I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 233 Housewarming Banquet

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The newly recruited nanny and model girls are already familiar with the work of the China Garden and keep the house in order. The housewarming banquet that Xia Jing has been preparing will also be held as scheduled. The time is set to start at 5 o'clock tonight. Xia Jing also Ingeniously, a song and dance troupe was invited to perform live.

Most of the invited guests were Chen Hao’s classmates and friends, Wang Qiang and his girlfriend represented by old classmates, Cui Yongbing, president of the He Province Chamber of Commerce, and some new business partners, including 40 or 50 people. .

As for Chen Hao's undisclosed girlfriend, Zhou Xitong, of course, she will bring a group of business elites over. She never forgets to work every time. Through the work of the banquet, she talks about a lot of business, and the attributes of a strong woman are undoubtedly revealed.

Of course, even Cao Rui, who is thousands of miles away, also sent a new batch of palace fruit wine with changed packaging as a gift for the guests to drink. This is a good opportunity for fruit wine to enter the upper-level business district of Baihe.

For this housewarming banquet, Xia Jing put a lot of thought into putting up two rows of long dining tables in the largest garden of the China Garden and holding large outdoor dinners. The nannies hired were in charge of sanitation work, and the six model girls were in charge of reception at the door.

But this was not enough. The guests conservatively estimated that there were 40 or 50 guests on the day. Xia Jing also contacted a labor service company in advance and hired 20 short-term waiters to serve the banquet, so as to avoid lack of staff and inadequate reception. .

As for the meals, there is no need to worry. There is beautiful chef Xia Jing. She has a few special skills that can make the guests mouthful. Xia Jing also invited a few from nearby five-star hotels. A chef cooks on-site to cope with the tricky tastes of various customers.

Everything is ready, and when night falls, Chen Hao, Xia Jing and others have been busy in the garden all afternoon. Finally, the banquet venue has been arranged and the lighting has been arranged, and a special housewarming banquet can be held in the evening.

But it was four o'clock in the afternoon, and it was getting closer and closer to the beginning of the banquet, but no guests came. Even the song and dance troupe that had to be prepared in advance did not arrive. They were already late at the agreed time.

Suddenly, the banquet organizer Xia Jing's cell phone rang, and when she picked it up, her eyebrows were upended and she shouted, "How could this be!"

"what happened?"

Chen Hao felt that things were unusual, so he asked.

"The only way to the China Garden was blocked by a pile of big rocks. The singing and dancing troupe and a few guests' cars couldn't get in! Isn't this going to delay major events?" Xia Jing was anxious.

"big Stone?"

A row of question marks popped out of Chen Hao's head, thinking that there would be no hillside nearby, and there would be no landslides and falling rocks. Where did the stones that could block the road come from?

Immediately, Xia Jing’s WeChat sent pictures of the scene. Chen Hao followed, and his eyes narrowed because of anger. These stones were scattered in a cone shape on the road. There were many stones in the middle of the road and few on both sides. The impression is a masterpiece of a dump truck, forcibly dumping a car of big rocks in the middle of the road.398 novel www.398xs.com

"This is definitely a deliberate mess!"

Chen Hao suddenly realized that this insidious little trick was a bit familiar. It was similar to Snake's destruction of his opening ceremony. However, Snake should not be able to get out of the detention center at this moment. Then who will make trouble?

Now is not the time to investigate, the most important thing is to restore the traffic and let the guests come in in time, otherwise the festive housewarming banquet will be ruined.

Chen Hao immediately took Xia Jing and drove to the place of the incident in a Hummer.

"I contacted the Highway Administration, but the other party said that this is a self-built road in the development zone, and it is not the responsibility of the Highway Administration Office. If coordination is required, it will be reported to the leader for research tomorrow."

Xia Jing made a road administration call in the car, but the problem was not resolved.

"It's too late to find roads, I will solve it." Chen Hao said solemnly.

"Well, I believe the boss will solve it."

Xia Jing's tight face suddenly relaxed. She was very confident in Chen Hao. Her boss has always been able to create miracles, and it is estimated that this time is no exception.

They rushed to the scene of the incident, and the road was really blocked by a pile of scattered boulders.

The cement road in the China Park is a fork from the main road in the development zone, and these boulders blocked the only way in and out. Those boulders weighing over a hundred catties can’t be cleaned by humans. It is estimated that there will be a delay of several hours when people come, and the day lily is cold.

Chen Hao looked up with a solemn expression. On the opposite side was the bus of the song and dance troupe. He could see it but couldn't come over. The roadbed was sloped, and even a Hummer was inconvenient to wear hard, and ordinary buses were even worse.

"Boss, it seems that the stone is a bit difficult to deal with. How about I find a hotel in the city for a temporary banquet?" Xia Jing asked him.

It is easy to find a hotel, but they have spent many days of planning and painstaking effort. The grandson who dumped the stones is also wicked. When they are caught, Chen Hao must make them look good.

The focus of the incident still has to return to handling the pile of stones. Only a large bulldozer or excavator seems to be able to clean it quickly, but the China Park is located in a tourist area and there is no construction site around it, so it is too late to find an excavator.

However, it is not difficult to find that Chen Hao, who has tens of billions of subsidies, immediately turned on his mobile phone and typed in large construction machinery in the search bar. Soon, he unfolded a row of product pictures.

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