You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!Seeing Zhou Xitong's feelings, Chen Hao decided to tease her, so he whispered.

"When I am short of money, can I come to you to make some extra money?" Chen Hao asked teasingly.

Suddenly, Zhou Xitong's pretty face flushed red, and what he had done for a while, now turned into a whisper between the two.

"No way tonight...I'm not feeling well, and after the exhibition, I want to go home early." Zhou Xitong said with a slight twist.

"No problem, at least after you heal the injury, I will go to you to earn extra money. With my ability, I am afraid that all your savings will be emptied." Chen Hao pressed her ear and said warmly. With love words.

Zhou Xitong was a little embarrassed. She had just completed the gorgeous transition from girl to woman, and she was still a little bit shy about it, so she went to the bathroom to take shelter.

Chen Hao couldn't help but smile, as cold as Zhou Xitong, and he had such a lovely side.

When Zhou Xitong came back, she was still presiding over the work, but she was indeed unwell. As long as she moved a little bit, it would involve pain. It was all because of the madness last night.

In his eyes, Chen Hao felt very distressed. He decided to protect his own woman. He bought a trauma ointment for special care from the tens of billions of subsidies and gave it to her, and then took the initiative to contract all of her work.

Chen Hao said that he was all inclusive today.

"Today I plan to sign a contract of more than 20 million yuan, but at this speed, it will not be completed." Zhou Xitong sat in a chair with emotion.

"With me, don't worry, isn't it just signing the order, small case."

Chen Hao has a confident smile on his face.

When Zhou Xitong felt warm, he agreed to let his subordinates listen to Chen Hao's arrangements today, and Chen Hao would take charge of all the work.

At this moment, looking at the two close-minded, like golden boys and girls, the active Zhou International employees had guessed that Chen Hao would be the son of their Zhou International.

"Hello Mr. Chen!"

"President Chen, please give instructions."

This group of employees met Feng Shiruo very well and immediately slapped the flattery of the "horse man".

Chen Hao was very useful, and then carefully analyzed the reasons why the task did not meet the target.

To solve the order, the first thing is to attract passenger flow. In terms of probability, the number of real customers will increase.

Because other booths hired professional models, similar to car models, wearing revealing clothes and posing in the booth, attracting many male visitors, there are fewer people here at Zhou's Hi-Tech.

But it doesn’t matter. As the saying goes, people take food as their heaven. What people really care about is food. After all, no matter how many beautiful women see, they never go home with them.

So Chen Hao took out his small LED blackboard yesterday and wrote a slogan.

"All the guests who signed the cooperation intention in our store today will give a box of palace fruit wine, sign an order of 1 million, give 3 boxes of palace fruit wine, sign a large order of 5 million or more, and give 10 boxes of a large order of 10 million or more. Free 40 boxes!" Yunnan Biquge

Anyhow, Chen Hao has priced the palace fruit wine for 555 yuan per bottle, which is more than 5,000 yuan per box, which is also very attractive, which is considered a high rebate.

The employees of Zhoushi Hi-Tech are a little doubtful, can they attract large orders with a few cases of wine?

"After looking at it, I believe that good technology products plus fine wine will produce qualitative changes."

Chen Hao said confidently.

"Open a box of fruit wine and pour it into a glass!"

Chen Hao withdrew part of the fruit wine from the tens of billions of subsidies. Today, he took all of them as samples. He found that the prepared disposable cups were not good enough for drinking fruit wine, so he bought a batch of small wine glasses from the app, each of which was more than one or two. The amount.

"Clean it up for me, and then put it in the shape of a champagne tower." Chen Hao took out a large cardboard box from the corner, which was filled with brand-new wine glasses.

Of course, the order of Lord Ma's must be carried out unconditionally. Everyone at Zhou's High-Tech Branch took action. After cleaning the cups, they began to set up the tower.

Most of the people here are engineering technicians, and they don't know the famous hotels of this kind of hotel very well. Chen Hao is here to guide him and put the champagne towers tall and neat.

Chen Hao took a few employees and opened a box of fruit wine, and then began to pour the wine from the top. After the glass was filled, it would flow down from the edge to the lower glass, and so on, like a waterfall, until All wine glasses are filled.

The staff in charge of booth construction put the fill light behind the champagne tower. The glass champagne tower looks dazzling, and the light brown liquor is as magnificent as amber.

Other booths are all kinds of commodities, but the layout here is similar to that of a leisure bar, so unique, it immediately attracts the attention of tourists.

The visual effects have been completed, and now it is the human sense of smell, which is the other major sense of human search for food.

The whole box of wine was exposed to the air, and the rich aroma of wine spread, like an invisible net, to capture tourists invisibly.

"What smell? It's like an apple?" Someone sniffed.

"Like a drink." Another said.

People's curiosity was aroused, and they were destined to seek answers. So the crowd of Zhou's high-tech booth soon gathered.

"Now you can taste fruit wine for free, and each person is limited to one drink." Chen Hao said.

"Mr. Chen, isn't this a waste of drinks? At least we want them to come and listen to our product introduction." An employee who tasted the fruit wine said regretfully.

"Most people here are not interested in quantum communication. Didn't you waste their saliva when you introduced them? Just give them a drink for free. Drinking is our signature brand, using the herd effect to attract real customers." Chen Hao said .

"Wonderful!" Several staff members with technical backgrounds suddenly started.

Therefore, under Chen Hao’s instruction, the staff of Zhou’s Hi-Tech began to guide each of these guests to drink a glass of wine. In addition, for the sake of hygiene, these wine glasses were not recycled after drinking. In the big trash can, there was a crackling, which was similar to the popular bowling wine in previous years, and it attracted another wave of traffic.

In front of Zhou's Hi-Tech booth, not only could you experience good wine, but also drop a glass. There was nowhere to find this good thing. So, Zhou's Hi-Tech's name spread among the masses again, and the crowd gathered more and more.

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