I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 187: What Medicine Did You Take

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu!It turned out that she was Zhu Min, a reporter from the city’s TV station. After work today, she chatted with Chen Hao on WeChat. When Chen Hao learned that she was nearby and was looking for a place to eat, Chen Hao invited her to a banquet. A beautiful reporter introduced her to The classmates know that they can also have one more friend and one more way. Chen Hao is also kind, and borrows flowers to offer Buddha.

But there were still a few single dogs among the classmates who called a beautiful reporter over. Instead, they wanted to thank Chen Hao for the opportunity.

"Come in and sit down." Chen Hao greeted Zhu Min.

After learning about the passage from the conversation between the two sides, a branch manager actually despised Chen Hao. Zhu Min couldn’t help it. He laughed out loud, and Yinling’s laughter resounded. The box made everyone stunned and suddenly quieted down.

"Why are you laughing?"

President Wu felt that the woman seemed to be laughing at him, so he came to question.

"I'm laughing at you. I actually said Boss Chen is poor and poor. If he is poor, you won't even be able to beggars." Zhu Min said breathlessly.

"That is, our classmate Chen Hao bought an entire building in a certain community, and there are well-known restaurants under his name, and several luxury cars, which are much richer than you." Wang Qiang and others are also fighting for Chen Hao.

When a group of people fell, President Wu couldn’t help but said angrily: “Huh, you have money, and you don’t want to deal with the bank. Believe me or not, you will not be able to borrow money in the future. paragraph!"

"Isn't it?"

Without waiting for Chen Hao to speak, Zhu Min's smile suddenly turned into a surprised expression, as if he had seen the most surprising thing in the world.

"You actually came to let the rich man who can buy the China Garden as a sole proprietor not be able to borrow money. A big boss of his level, isn't your bank trying to curry favor? What kind of medicine have you taken to say this?

When Zhu Min said this, everyone in the box was shocked again, and the look in Chen Hao's eyes was a little wrong.

If the recent hot news in Baihe City is the auction of the Chinese Garden, everyone is guessing who the mysterious big boss is and who has such abundant financial resources to buy an entire group of villas at once.

Suddenly, she was suddenly shaken out by the female reporter Zhu Min, making them unbelievable that this mysterious person was nearby.

"Really? Chen Hao, you bought the China Garden?" Wang Qiang asked in surprise, and he was also happy for his old classmate's behavior.

"I bought it," Chen Hao said frankly, "I haven't had time to inform you. When the cleaning is finished next week, I will hold a housewarming banquet. Then you will all go to the banquet and visit my new home by the way."

"Chen Hao, Niu, I will treat each other with admiration for three days. When we were in school, we also ate in a canteen. Now you can buy China Garden!"

The students sighed with emotion, the gap was too big, leaving only envy.

"Wh, what? You bought the China Garden?" President Wu stammered.Baihui Novel www.baihuixiaoshuo.com

After their banking system learned that there was a mysterious rich man in the city, they were all inquiring about who this person was. If they could bring in the bank’s deposits, the performance was estimated to be over-fulfilled. When President Wu himself was inquiring about it, no Thinking of stepping through the iron shoes and finding nowhere to look, I actually encountered it in the hotel.

"Young handsome guy, surname Chen..."

Based on the known information and the situation on the spot, President Wu finally believed that Chen Hao was the mysterious rich man who bought the China Garden.

"Oh, sorry, I really don't know Taishan, Boss Chen forgive me!"

President Wu's official voice was swept away, and in a blink of an eye he turned into a flattering color, and he nodded and bowed in greeting.

"You learned this face-changing technique from the Sichuan Opera Troupe?" Chen Hao couldn't help it, and teased the president of the bank. He said that he was such a person.

"Didn't you just know this? I hope Boss Chen will not mind. Please don't hesitate to speak if you need me in the future."

While speaking, President Wu bowed halfway and put his business card in both hands.

Chen Hao looked at his business card and asked in surprise: "Are you the vice president?"

President Wu smiled in embarrassment: "Yes, but I will be promoted to a full-time post soon. Organizational observation is underway."

Chen Hao randomly threw his business card on the table, waved his hand, and said as if to catch a fly: "Then don't froze, leave quickly, don't delay our meal."

"Yes, we will leave now."

President Wu laughed again and again, and then stepped back.

At this time, Zhang Jingtian, who was following President Wu, looked stupid. President Wu, who is above himself and holds the power of loans, is so respectful to Chen Hao, and can even be said to be pleasing in every way. The world is changing fast and his thinking is a little confused.

But in any case, Zhang Jingtian had a firm idea in his heart, that is, Chen Hao is a big man, and a big man who is much better than him should never be offended!

It's just that the big mistake has been made before, and we must find a way to make up...

After these troublemakers left, the atmosphere in the upstairs sightseeing box was not affected, but was even more lively. All the students and guests were very interested in Chen Hao’s Chinese Garden and asked some curious questions, such as How big is the area, whether it can be directly filmed, etc.

"You don't need to be so curious. You can go as guests next week," Chen Hao said.

"Great, let's also take a look at the ancient garden-style house."

Wang Qiang's girlfriend, Miao Xue, was also excited and couldn't help but look at her boyfriend with satisfaction, proud that her boyfriend has such a great classmate as Chen Hao.

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