You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!Chen Hao's two cards, a club ace, an ace of spades, straight black jack wins.

The face of the beautiful croupier changed slightly, it was really a disadvantage, she could only compensate Chen Hao for the same bargaining chip according to the rules.

Chen Hao made a small profit of 100,000 in the first game.

"Shao Chen is great!" Xiaoxiao and Qiqi applauded together.

"The next hand you place a bet on me, you have to place more points. If you lose me, you win." Chen Hao said lightly.

When the two beauties heard this, their eyes lit up, holding chips in their hands, but hesitated.

This is what Chen Hao said. They all want to win more money, but they can't invest too much chips, otherwise they would be ignorant. So the two beautiful women put up 500,000 each tacitly. They felt that the price, Even if they lose, Chen Hao will not blame them.

So Xiaoxiao and Qiqi each placed a bet and the game opened again.

Xiaoxiao’s here is a 4, a 5, which totals nine points. Qiqi’s is a 10 and a 6. The cards are ugly. Neither of them can play well, so she looked at Chen Hao. Want him to help.

"Come on."

Chen Hao asked for another card for the small card, and in the end a jack of hearts came, totaling 19 points.

This is only 2 points away from 21 o'clock, which is a relatively large point and can be closed.

Kiki has 16 points, and the dealer has a card of 9 diamonds. The card should be relatively large. There is no certainty of winning. This card belongs to the category of whether or not.

Chen Hao smiled, what else would he be afraid of if he had a lucky card, and continued to ask the croupier for a card.

The other gamblers who watched the excitement shook their heads. Chen Hao obviously wouldn’t play. The chance of bursting is very high, that is, if the number of points exceeds 21, it will be directly sentenced to lose. For more than half, only the probability is very small to touch points below 5.

Of course, it is better to draw 5 to make up for 21 points, so the winning side is very high, unless the dealer also makes up for 21 points, and the number of cards is less than the player.

The female croupier was dealing cards to Chen Hao, and she kept chanting: "Blow, it must be blown!"

However, contrary to expectations, Chen Hao's card was Club 4, and he collected 20 points in total and ended successfully.

The female dealer's expression is the same as eating a fly, because her card is a 9 or a 7, totaling 16 points, forcing her to continue asking for cards, otherwise she will lose.

The female dealer gritted her teeth and asked for one, but the next one was 8 of Hearts at 24 points.Novel Network

The female croupier turned blue and sweated frequently. Losing a million this time was a major event that she had never encountered before. She was afraid that she would be fired. It is estimated that Brother Snake would not let her go. The beautiful croupier ended up crying. .

"Why? I heard that the boss here is called Snake Brother, just that kind of courage? Our guests won't give me a little money?" Chen Hao mocked.

"Brother Snake, I think it's Brother Earthworm. We laughed at the loss. If we win, we won't give it. Do you look down on us?"

This offense caused public outrage, and most of the guests who lost money on the scene shouted excitedly and stood on Chen Hao's side.

But everyone was watching, the manager of the chess and card room had to bite the bullet and pay 1 million.

"Yeah, you won, Young Master Chen, you are too good!"

The two beauties danced happily, and Qiqi even put her arms around Chen Hao's neck to give a fragrant kiss. Thanks to Chen Hao's quick response, she blocked her red lips with her palms, otherwise her virginity would not be guaranteed.

"Okay, take your chips and stay away from me. It's smoked to me." Chen Hao had to find a reason to prevent them from making a surprise attack.


Qiqi really thought that her bad breath had caused Shao Chen, so she hurried to find chewing gum to chew, and at the same time was annoyed that she had missed a good opportunity to flatter.

At the end of this round, the two beauties have won money and are still eager to try, but Chen Hao thinks that it is enough to make them happy. Winning too much is not a good thing. After a while, the chips will all become waste plastics, and they don’t even want to recycle waste. At that time, I was afraid they could not accept it.

While playing cards here, Xing Zetao called: "Brother Chen, Brother Snake has brought someone here. Be careful, the plan has been implemented, and it will be ok if you wait for another 15 minutes."

Chen Hao knew that Xing Zetao could see his actions through the camera on his body, so he quietly made an "OK" gesture with his hand to signal that he received it.

Since it was about to close the net and the lucky card was almost time, Chen Hao decided to make a bigger round and bet most of the chips around him, worth 1.5 million.

This is an all-or-nothing bet. Such a big bet is absolutely rare. Many people have whistled, depending on the gambling of the century.

In such a big bet, no one else would bet anymore and just concentrate on watching the excitement.

It turned out that the female croupier had already run away. The loss of such a big game had too much impact. The other beautiful croupiers were not sure and resolutely refused to deal.

This is a spectacle. Someone has won the banker so that they dare not take the banker, which is also awesome.

Suddenly, the door of the chess and card room hall was slammed open, and a group of young people from society entered in file, headed by the unlucky Snake brother. He came to the scene with a drunken look and annoyed.

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