You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!"I'm going, someone won the slot machine jackpot, 100 times!"

Many gamblers gathered around now to see what had won the prize.

"Wow wow wow wow! Chen Shao, you won the jackpot, 100 times, bet 100,000 is 10 million, my goodness! My goodness!"

Xiaoxiao and Qiqi were shocked to speak incoherently. They never thought that it would be so easy to become a multi-millionaire.

"Fuck, really won 10 million? What kind of luck is this!"

The envied eyes of the gamblers around are green, and they have all played slot machines. They lost a few thousand, and many lost tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, but they never heard of anyone who won big money here. Today is really eye-opening. Up.

Winning the big prize, of course, alarmed the person in charge of the chess and card room. His face changed when he came here. Because the profit of the chess and card room was linked to his bonus, he would pay 10 million yuan. Snake estimated that his heart would be cut off. Have.

"Manager Zhao, redeem your prize quickly!"

Xiao Xiao knew the person in charge here, and was still urging them. They were not under each other, so Xiao Xiao was very excited when the chess room lost money.

Manager Zhao had a motherly expression on his face. He couldn't be the master, so he quickly sent someone to stabilize Chen Hao, and he called the boss Snake for instructions.

"What? Someone hit 10 million in a slot machine?"

When Brother Snake, who was drinking with someone in the hotel, heard the news, he got up from his chair and knocked the glass over.

"You guys do what you eat? Haven't the slot machines adjusted the probability of winning? How come you win so many all at once?" Brother Snake roared.

"We have adjusted it, and I don't know what's going on. In the past, the machine used to win 100 and vomit 40. It may have just arrived at the rebate point." Manager Zhao reported with a guilty conscience, his voice getting smaller and smaller.

"Damn, hold on to that kid first, and wait for me to pass!"

Brother Snake was not calm, so he left the table and went to the entertainment city scene, and his group of horses followed.

Manager Zhao told Chen Hao that it was an equipment failure, and he needed to be checked and repaired before he could cash out his chips.

Xiaoxiao and Qiqi were very upset, and they argued with Manager Zhao that if they exchanged money, there would be some tips for them.

Other gamblers don’t think it’s too much to watch the excitement. They don’t talk about credibility in Shuluo Supreme Entertainment City. They won’t redeem a lottery. They don’t dare to play here anymore.

Manager Zhao kept wiping the cold sweat that oozes from his forehead, but in the end he couldn't endure the anger, and only first exchanged chips worth millions of dollars for Chen Hao, which was the limit of his ability.

Millions are okay, Chen Hao doesn't care how much, anyway, after tonight, the chips here are all scrap plastic, he just handed over the won million chips to Xiaoxiao and Qiqi each with 200,000 as tips.

"Thank Shao Chen, I love you, so what!"

"Chen Shao, you are so kind, you will always be yours!"

Both beauties started to get embarrassed, their eyes were watery, and the coquettish little eyes made it clear that they would not refuse any request from Chen Hao. It was not a problem for the two sisters to be happy with him.

The other young ladies who were accompanying guests were also sour, and they were 200,000 yuan per shot. How could this good thing not be my turn.

As soon as Chen Hao left the slot machine, a staff member immediately turned off the machine and put up a sign indicating that the machine was malfunctioning.

Chen Hao wanted to try other ways to play, so he saw the poker area.

The poker area is mainly divided into blackjack, stud, fried gold flower, etc., each table will be accompanied by a beautiful dealer who deals with cards, which looks a bit of Macau gambling style.

"Boss, what are you playing this time?" Qiqi worked hard this time. Seeing that Chen Hao was going to play poker, she took the initiative to put a chair and let Chen Hao sit.

"21 o'clock." Chen Hao sat at the card table.

At this time, he was carrying a slot machine to win the prestige, so that the psychological pressure of the beautiful dealer dealing with the cards increased, and his expression was a little unnatural.

The beautiful croupier looked at Manager Zhao to see what the manager meant.

Manager Zhao nodded and winked at the same time, so that the croupier could use means to try to win Chen Hao's money back, so that he could explain to Brother Snake.

The beauty dealer nodded, and then prepared to deal.

A few gamblers joining in the fun also followed to watch Chen Hao play cards.

A bet must be placed before the card is dealt. Each gambler is a separate bet. After the game is over, compensation will be paid based on the winning or losing and the gambler's bet amount.

Regardless of it, Chen Hao threw a chip of 100,000 yuan, which is 100,000 yuan, to test the water.

Ten thousand yuan is enough for a tender model to play for a day. Just bet on the game, and everyone knows that Chen Hao is really rich and doesn't care about winning or losing.

Chen Hao didn't think so much. Now that the lucky card is still going on, he is not afraid of losing.

At the beginning of the card game, the croupier gave two cards to Chen Hao and himself. Among them, the player Chen Hao has two bright cards, and the banker has one bright card and one dark card. The player first determines whether to take a card. After it is confirmed that the card is no longer required, it is the dealer's turn to ask for the card, and then finally calculate the winning or losing points.

During this period, the player does not know the banker's hole cards. This is the game between the player and the banker.

To play this kind of card, the important thing is technology, but more important than technology, of course, is luck, but you don't know how to play. If you turn all the black jack, it is invincible.

So Chen Hao, who has the lucky card blessing, is now fearless, tapping the table with his finger and starting to ask for cards.

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