I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 186 Millions of Cash in Snake Skin Bags

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu!Zhang Jingtian took out a black leather bag, took out five stacks of banknotes and placed it on the dinner table, and smiled: "Is this not enough for you to change boxes?"

Fifty thousand yuan is already a considerable sum of money, and this is just changing the box, and now the two men are angry with the money.

Suddenly, Chen Hao felt that using money to compare to the pediatrics department, he wanted to end the battle directly, so as not to delay the mood of dining, so he used the newly obtained cash withdrawal function in the tens of billions of subsidies to withdraw one million, which is one hundred Bundles of hundred dollar bills.

The cash took up a lot of space. Chen Hao let people hide, and suddenly took out a snakeskin bag from under the table, and then dumped the bulging stuff on the floor.

Suddenly, the bundles of pink banknotes that made people's heart beat were scattered, a total of 100 bundles, piled into a money mountain, such a big pink stall on the floor, can not help but make people's heart beat faster.

"Is it better? I heard you want me to change the box?" Chen Hao asked back.

There is indeed no need to compare. No one will bring more than one million cash out of the house. Even if Zhang Jingtian has money, he will not be able to give out more cash, and his arrogance will be suppressed at once.

Zhang Jingtian had disappeared with a faintly arrogant look, but instead became annoyed and angry, but more helpless, and wanted to take money and Chen Haogang to the end, but there was not so much cash.

He has money in his online account, but at this time he can't directly compare with the account balance in his mobile phone. There is no such comparison.

Zhang Jingtian, who had just become rich, couldn't accept the situation that others had more money than him.

"You can, wait for me!"

Zhang Jingtian had nothing to say, and left with someone dingy.

But he came back in a blink of an eye, and took away the 50,000 yuan that he had placed on the table before. It was really his brother's behavior.

"Go out, don't pretend to be everywhere!" The classmates in the room laughed together, and Zhang Jingtian went even more anxiously.

The room was full of cheerfulness, and this stonecrop was too funny, pretending to be generous in front of others, but in front of the truly generous Chen Hao, it immediately showed its original shape.

"It's still our Chen Haoniu!"

Wang Qiang stretched out his thumb and was able to vent his anger today. It was all due to this old classmate.

"There, there." Chen Hao was polite.

The atmosphere immediately became active, and some people immediately talked about the hottest news today. A local tyrant in this city invested more than 200 million to buy the China Garden. This is really a big deal, and everyone present showed admiration and admiration.v5 novel www.v5xs.com

Because the buyer’s name is hidden in the news reports, everyone does not know that the real buyer is by their side.

"Chen Hao, did you know that China Garden said it was bought?" Some students asked interested. According to their understanding, Chen Hao is a rich man, and of course he knows things in the rich circle.

Chen Hao hesitated a bit. At this time, he felt that he had just bought it.

They were chatting, and someone broke into the box again. This time Zhang Jingtian followed a middle-aged man with a big belly. The middle-aged man was holding his hands on his back, looking at the people in the box intently. The bureaucracy was too strong.

"President Wu, these people are not willing to let go of the box, and even show off with the money."

Zhang Jingtian filed a complaint behind.

The president Wu looked at the bag of cash piled in the bag on the ground, his eyes condensed, coughed, and asked, "Who has the final say here?"

"It's endless? I rent the box, I don't change it, what do you want!" Wang Qiang stood up and questioned.

"We are going to use this place to hold a banquet to discuss important commercial projects. I hope you can change places." The middle-aged man still made an unreasonable request.

"How many times have you said not to change, I will call the police again!" Wang Qiang said angrily.

The Zhang Jingtian came up to praise: "Do you know who this is? President Wu of Bank of China's Baihe City Sub-branch, the God of Wealth of the merchants in this city, if you still want to do business, don't hurry up and be obedient."

Most of the people present were ordinary office workers and had nothing to do with the bank. However, Wang Qiang suddenly thought of Chen Hao as a businessman. He was worried that if he angered the President Wu, he would have bad results. He immediately looked at Chen Hao for fear of giving him Good buddies cause trouble.

If Chen Hao is doing business normally, he needs regular financing and loans, and he will definitely have to cheat banks. However, Chen Hao has a stronger backing, which is tens of billions of subsidies. How can loans compare to direct subsidies?

Subsidies that do not need to be repaid are good sponsorships.

Faced with so many people, Chen Hao decided to talk to them well, so he said righteously: "You want a box, go order early, don't come here to stir up interest, do you know what shame is Do you know what a person is? Don’t you just a small branch president, you don’t know how old you are."

President Wu has always been flattered and sought after, but now he is stunned in this small box, and suddenly said: "A bunch of poor and poor people who don't know the benefits of the bank, they deserve to be poor all their lives."

All the people attending the banquet in the house were offended. When everyone was about to anger the little bank leader, a woman suddenly came in outside.

This woman has a great temperament and a beautiful appearance. He was happy to see Chen Hao here, but when he found that there was something tense in the box, he hesitated and asked, "Am I here at the wrong time?"

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