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After Brother Snake came in, the yin-bird's eyes scanned the hall.

Most of the people who played here knew the boss behind Snake, and most of the people who made a fuss stopped. Most people really can't afford him.

"it's him!"

Manager Zhao finally looked forward to the savior and said, pointing to Chen Hao.


Brother Snake was drunk and dim, feeling that Chen Hao's profile was a bit familiar, but under the influence of alcohol, he couldn't remember it for a while.

Manager Zhao told him that Chen Hao had won more than one million more. When Snake heard this, his face was gloomy, and his eyes stared Manager Zhao alive.

But now is not the time to deal with incompetent players, Chen Hao bet 1.5 million, and now no croupier dared to deal, if they dare not take the bank, then their reputation will be ruined.

"Why, I will deal the cards myself, and 1.5 million will scare you like this, so how can you mix with me!"

The bandaged Snake brother was not ashamed, and came to the desk to look at Chen Hao from the front. The eyebrows wrinkled the more he looked at it, because he gradually recognized Chen Hao.

"Hello, I haven't seen you for a few days, why do you have dark circles?" Chen Hao joked.

"It's you!"

Brother Snake was furious and slammed the table, shocking everyone.

Ma Tsai directly pulled out a machete behind him, and wanted to come up and chop someone.

"I was beaten last time, why haven't you grown?"

Chen Hao swept his gaze lightly and saw that there were bruises on the faces of those Ma Tsai, who seemed to have been beaten by him that day.

Sure enough, these horses were psychologically shadowed by Chen Hao's beating, and they didn't dare to do anything just bluffing.

"Don't move yet."

Brother Snake stopped the younger brother and stared at Chen Hao sullenly. He found that there were outsiders around, so he couldn't be rough, otherwise his reputation as an entertainment city would be stinky. If the boss arbitrarily deals with the guests, other people will be worried. Affect his business.

"Are you trying to get awkward with me? Okay! To make you today, see me beating you at the gambling table!"

Since Brother Snake confronted Chen Hao, he has not won. The first few fights have suffered a lot. Later, someone was found to destroy Chen Hao's opening ceremony. As a result, Chen Hao turned the danger into a breeze. It was still useless.

So today, Brother Snake has to fight for a sigh of relief, first win back Chen Hao's money, and then drive away the miscellaneous people and then cut people.

This time, Snake himself became a croupier and came to deal with Chen Hao, with a 1.5 million blackjack, and it officially started.

Chen Hao's lucky card is still 1 minute away from the end. If you hurry up, this one can still be used.

Brother Snake dealt the cards, Chen Hao's card was a K, a 3, and his own card was a club 10.

Brother Snake smiled when he saw the hidden card, he seemed to be sure of winning.Start

"It's up to you, brother!" Brother Snake sneered.

Indeed, of the 21 points, 13 points are the most uncomfortable points. If Chen Hao doesn't need a card, he will almost lose. However, if he asks for a card, he will easily be blown by a big card, which is a dilemma.

The lucky card time was approaching, and Chen Hao hadn't considered it at all and said he wanted a card.

"I can't think of any results other than exploding."

Snake gave Chen Hao a card, which made him smile deeper. The deal was a 2, with a total of 15 points, which is also a very uncomfortable point.

"One more card." Chen Hao was asking for a card again.

"Cooking chicken."

Brother Snake had a broken mouth when he drank, and he looked down upon Chen Hao's card skills. It would be a death to ask for a card at 15 o'clock.

He threw a card to Chen Hao daringly, and it turned out to be a 3, and the total became 18 points, a number that was not high enough.

The upper limit of the hand card can reach 5 cards. Now Chen Hao has 4 cards totaling 18 points. The chance of getting another 21 points is slim, and the greater probability is that it will directly explode.

If you don't need cards, the winning or losing depends on Brother Snake's cards, you can only bet on luck.

But Chen Hao still had 10 seconds left for the lucky card, so he continued to ask for cards in the eyes of other people's astonishment.

"Silly X!"

Brother Snake throws a card at will. As long as the person who can play blackjack, few will ask for a card at 18 o'clock. This is purely a rookie behavior.

As a result, this card was flipped for two weeks due to the unprofessional throwing of cards. After it came out, it was a 3 of spades. The five cards directly made up 21 points, commonly known as the five dragons.

"How is it possible?" Brother Snake was dumbfounded, and stared at the cards for a long time. He added twice to confirm that it was indeed 21 o'clock.

"Is this luck too good?"

Other viewers couldn't help but marvel, knowing that in the whole deck of poker, the big cards are the majority, and Chen Haoneng just made up 21 points, which is inhuman luck.

But in this way, the pressure is all on Snake's side. If he can't make up 21 points, he will lose.


Brother Snake was angry and opened his own card directly. It turned out that he had a 9 and a 10, totaling 19 points. If Chen Hao didn't want the card before, he would lose, and now, in the lucky card bonus Next, Chen Hao became the active party.

Now Brother Snake has only a chance to make up for blackjack with fewer cards. He reached out and touched a card and slapped it on the table, only to see that it was a big club Q, the total number of points became 29, and it burst directly. Those who lose can't lose again.

"I'll go and win Snake, this kid is a god of gamblers!" The other customers were dumbfounded.

Chen Hao said in a leisurely manner: "You lose, you have to accompany me as a bargaining chip."

He is not very happy to win money, he is happy when he can get angry with Snake.

Brother Snake's face was distorted, and he popped a few words from between his teeth: "The chess and card room is closed. Everyone except the one with the surname Chen will get out of here!"

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