You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!When I said this, everyone felt stunned, realizing that Brother Snake couldn't afford to lose and would become irritated. Xiaoxiao and Qiqi also changed their faces. They liked this big shot Chen Shao very much, and eagerly pulled Chen Hao quietly from below. His sleeves signaled him to run quickly, otherwise I am afraid that I would have to confess here. As entertainment city practitioners, they know Snake’s vicious methods.

Chen Hao saw Brother Snake trying to see him poorly. Out of good intentions, he gave the two girls who had been with him for a long time a calm look and told them to leave.

"Shao Chen, you have to be careful."

The young lady is also a human being, Xiaoxiao and Qiqi can't bear to see Chen Hao's accident, but they are asking for a living in the entertainment city, can not provoke Snake brother, and have to leave.

Brother Snake’s Ma Zai arrogantly cleared the field. Soon, Chen Hao and them were left in the whole hall. Chen Hao didn’t panic, sat on the Diaoyutai and even poured a glass of red wine to drink. The wine here is too ugly, I need to give a bad review.

"You really don't know how to write dead words!"

Brother Snake was very angry and patted the table violently, "Give you one last chance to compensate me for five million... No, there will be interest, and I will give Lao Tzu six million, otherwise you just wait to go to Shenhe, Baihe can You are not the only one who is sinking!"

"Oh, you mean you did this kind of thing?"

Chen Hao keenly seized the loopholes in the other party's words and asked them.

"Yes, there are five or six people killed by Lao Tzu. It's not bad for you!" Brother Snake felt that he was in control of the situation, so he had no scruples.

Chen Hao was very satisfied, because the camera had already recorded what was just now, adding another ironclad evidence.

"Very good, very interesting, keep talking."

Chen Hao took a sip of the wine, and then said in an expectant tone, as if he was listening to cross talk in Deyun Club.

Brother Snake had a crooked nose, and finally couldn't bear it, and he gave up without the money. Today he wants Chen Hao's life.

"Kill me to death!"

Brother Snake hummed a sentence from his throat, which was already a kill order.

The other horses took out all kinds of murder weapons, and those who didn't carry a murder weapon picked up chairs and other tools and rushed forward.

The opponent is still crowded and powerful. At this time, many novels pointed out that the most correct way is to capture the thief first.

Chen Hao suddenly threw the wine glass back. While Ma Tsai was hiding behind him, he suddenly jumped up and stepped on the table to rush towards Brother Snake.

Brother Snake was also unambiguous. He picked up his mobile phone and smashed it at Chen Hao as a weapon.

Chen Hao had already tightened his nerves at this time. When the phone came, he slapped it back. The phone rolled and flew back, hitting Brother Snake's door.


Brother Snake closed his eyes with painful eating, which affected his vision. Chen Hao seized this flaw and instantly activated the tiger show in Wu Qin Xi, with a trick to "hungry tigers to eat" and threw Snake to the ground. Then quickly rolled and unloaded, and used inertia to grab Snake together, and clamped his neck with his elbow.Worry-free Literature Network

This series of events happened so quickly that the horses did not react. When they recovered, their boss was controlled by Chen Hao. A group of people clamored, but did not dare to step forward.

This hungry tiger rushing for food is a move that Chen Haoxin learned. It is a forward-throwing action, similar to tiger predation. Relying on Huber's guidance, Chen Hao is not constrained by form. The villain image in the original book is a face-to-face attack. Chen Hao Temporarily decided to pounce from mid-air. After falling to the ground, he stood up quickly and went down and down. Even he himself was very satisfied with this king capture action.

"Let go of Brother Snake!"

"Defensive, or hack you to death!"

Those horses threatened with a murder weapon.

"Come up and see who will die first."

Chen Hao sneered, his sturdy arm muscles bulged, and he rolled Snake's eyes suddenly, kicking his legs indiscriminately, as if he would die at any time.

"Let it go..."

Brother Snake seemed to be begging for mercy, sobbing a word from his throat.

Chen Hao relaxed his breath, Brother Snake was finally able to catch his breath, panting crazily, he didn't dare to be cool at this time, he really thought he was going to die here just now.

Until this time, he woke up with alcohol, and then he woke up. The person he was looking for seemed to be not a fat sheep to be slaughtered, but a tiger that chose someone to eat. The attack just now made him think he had encountered it. The real king of the forest.

"Count you cruel, let's make a debut." Brother Snake suppressed his anger.

"Let your people lay down their weapons." Chen Hao threatened.

Brother Snake can only do the same, let all the boys put down the guys, and then leave the chess room lobby.

Chen Hao took out Brother Snake's belt and tied him to a chair. Now he controlled the situation and waited for the net to be closed.

At this moment, the hall door suddenly opened and the bald head walked in.

"Bald guy, come and beat him down, I'll give you one hundred thousand yuan!" Snake brother suddenly saw hope and promised a lot of money.

It turned out that this bald head was the big shot he invited back to the town. He used to practice Sanda professionally, and he was good at martial arts. Now it has become his hope.

Hearing that this kid was practicing Sanda, Chen Hao also became interested. After he practiced into Wu Qin Xi, he has not yet played against Lian Jiazi. Now is a good opportunity to test his own strength.

"Fight with me, if you win, you can take that guy away." Chen Hao regarded Brother Snake as a trophy.

"Dare to catch my boss, I want your life!"

The bald head couldn't help it anymore, and immediately yelled and gave a fierce side kick.

The speed of this leg move is extremely fast, and it is difficult to handle the wind.

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