You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!The restaurant mates came fiercely, and Chen Hao's eyes condensed, how could he allow others to come close.

He aimed at the guy in the front, kicked him out with a kick, knocked over a row of seats in the back, and a few diners in the store hurried away, for fear of getting into trouble.

Chen Hao said disdainfully: "If you want to touch me, you should go back and practice again."

Qian Rongkai’s face was sullen, and he wanted to speak harshly, but felt that there was nothing to say. The usual methods of threatening others, such as money and violence, were not good in front of Chen Hao. Even women were compared. After he went down, the coquettish women next to him knew that they wanted money, and Chen Hao was surrounded by six cool girls who were graceful and charming, sweet and lovely, focused on the master, and judged by comparison.

Now he can't even drive Chen Hao in his own shop. How sad it is!

Just when Qian Rongkai was depressed, a dozen young men suddenly rushed into the restaurant, the first one to the north. He scanned the door as soon as he entered, looking for his new boss.

Chen Hao hooked his fingers to let him come, and Xiang Bei was shocked. Seeing the beautiful girl next to Chen Hao and the noble temperament, he was obviously the new boss he was looking for. Only with this kind of power can he be silent. Buy half a street.

"Hello boss!" Xiang Bei brought a dozen of his subordinates to Chen Hao, bowed and greeted him, just like meeting his eldest brother.

Chen Hao waved his hand and said: "The courtesy will be avoided. I don't care what method you use. Within 15 minutes, drive out the people in this restaurant and the restaurant will be closed for me! I will bear all the losses!"

"Okay, I'll do it right away!"

With the approval of the boss, Xiang Bei was willing to go out for his own position, and began to clear the market with people.

"All left, the contract is over, the shops are no longer rented!" Xiang Bei shouted.

"Asshole, the lease contract hasn't expired, why should I move the shop! Do you know who I am?" Qian Rongkai was furious. He was a rich man in the provincial capital. He came to Baihe City, and even one The wage earners can drink to him.

"What nonsense, you will be compensated for liquidated damages before the contract expires, but you have to move out today." When he spoke to the north, he had already started to drive people.

"Why, it's too unreasonable to make trouble!" The coquettish woman followed out and theorized.

"It depends on our boss to see you upset! What a!" shouted Xiang Bei.

"Your boss? Is it Chen Hao?" Qian Rongkai was shocked.

Xiang Bei curled his lips and looked at the mentally retarded expression and said: "It's your IQ, do you just see it now? Renting our boss's shop, and blowing hair with our boss, don't kill you!" Beautiful book www.

When I spoke to the north, I was unambiguous. I went to the back kitchen and turned off the gas, water, and electricity on the stove. Some chefs and waiters also invited out. The back kitchen was emptied, leaving the lobby.

"What is the identity of this Chen Hao? Why is there his shadow there? Did he buy the entire Baihe City?"

How could Qian Rongkai never think that Chen Hao would be the big owner of the shop, and his small restaurant actually rented his house?

Qian Rongkai felt his blood pressure began to rise. Ever since he met Chen Hao, he has felt a deep sense of powerlessness. This man is too strong, so powerful that he is a well-known rich man in the province, but he is controlled everywhere and can hardly resist. Now he is in his store. , But it was the one who was kicked out, which was unexpected.

In a way, Qian Rongkai did this all by himself. The tenant dared to challenge the landlord, and he should be kicked out.

"Mr. Qian, they are deceiving people too much, you quickly find a big brother to teach them!"

The coquettish girl obviously didn't know Chen Hao's energy in Baihe City, and tried to rely on her gang to support her.

"Teach your mother!"

Qian Rongkai was repeatedly beaten up by Chen Hao, and the anger in his heart had accumulated to its peak. At this time, the coquettish girl was still here to fan the flames. It was obvious that she was wrong. Seeing her wearing a golden treasure, Qian Rongkai was not angry. At one point, when she raised her hand, she slapped the coquettish woman severely.

"You, are you hitting me?" The coquettish girl held her red cheeks and looked at Qian Rongkai in disbelief. Is this still the money manager who hugged her in the bed last night and called "Sweet Baby"?

"Fuck me, don't let me see you!"

Qian Rongkai took a sip and pushed out the door angrily. He vented the anger that Chen Hao dared and couldn’t express on the coquettish woman. Now that he saw her, he would think of this humiliation and beating. Face time, so abandon her on the spot.

"Madam, this is a private venue, please leave as soon as possible."

Even this coquettish woman was "invited" to go out by the north.

The coquettish girl went outside the restaurant and couldn't believe that she had been dumped like this. Now she lost her financial resources and needed to find her next hero, so she couldn't help but stared at Chen Hao in the store.

"It looks like this Chen Hao has more money than Qian Rongkai. There are so many women around him, it shows that he is very awkward and he is the right person!"

The coquettish girl's eyes lit up and she seemed to have found a new direction. She immediately took out the makeup box and small mirror from her bag, started to touch up her makeup, and planned to replay the old trick.

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