You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!Xia Lao's other dishes are magnificent and ingenious, but the soup is somewhat ordinary.

Who knows that Zhou's mother was shocked when she saw this soup, she took a spoonful of it with a spoon for the first time.

Xia Jing introduced to the side: "This clear pearl white jade soup, my grandfather explained that it didn’t feel hot when it came out of the pot, but it was hot inside. Drink it carefully, but this soup must be drunk while it’s hot. It loses its taste."

"I drank this pearl white jade soup when I was young!"

It was actually the second time Zhou Mu tasted this cabbage soup. She put the spoon in her mouth and blew it for a while, then sipped it gently. The beautiful and rich taste burst through the pores, as if the whole person The soul has been sublimated.

"It's delicious, it's still the taste of the year. This chef, maybe the one I met back then." Zhou Mu sighed, remembering the past, and tasted all the food on the table bit by bit, and finally ate one. The golden rice ball is completely full.

Even though Zhou Xitong was very happy to eat, he couldn't help but feel happy to see his mother having eaten so much food today, so he asked Xia Jing, "You said that it was your grandfather who made the dishes?"

"Yes, he has retired and hasn't been in charge for a long time. Today, my boss specially invited him. He said that two distinguished guests are coming to eat fast food, so my grandfather will show his hand."

Xia Jing said that her grandfather also lifted Chen Hao's hand by the way. This employee is dedicated to the master, so she really has nothing to say.

"Can I see your grandfather in a while?" Zhou Mu asked, there was even a trace of piety between her expressions. This is a diner conquered by the chef's food.

"Let me ask, you can eat first." Xia Jing said.

"Good!" Mother Zhou nodded happily.

Now there is food as a remedy, Zhou Mu's expression is much more soothed, not as opposed to Chen Hao at the beginning, Chen Hao seems to be able to persuade when the time is right.

Chen Hao immediately started to make a routine, just want to hear Zhou's mother's preferences, and then do what he likes.

Zhou Mu remembered the past and talked about some things when she was young. When she was not married, she often fell ill. Later, an old monk gave her a good remedy. Zhou Mu followed the old monk at that time. Heart, but speaking of it, it is still regrettable.

"I saw a copy of "The Thirty-Seven Pins of Buddha Sayings" from the master at first, but halfway through it, I missed it. Later, I searched for it and never saw this scripture again."

Zhou Xitong was a little surprised. Her mother hadn't told her about this scripture before. It seems that today was a trigger for memories, so she told her this secret.

Chen Hao's heart moved. This seemed to be a good opportunity to take advantage of. He immediately opened up the tens of billions of subsidies to check if there were any scriptures for sale.

After entering the name, there really is this scripture in the search bar.

"The Thirty-seven Grades of Buddhist Sutras", a cultural relic level original copy, no selling price, subsidized price of 1 yuan, 3 points required.

Chen Hao saw that it was really a rare item, it was actually a priceless treasure, and it needed points to buy it.

However, Chen Hao still placed the order directly, and soon, an old and damaged scripture appeared on hand.Steward Novel

So Chen Hao said, "Auntie, I happened to have a collection of a scripture before, with the same name, please see if it is this one."

With that, Chen Hao handed the scriptures to Zhou Mu.

"Where did you get it? It seems to be the one that the master master had."

Mother Zhou looked through with excitement, and was even more convinced that she had seen it at the beginning, and couldn't help holding it in her heart. She finally realized but had a long-cherished wish.

Zhou Xitong showed a gratifying smile, and her mother finally got what she wanted. She couldn't help but look at Chen Hao. Her man was really a great guy, it was Doraemon Doraemon, what she wanted.

Chen Hao smiled knowingly and made a "trivial" gesture.

At this point, Zhou's mother's gaze towards Chen Hao has changed from repulsion to kindness. People who believe in Buddhism believe in Buddhism, and Chen Hao may have this scripture, which may be the will of the Buddha.

"Can you give this scripture to me?" Mother Zhou rarely asked for something.

"Of course, I don't want the scriptures to be useful, and the auntie can only take them to reflect its value." Chen Hao said.

"Then I will accept it, thank you." Zhou Mu said.

"You're welcome, Xitong and I are friends. It's right to honor the elders with a book."


Mother Zhou put her hands together and performed a Buddhist ceremony.

With this meal and this lone scripture, Zhou Mu had already believed that Chen Hao was a person of Buddhahood, and now she didn't stop her daughter from contacting Chen Hao in her heart.

After a while, Zhou’s mother will be full, and Xia Jing will come, saying that her grandfather agrees to face each other, but he has to wait a while, and he is now cleaning the kitchen.

"Farewell chef came, I used to thank him for the good destiny he bestowed on food."

Zhou Mu stood up and asked Xia Jing to take her to the back kitchen. The old man deliberately left Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong alone time.

After Zhou's mother left, Zhou Xitong said happily: "You are so amazing. You have invited such an amazing chef to make my mother enjoy eating like this. And that book, my mother accepts gifts from others directly. See you!"

"Auntie likes it, lest she takes her baby girl away from me." Chen Hao smiled.

"Don't blame my mother, because of some reasons in my family, she personally hates handsome and rich boys, afraid that I will be bullied in the future, just like my dad, can you understand it?" Zhou Xitong said.


Chen Hao knew clearly that Zhou's mother was definitely hurt before, and she was probably Zhou Xitong's father, so she turned her anger on the better Chen Hao. It seems that the life of rich people is not so happy.

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