I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 232 The Toad Wants To Eat Fresh Meat

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu!In this small restaurant willing to fight chickens, Chen Hao and his party were left.

"Boss, you are so amazing!"

"Yeah, yeah, I didn't expect you to have such a commercial street, my goodness, how much money would it cost!"

Several model girls beamed their eyes and said with joy that they were very happy in their hearts, and they were all proud and gratified to find such a wealthy and generous boss.

"It's not enough for a small property." Chen Hao said lightly, and the calm and breezy appearance is equivalent to the cost of someone else ordering a takeaway.

The new employee looked to the north and was shocked. The new boss is really full of money. He must be loyal, so he came up and quickly showed his loyalty so as not to be fired.

Chen Hao didn’t have the thought of dismissing and going north. He is currently lacking subordinates. It can be seen from the incident that drove Qian Rongkai that this person has certain management skills and meets his employment requirements, so Chen Hao gave him a reassurance. .

"The salary and treatment of you and the existing staff remain unchanged, but in the future, the financial accounts will be linked to Haoran Trading, which can be regarded as a branch of mine. You are the first person in charge. You are well done, and the bonus is worthy of you!

"Yes, boy, you have to work hard, look at the outfit the boss has bought for us, the boss is generous!"

These model girls also came to show on the spot, which made Xiang Bei even more convinced and said that he would work hard and live up to the boss's expectations.

Chen Hao nodded, and asked Xiang Bei to close the restaurant for a while, looking for the next tenant as soon as possible, and then he left the restaurant with six sisters.

As soon as I got outside, I was suddenly surrounded by a burst of strong perfume, and it turned out that it was the coquettish girl who posted it.

"Boss Chen Hao, they are wrong. I was blinded by Qian Rongkai and offended you. Would you forgive me?"

The coquettish woman wiped her tears pretendingly, from a savage temptress to a little pitiful being bullied.

Chen Hao waved his hand, indicating that he didn't mind at all, that a woman who was willing to be depraved was nothing but a woman who could not achieve the purpose of getting him to mind.

"Boss Chen Hao, they are now homeless, can you follow you back, don't worry, I will do everything, behaved and obedient, make you happy and comfortable!"

The coquettish girl's sales are numb and explicit, and with her flirting eyes, she is a man who knows what she is suggesting.

Chen Hao was speechless for a while, and this woman was really faceless and skinless. Just after being dumped by Qian Rongkai, she stuck to herself, as her own garbage collector?

Even if you collect garbage, you will not accept such N-hand goods, which is disgusting!

There is no need for Chen Hao to refuse, the few model girls will be disgusted.

"Come on, don't pretend, our boss can look down on you."

"Don't look in the mirror, you still want to be next to our boss?" Bashan Academy www.83shu.com

"It's a toad that wants to eat small fresh meat, it's pretty beautiful."

Chen Hao smiled. The model he recruited was really not in vain. He did things very much in line with his wishes, and said what he wanted to say in an "easy to understand" way.

Seeing Chen Hao ignored her about to leave, the coquettish girl was anxious, and immediately threw out her most proud killer: "Boss Chen, don't leave, I'm a very good man. I can play all kinds of tricks, so you are comfortable!"

"Live well?"

Chen Hao really stopped and seemed to be thinking about it.

The model girls were anxious when they saw it, and they hurriedly persuaded Chen Hao as they rushed to say that a woman like a coquettish girl shouldn’t want it. It would cause Chen Hao a lot of trouble, and as long as she had money, she would do her best. Is debauchery.

The coquettish girl saw the hope and immediately posted it with a grin, and said: "Boss Chen, handsome Brother Chen, people are really not exaggerating. There is no 108 style in the room that I can't. They will also play nurses, teachers, secretaries, and prosecutors. Student girl, COSPLAY can also play in the second element. Only you can't think of it, and I can't do it without me."

"If your life is really good, then I really want to arrange a job for you." Chen Hao said solemnly.

"Okay, okay!" The coquettish woman responded happily, "I live really well!"

Hearing this, the model girls felt disappointed. Unexpectedly, Chen Hao was such a person and wanted to accept coquettish women.

As a result, Chen Hao said afterwards: "I have a winery under my banner, and now I have a shortage of workers. I have a monthly salary of four or five thousand. If you are quick and easy, there will be additional bonuses. If you go, you will report my name. Maybe I will give you a belt. Squad leader do it."

The coquettish girl's originally happy face suddenly froze. Unexpectedly, Chen Hao said this, not to entrust her, but to ask her to work.

"It seems that you are not interested, then I can't help it." Chen Hao smiled and turned to leave without a trace of nostalgia.

"Haha, the boss is so funny!"

Only then did the model girl recall that Chen Hao was ridiculing the coquettish women, turning them back and forth laughing, and there was a silver bell-like laughter on the street.

"This kind of woman just wants to teach her a lesson and get in the car!"

Chen Hao opened the door of Rolls Royce.

"Where are we going?" the models asked.

"I didn't eat well just now, I will take you to my own restaurant for dinner." Chen Hao said.

"Okay, the owner's restaurant must be very good." The girls were very excited.

Afterwards, Chen Hao started the car and gradually moved away, while in a parked Mercedes-Benz by the side of the road, Qian Rongkai's resentful eyes kept staring at the extended Rolls Royce like a snake...

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