You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!In this batch, there are also three girls who are unable to do the dishwashing job, and it seems that they can't do housework. This is the common situation of modern women.Most young people are spoiled by their parents, and those who can do housework are relatively rare.

Just like Xia Jing back then, she didn't know how to do housework, and she could only cook instant noodles. Later, she became diligent when she met Chen Hao, and the virtuous girls who came out of small villages like Cao Rui were very rare.

After several rounds of interviews, the elimination rate was high, and now there are only six girls who applied for the receptionist.

These six girls are all wearing high heels, one-step skirts, and white shirts. They are all dressed in uniform. They all walk on catwalks. They treat the hall as a catwalk, and watch their movements professionally.

"Where did you come from?" Chen Hao caught their attention when he saw them. These six people seemed to belong to a group.

"Boss, our sisters are interns at Baihe City Model School. They are all in the same class. Come to you to find a job and apply for a receptionist." The leading girl said generously.

Seeing that they have all dressed up seriously, they are medium-to-high in appearance and well-formed. They say that they are students of modeling school. They are obviously all trained.

It was just that Chen Hao was a little strange, so he asked: "Model school? I have never heard of it, and why didn't you apply for a model, but instead came to me to apply for a receptionist. Isn't this a bright pearl?"

The lead girl replied: "Going back to the boss, our school was too cheating. It lied to us for two years of tuition, saying that it was a job assignment after graduation. The result was nothing to do with the school. During school, she was often taken as a free car model. Performance platforms and so on. We don’t care after graduation, and even the school is closed. We don’t have a formal diploma, but we can’t compete with those professional models. Seeing that you are well paid here, we want to try it. We have all practiced physical etiquette and know how to do it. Good receptionist."

Chen Hao first looked at them more pleasing to the eye, all of them had plain and unpretentious eyes, and after the previous two rounds of screening, their character was guaranteed, and Chen Hao decided to give them this opportunity.

"Then you do the etiquette to welcome the guests." Chen Hao said.


The six girls immediately stood in a row with three of them, and they stood opposite each other, and then simulated guests coming, bowed and saluted, and the six people led the guests in. They smiled cordially throughout the process, which seemed to make people comfortable. This aspect was indeed done. Not bad.

"It's okay to treat people and things, but I don't have guests every day at home. In my free time, you may also be responsible for sanitation, inspection and management. Are you competent?" Chen Hao asked.

"No problem, we can."

With that said, these six girls picked up the rags and other items used by the previous contestants and wiped them on the surrounding tables and walls, regardless of whether they were clean, they were very hardworking, and they were all very diligent.Ranwen

"I think it's okay, what do you think?" Chen Hao nodded frequently, turning his head to ask Xia Jing's opinion.

"I don't have any opinion, but you can't think too much of them." Xia Jing warned emphatically, her eyes sharp.

Chen Hao said awkwardly: "Don't worry, I am not a stallion, nor am I seeing one and loving one."

"I think you are." Although Xia Jing was not forgiving, she agreed with the six girls to stay.

So Chen Hao signed the previous six diligent girls who applied for nanny, together with these six model students who applied for receptionist, they can already meet the needs.

As for the salary, Chen Hao has always been generous, but Xia Jing suspected that Chen Hao would increase the cost by raising the salary, so she went to talk with the girls, and the market price was 20-30 high enough to ensure that they were willing to join the job.

I have to say that now Xia Jing is starting to save money for Chen Hao, a bit like a housekeeper.

In the end, the 12 girls recruited in this batch all entered a one-month probation period. During the probation period, the monthly salary was fixed at 5,000 yuan, board and lodging were included, and they lived in a relatively partial villa. It is Xia Jing who cooks in person, and these employees will have a good taste in the future. It is this work meal, and it is estimated that they are not willing to leave here.

As for the official salary, it will be determined after they transfer to the official form, but it is certain that the monthly salary of the nanny is not less than 8,000, with social security and year-end bonuses and bonuses. The six model girls of the receptionist receive a monthly salary of 10,000-12,000 During the period, there are red envelopes based on personal performance, mainly responsible for bringing people and picking up goods, doing some sanitation, park management and operation work.

Regarding such an arrangement, they readily agreed that being able to live in such a luxurious garden would be more comfortable than receiving a few thousand more wages elsewhere, not to mention that Chen Hao paid them a lot more wages than other places.

"This handsome boss is very generous."

This is the unified conclusion reached by these girls.

The salary issue was finalized, and they started to work that day, but inspired by the uniform model girls, Xia Jing decided to let them all wear uniform uniforms so that they looked professional.

Although there are six babysitters hired, they can't be the kind of vulgar clothes that look like a country girl. They must keep up with the trend, and they must be unique and unforgettable.

As soon as Xia Jing's eyes turned, she had a good idea.

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