for chips, which is 1:1 with cash. The chips between guests can be circulated, and they can be exchanged for cash before leaving. A gambling place for chess and card entertainment purposes.

There are already a dozen guests in it, playing various cards.

When Chen Hao arrived at the cashier, he had to exchange his chips first.

"Hello sir, cash and online payment are accepted here." A cashier girl at the counter said sweetly.

Little trail: "Boss, do you want to exchange tens of thousands?"

"One million," Chen Hao said lightly.

"one million!"

The girls were a little shocked, thinking that this Shao Chen was really proud, and he made one million. This was the first time he came. It was obvious that he was not bad for money, and he was a very rich local.

"Please transfer the money." The cashier girl took out the pos machine and asked Chen Hao to swipe the card.

Chen Hao didn't want to give money to Brother Snake. He still exchanged a white card in the tens of billions of subsidies, and then chose to pay online. In this way, he only spent 2 points and used a million chips.

Chen Hao chose to exchange nine 100,000 chips, which were worth 900,000, and the remaining chips were replaced with scattered small denomination chips for easy use.

Those chips were packed in a plastic tray and placed on the bar.

As the big boss, Chen Hao would naturally not take it by himself. He asked Xiaoxiao and Qiqi two women to hold chips for him, and then browsed in the chess room.

There are quite a lot of tricks here, including poker, mahjong, dice, and even chess and go, for all kinds of people. After all, there is a chess room on the bright side, so you have to install it for inspection.

In addition to these traditional chess and card games, there are also various electronic game machines, such as common slot machines, which can be used for gambling.

"Boss, what kind of cards do you like to play?" Qiqi asked delicately.

"That one!"

Chen Hao pointed to the slot machine.

The slot machine here is the kind that is popular abroad. After the coin is inserted, the various patterns are in a circle. After stopping, if there are three identical patterns, you have won the prize.

Anyone with a bit of common sense in society knows that this kind of slot machine is controlled by a program. If you play for a long time, you will definitely lose money, but if you are lucky, you may also win a wave of big prizes.

"Okay, boss, how much do you want to bet?"

When the little boy with the chip tray asked questions, he deliberately lowered his body and leaned forward, wanting Chen Hao to take a look at her "capital", but let her down, Chen Hao was not interested in her, really want to see If so, just go home and find Xia Jing. It's pure and natural, so you don't need to squeeze.Nuancai Literature Network

Chen Hao sat down in front of the slot machine, and Xiao Xiao asked him how much chips he wanted to put in, and the compensation would be based on the size of the chips.

"The largest face value." Chen Hao said.

The maximum face value of the chips here is 100,000, which represents 100,000 RMB, and Xiao Xiao couldn't help taking a breath.

"Then I voted?" Xiaoxiao confirmed again, because she knew that this slot machine would lose nine out of ten bets. She was afraid that she would lose money later, so Chen Hao asked her for trouble.


Chen Hao played the image of Brother Cool, cherishing words like gold.

Xiao Xiao swallowed. It was the first time that she manipulated so many chips. She had seen many people come to play slot machines, most of them were hundreds of thousands of dollars for entertainment, but all of a sudden, 100,000, according to the usual rules, Destined to lose everything.

Xiaoxiao has seen gamblers lose money many times, even if he occasionally wins a jackpot, then he loses in even more severe bets.

Few people in this world like to lose. Chen Hao came here to play casually, and didn't want to lose money to add to the block. So he opened the card area with tens of billions of subsidies to exchange for a special card.

Lucky Card: The user gets luck far beyond ordinary people. It lasts 15 minutes and requires 3 points.

Chen Hao looked at the card introduction, with a slight curve at the corner of his mouth. Today, he is going to lean on the lucky card and kill all parties here. It's best to make a big move to attract Snake too and make a spoonful of stew.

"Dip, the lucky card is in use, the duration is 14:59."

After the lucky card came into effect, Chen Hao pulled down the lever of the slot machine, and the various patterns on the roulette were dazzled.

These patterns slowly stopped. In the end, there were two apple patterns and one clown pattern. No prize was won.

"Ah, what a pity." Xiaoxiao and Qiqi were all regretful, seeing that 100,000 yuan had been smashed.

Chen Hao raised his eyebrows. It seemed that this lucky card was not completely lucky, but an accident happened.

However, since it is a system product, the effect will never pull the hips.

In order to save time, Chen Hao continued to put in a 100,000 chips and pulled the lever. This time the roulette was rolling, the surrounding lights and sound effects were very disturbing. Xiao Xiao and Qiqi both pinched the fan fist, and were nervous.

Usually, customers will anger them when they lose money, saying that they are broom stars, and if they win money, they will get a lot of tips, so these ladies are looking forward to Chen Hao winning.

The pattern gradually freezes. Originally, the three different patterns gradually overlapped in a row, and finally stayed at three "7"s. The prize was won, and it was the grand prize!


There was electronic sound from the slot machine, and the sound effects of winning the prize were very noisy, and the whole chess room looked over suspiciously.

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