You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!Xia Jing began to order clothes on Taobao. For some reason, she bought all the Japanese-style black and white maid outfits with cat ears and cat tails. They are only fun for young people who can play. "clothing.

Xia Jing smiled inwardly, she was purely nasty, she wanted to dress up these nanny girls so cute and sultry, and she took care of them so that Chen Hao could only see and eat.

As for the six models of the receptionist, they are not bad in appearance. The nature of the work requires multiple sets of clothes to adapt to various occasions. The maid outfit is not suitable. The facade of the China Garden must be of high quality.

But if you buy clothes online, the size is not good enough, so it is better to go to the city's physical store to try on and buy.

Xia Jing gave Chen Hao personal responsibility for the important task of buying clothes with the model girl, and she had to go to the French braised meat shop to take charge of the work, and she hadn't managed the restaurant for many days. Old customers over there couldn't get her to make it by herself. The dishes are arguing.

So Xia Jing went to the restaurant. Chen Hao happened to be fine in the afternoon, so he decided to drive the six model girls to the mall to choose clothes and buy some necessary gold and silver jewelry. These are all their future work supplies. "Be responsible for the facade", Chen Hao didn't want them to be too mediocre.

Besides, these model girls are of medium-to-upper level, and they can be eye-catching just by dressing up. Chen Hao also has the motivation to make them beautiful.

Just like Cao Rui at the beginning, she was a stupid little clerk in the real estate company. After dressing up, she is now a charming white-collar beauty, comparable to the effect of plastic surgery.

But there is one thing. Although the girls are not bad in appearance, they are still inferior to Zhou Xitong and Xia Jing beside him. Chen Hao has no nasty thoughts. To dress them up is only from the perspective of appreciation.

Because of the large number of people, Chen Hao drove his extended Rolls Royce, pulled six people who were very surplus, and went to the city with the girls.

It’s the first time for a model girl to ride in this 40 million luxury car. They are all excited, but they just got in touch with Chen Hao, and they are still a little restrained. They sit quietly in the car and sit upright, afraid to speak loudly. The handsome new boss left a bad impression.

"It's okay, don't be cautious, we are all the same age, I don't want to leave a harsh impression on you." Chen Hao, who drove, eased the atmosphere with a smile.

"Boss, you are very different from other big bosses." said a brave girl.

"Oh? What's the difference, let's talk about it." Chen Hao was boring to drive, so he talked to them. This is also one of the ways to bring employees closer, and it is a kind of management art.First Floor Novel Network

"You are very easy-going, have no pretensions, and respect us," said the girl.

In the past, where they went to work, the paying boss didn't treat them as human beings. They used the girls as animals. They worked more than ten hours a day, and the wages were poor. Their job search was a difficult road.

However, joining the Chinese Garden was their lucky start.

"Respect is mutual. Only when I respect you can you respect me, right?" Chen Hao said.

"Yes!" the girl answered with a smile.

In fact, this girl still has a word in her heart, that is, Chen Hao is different from other big models in that they are very handsome and cool. Many of the other big models are big-bellied little old men. Many of them have nasty intentions. Whether they are open-minded, they can earn more.

These six girls are all worthy girls, and of course they did not fall into the trap. They came to Chen Hao after experiencing several applications.

The leading "big sister"-level figure of this group of model girls is a long-legged beauty named "U Dan". She has more experience and now cautiously asked: "Boss, this time you take us to shopping. What about the money for shopping? , Will it be deducted from our salary?"

Previously, her friend encountered a similar scam when looking for a job. He found that the new company was not suitable and asked to repay the company’s training and clothing costs. Even after working for a few days, the salary was not enough to deduct, and he had to post it back. And this kind of rights protection is also quite difficult, so you can only admit that you are unlucky, so Wu Dan asked this.

"Of course it is given to you for free. How can there be any reason to collect money after giving a gift? If you don't believe it, you can record it as evidence." Chen Hao said.

Wu Dan has never met such a good-talking boss, and she can't help but worry more. It is inevitable that Chen Hao has some ulterior intentions. She again cautiously said: "Boss Chen, although we are all ordinary girls , But also has dignity and will not do something that tramples on one's personality!"

This is to tell Chen Hao that they will not sell their body and soul for money. If Chen Hao gave them free clothes and jewelry in this regard, then there is no need to talk about it.

"Where do you want to go," Chen Hao smiled, "I have a girlfriend, so don't worry about it. If you are not happy with me, you can leave at any time, and you can ask Xia Jing, she is employed by me. Not more than a month, did I do anything to her?"

In this way, the girls were a little relieved, and quickly put down some of their guards, and started chatting in the car twittering.

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