I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 200: The Effect of Perfume

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu!The Blue Enchantress is a rare rose that can be bought on the market. The price is already quite expensive. A bunch costs more than 20,000 yuan. Looking at the new bright blue petals with water droplets, Chen Hao feels that this flower is very beautiful. It fits Zhou Xitong's peerless appearance.

When the door opened, Chen Hao offered the blue rose and said, "The most beautiful flower is for the most beautiful person."

"Thank you!"

Zhou Xitong took it with a smile, put it under her nose and smelled the fragrance of flowers, which she liked very much, so she let Chen Hao come in. She put the flowers in the vase first, adding a touch of sentiment to the room.

The two men immediately looked at each other face to face in the hall, and their ambiguity continued to rise.

However, Zhou Xitong's delicate nose suddenly moved, approached Chen Hao and smelled it, and said strangely: "I think your body scent is very good today. Have you used any shower gel?"

The shower gel used by Chen Hao is a very ordinary brand provided by the hotel. Of course, it will not surprise Zhou Xitong. It must be the mysterious drunk dream perfume that worked. I can’t smell any fragrance. Such an effect seems to be really only effective for women.

"It's the normal shower gel in the hotel. Maybe my man's breath is too strong." Chen Hao smiled.

"Everyone says it's a smelly man, but you're a strange, fragrant man." Zhou Xitong joked.

"You like it."

Chen Hao came to the wine cabinet, took out two empty glasses, looked at the ordinary drinks on the wine cabinet, and asked her, "Do you want to drink?"

"I can drink anything, don't drink too much." Zhou Xitong said.

"Whether the degree is low, then I have to count my cider!"

Chen Hao immediately went back to the room and brought two bottles of fruit wine. They filled the glass with cider fragrance.

"It smells good, I haven't drunk the wine you gave me. I heard from those guests today that this wine is delicious."

Zhou Xitong has been busy with her career. Today is the first time she drank court fruit wine. She picked up the cup and looked at the dark brown wine. It looked good, smelled, and fragrant. She put it on her mouth and took a sip.

Zhou Xitong's red lips sucked in the wine, making Chen Hao's heart moved slightly, and he wanted to kiss Fangze again.

"Well, this wine is great, it tastes so unique!"

After drinking, Zhou Xitong was greatly admired. After taking a sip, his lips and teeth were fragrant. The absolute top fruit wine, he took a big sip.

"It's no wonder that so many people are rushing to taste this wine during the day. It is really unique. It will definitely become popular in the future. Think about it. I will inject capital privately to help you expand the market."

Zhou Xitong is worthy of being a business elite, and when he tastes good wine, the first thing he considers is how to make a profit and grow bigger.Reading network www.kanshu9.com

Chen Hao said: "You are allowed to inject capital privately. We will cooperate, but don't use the name of Zhou's International to avoid interference from those shareholders."

"Okay, when I go back, I will invest 5 million...no, 20 million. We made this palace fruit wine a well-known brand in the country, just like Jiang Xiaobai who was so popular at the time."

"Well, you are responsible for business matters, and I will take care of winemaking matters." Chen Hao accepted the proposal happily.

The winery, to be honest, Chen Hao was forced to buy it because of the dissatisfaction of the young factory director, to solve the problem of unsalable apples for the villagers of Caojia Village.

He is not short of money to expand the winery. Since Zhou Xitong is interested, he will cooperate with her. It is no problem for her own woman to give her the entire winery.

Drinking fruit wine, the two sat on the sofa and talked about trivia and anecdotes. Slowly, the ambiguity began to grow. Chen Hao looked at Zhou Xitong's red lips and had an idea.

"Come and dance!"

Chen Hao stood up and stretched out his hand to invite. This is one of the best ways to increase intimacy legally and reasonably.

"it is good!"

Zhou Xitong stood up and agreed.

However, this hotel room did not have a sound system. Chen Hao turned on his mobile phone to play slow rocking dance music. The two immediately danced to the music, and their bodies were in the ears and temples, feeling each other's softness and temperature.

Unconsciously, Zhou Xitong felt hot and red on his face, and his breathing was rapid. A heart beats violently, and he couldn't help thinking about some beautiful things.

She only thinks that Chen Hao smells so good, so masculine, she just wants to hug him until he is old.

She had never encountered such a situation before, perhaps because the fruit wine is not intoxicating, and the beauty is already drunk.

At the end of the song, Zhou Xitong almost melted into Chen Hao's arms. His body was as soft as water, without any strength. It was Chen Hao holding her that he didn't fall down.

Chen Hao also felt the scorching heat on Zhou Xitong's body and seemed to encourage him.

Chen Hao lifted Zhou Xitong's chin with his hand, saw her prosperous beauty, and then couldn't help kissing her.

At this moment, the two of them couldn't extricate themselves, and the sky thunder hit the ground with fire.

The "battlefield" of the two changed from the living room to a sofa, and then the double bed in the room, both rolled down on it.

The clothes slipped, the beauty chanted softly, Chen Hao bravely moved forward, breaking the ground, tilling the wee hours (17824 words are omitted here)...

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