You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!When Zhou Xitong woke up, she felt like she was falling apart, sore and painful, but the solid arms around her made her feel extremely warm, like a harbor from grandma's house.

She involuntarily moved to the warm stickers over there, and was then hugged by a pair of powerful arms.

This is after sleeping in separate beds with her parents when she was a child. Zhou Xitong never felt that someone was beside her during sleep. She woke up suddenly and saw Chen Hao’s handsome face, and smiled at her and said hello, "You wake Up."


Zhou Xitong sat up suddenly and found that he was chilly, and quickly pulled up the quilt to cover his shame. After a moment of confusion, yesterday's charming memories flooded into his mind.

"Oh my God, I really, really and you..."

Zhou Xitong covered her hot cheeks with her hands, feeling that she was in a mess. Yesterday's madness did not seem to be like her at all, it was another self.

After a while, the tingling from her body brought her thoughts back to reality.

"It's only after seven o'clock, let's go to bed again." Chen Hao said softly. The two have now completed the sublimation in life together and become the closest people.

However, Zhou Xitong looked like a cat whose tail was stepped on. He jumped under the bed wrapped in a quilt, grabbed a few pieces of his own clothes in the closet, and got into the bathroom. He clicked and locked the door.

After all, Chen Hao consumed too much energy, and now he was a little tired in the morning, so he took out his phone to check for new news.

There are a bunch of red exclamation marks in the unread messages. There are indeed a lot of news, most of which are the news of the products he sold on consignment. Apple has basically been sold out and gained a lot of points. There are still a small amount of salmon, but no points are credited. .

As for the fruit wine on consignment yesterday, perhaps due to the short time, not many people bought it, but Chen Hao believes that customers will definitely be conquered by the taste of court fruit wine.

Looking at the mobile phone, as soon as the bathroom door opened, Zhou Xitong's as usual cold face came out, but there was no interaction with Chen Hao in his eyes, as if he was deliberately avoiding the facts.

This made Chen Hao very strange, and the gap between Zhou Xitong and last night was too big.

"I'm going to the exhibition," Zhou Xitong paused, then suddenly took out a stack of money from his wallet and put it on the bed.

"This is for you, I, I am very satisfied with your performance last night..."

Zhou Xitong went out in a blink of an eye, leaving Chen Hao with a surprised look.I love e-books

Looking at the stack of thousands of yuan, Chen Hao suddenly felt absurd, as if he had betrayed his body last night and Zhou Xitong was his employer.

Chen Hao looked at the red blood stain on the bed sheet and fell into thought.

"It was so wild last night and so cold this morning, is it really the effect of perfume?"

In any case, he saw Zhou Xitong's panic when she left. She was not without feelings, but was well hidden. The reason is probably related to the family. Before she completely took charge of Zhou International, she probably didn't want to disclose this relationship.

After he figured it out, Chen Hao laughed. He picked up the stack of money beside the bed and counted it. There are three thousand two. It seems that he is worth a lot. He seems to have another way to "make money" in the future.

When thinking about Zhou Xitong, I came to her to "make extra money". With the excellent performance last night, Chen Hao felt that he definitely had this capital and strength.

It was not early, Chen Hao returned to his room, changed clothes and went out, and rushed to the venue.

By the time he arrived at the venue, Zhou's high-tech booth had already started work, and many tourists and businessmen shuttled among them looking for news and business opportunities.

Today is the last day of the exhibition, and everyone cherishes this opportunity.

When Chen Hao came to the booth of Zhou's International, he found Zhou Xitong was standing and discussing things with her assistant. However, when she walked, her pace was obviously unnatural, and she frowned and pained from time to time. It was like Xizi holding her heart and watching. Chen Hao's heart clenched, Zhou Xitong had injuries on his body, and the culprit seemed to be himself.

"Are you okay?" Chen Hao walked over and asked concerned.

"No, nothing."

Zhou Xitong was a little flustered, she took a peek at Chen Hao, and then carefully asked: "I seem to have done too much. You won't be angry with me for leaving the stack of money?"

Zhou Xitong also felt that it was a moment of twitching her brain that she made the weird behavior in the morning. Men usually pay attention to face, especially when it comes to issues of men and women. They are willing to take the initiative. She leaves money to show that she is dominant. If it is a big man People who are philosophical must not accept it.

"You take me too carefully? I know your thoughts. It is really not convenient to make it public now. I will work hard. In the near future, I will go to your house to propose a marriage and marry you back!"

Chen Hao's sonorous and powerful words made Zhou Xitong suddenly bewildered, and she suddenly wanted to cry.

For a long time, Zhou Xitong has asked herself to be stronger than a man to control the Zhou International and not let others look down upon her, but she has a very hard life. Now someone is willing to support her to support her. Helpless.

Zhou Xitong turned her face away, wiped the wet corners of her eyes, and forcibly held back the tears.

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