You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!Since Zhou's mother was not there, Chen Hao sat next to Zhou Xitong and served her with food, so that Zhou Meiren could enjoy the food.

No matter how Zhou’s mother opposes it, it depends on Zhou Xitong’s own intentions. As long as you grasp the beauty’s heart, you will have happiness in the future. The most convenient way to grasp a person’s heart is to grasp her stomach. It's a wise decision to always come.

The two of them had a meal just like you and me, and they were getting tired of each other's food. Fortunately, no one was watching, or they had to be overwhelmed by the huge amount of dog food.

When the two of them finished eating, they suddenly realized that Zhou Mu and Xia Jing hadn't come back, so they went to the kitchen together, wanting to find out.

When I arrived at the back kitchen, I saw Mother Zhou in a gazebo, sitting and chatting with Mr. Zhou in the brightly lit garden. The two were a generation away. Zhou's mother called Mr. Xia as Mr. Xia, and Xia Jing was beside him. accompany.


Zhou Xitong came over and called.

Mother Zhou was very happy and asked Zhou Xitong to come over and introduce her: "This old Mr. Xia is indeed the chef I met at the state banquet when I was young, and Mrs. Xia still remembers me."

Zhou Xitong didn't expect that his mother and Xia were old friends, so he came to say hello warmly.

"Your child has grown up like this." Old Xia smiled.

After waiting for a long time, the two old men finally ended their chat, Zhou Mu got up and left.

Zhou Xitong went to accompany him and asked her mother's opinion in a low voice, "Mom, you like Old Xia's craftsmanship so much, or I will talk to his old man, let him stay and cook for you, I can pay more."

Zhou Mu shook her head with a smile, and said, "Old Xia is a wild crane and will not stay. If you are greedy in the future, you can also go to the French restaurant. His granddaughter also inherited the old man's mantle."

"Okay, I will accompany you often in the future." Zhou Xitong smiled.

"Go and call that young man Chen Hao, I have something to say to him." Zhou Mu said.

Zhou Xitong's heart trembled, thinking that his mother was going to beat the mandarin ducks again, but she couldn't stop it, and could only call Chen Hao over to listen to the announcement.

"Auntie, you call me?" Chen Hao walked over and asked.

Mother Zhou said: "After this night, I have figured it out. The feelings between men and women are like the Great Yu's control of water. It should be dredged and not blocked. If you want to be together, you must show an attitude that convinces me. "

"I will." Chen Hao nodded solemnly.

"I will too." Zhou Xitong replied happily. Her mother finally agreed with the person she chose. It was a kind of special happiness.

"Daughter, there is one thing you have to consider carefully. This young man is too good and has committed a peach blossom. If you choose him, you will have to quarrel and be heartbroken in the future. Do you still want to be with him?" Zhou Mu suddenly said astonishing.126 Chinese Network

"I do not have!"

Chen Hao hurried to clarify that if it wasn't for the inappropriate occasion, he would want to deny the third company. I didn't. Nothing. Don't talk nonsense.


Zhou Mu's eyes were sharp as a knife, piercing her mind. Chen Hao suddenly thought of Cao Rui, who was far away, and the charming and naughty Xia Jing. He couldn't say what he promised.

Perhaps, her elders also had insights into the world and recognized Chen Hao's fortune. He has an irresistible and chaotic relationship with many women in this life.

Zhou Xitong was also stunned. Maybe she also thought of the beautiful girls around Chen Hao, but she who has always been strong, made a decision instantly and assured her mother that she still wants to be with Chen Hao. She is confident to seize it. Chen Hao's heart, whether it is to run a business or a relationship, she wants to be the strongest woman.

"Well, since you are all confident, I won't talk too much."

Zhou's mother immediately walked out, Zhou Xitong held her mother's arm by her side and walked outside the garden.

After reaching the parking lot, Zhou Mu and Zhou Xitong both got in the car, and the driver turned around and left.

Zhou Xitong waved goodbye to Chen Hao from the car window, but Chen Hao suddenly wanted to tease her, so he blew a kiss in the air.

Zhou Xitong looked to the side nervously. Fortunately, his mother didn't pay attention, so he was relieved. He couldn't help but give Chen Hao a small threatening look in front of his mother. The old man is traditional, but he doesn't accept such ambiguity which performed.

Chen Hao made an "OK" gesture and watched the mother and daughter leave.

When he could no longer see the car lights, Chen Hao returned to the China Garden. He was going to thank Mrs. Xia. Today, his delicious vegetarian meal was a great help. The future mother-in-law who held a negative attitude changed her mind. This is a great credit. went.

Mr. Xia had also cleaned up the kitchen there, and Chen Hao came over to thank him. At this moment, Mr. Xia made two small dishes by himself and was eating with his granddaughter.

"No thanks, you just need to be nice to my granddaughter in the future." Faced with Chen Hao's thanks, Old Xia said.

"Definitely, this salary has been increasing for her." Chen Hao promised.

"I'm not talking about money. I'm talking about her people. You must protect them. If you make her sad and cry, be careful that my old man knocks you with a rolling pin!" Boss Xia raised his face and threatened.

"I will definitely protect her." Chen Hao said.

"Yes, the boss never bullies me, I bully him!" Xia Jing raised her small fist, indicating that her strength value is very high.

"You, I will help others to count the money after being sold!" Xia Lao couldn't argue, this granddaughter kept facing outsiders.

"The one who can sell me hasn't been born yet!" Xia Jing raised her head, very arrogant, and she started to be narcissistic again.

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