You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!This is Zhou Xitong's car. After getting off the Bentley, she was seen wearing an all-black long dress with the skirt blooming like peony flowers, looking like a queen in the night, solemn and noble.

In order to neutralize the seriousness brought by black, Zhou Xitong also chose a white diamond necklace and a white watch. With her fair complexion, she is a black and white charming beauty. Chen Hao looked pleasing to the eye and said, Your own woman is just beautiful.

Chen Hao went to greet him personally.

"I think there are a lot of big rocks on the side of the road. Did something happen?" Zhou Xitong asked concerned.

"Fortunately, it's all solved." Chen Hao politely, then whispered in her ear, "You are so beautiful today, like the first blooming flower."

Being praised by her sweetheart, Zhou Xitong was full of joy and smiled back at Bai Meisheng. Chen Hao saw Chen Hao's heart shaking, but now there are people around, it is inconvenient to be intimate, wait for the time to talk about it, anyway, tonight is a long night, it's still in himself At home, something beautiful may happen.

"Sir, please go here!"

"Hello, boss, please put your bag in the cabinet here, and someone will keep it unified."

At the door, six model girls who were heavily packaged by Chen Hao, wearing tight cheongsam, greeted guests at the door. The clothes, jewelry, and cosmetics they wore today were all bought by Chen Hao that day. Chen Hao has a long face. Today, it took two hours to put on make-up, one by one, one by one, with a sincere smile on his face, making the guests feel at home.

"This welcome girl hired by Boss Chen is of high quality!"

These business elites couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw the model girls. They had seen women in many service places, including welcome guests, receptionists, and even princesses at night, but none of them felt as good as these six model girls.

They are more innocent than the night girls, and more charming than the front desk. They are models in their own right. They can't show their teeth and can't walk around in skirts. They seem to be really enjoyable. They are far better than ordinary service practitioners. Impressed.

The first impression was good. These guests came to Chen Hao’s housewarming banquet. Most of them came to see how the China Garden is. And style, seems to have only been encountered in some large scenic spots.

You know, this is Chen Hao's private villa group. Living here is the feeling of being in the scenic spot every day, and it is more versatile than ordinary villas.

"It's really good. Like the park, President Chen is really ingenious. He has such a large mansion and he is so beautifully dressed."

The guests all offered beautiful words.Dan Pain Novel Network

"It's over honour, you guys have fun tonight, go find those cheongsam beauties if you need it, she is the reception specialist of China Garden." Chen Hao said politely.

The business elites who came here are okay. After all, they have seen big scenes, and Chen Hao’s classmates, who were surprised and opened their mouths, have never closed them. They have visited many tourist attractions, but when they thought, such a large area The house was bought by my classmates, and the admiration was hard to suppress.

"Chen Hao, I'm considered convinced. When I went to school, I didn't show the mountains and the dew, and turned out to be a big tyrant. You kept it too good." Old classmate Wang Qiang said with envy.

"That is, I knew that Chen Hao was so talented and rich, I would have chased him a long time ago."

A pretty good-looking female classmate joked.

"Then it's not too late for you to start working hard tonight, Chen Hao is still single." The other classmates followed up.

But just to talk about it, the female classmate still knew her identity, and she didn't marry the name of a wealthy wife as a wife.

Zhou Xitong seemed to have heard their conversation and glanced at Chen Hao. The smiley expression seemed to warn him not to mess with flowers.

Chen Hao spread his hands together, expressing that he was innocent. He had no intention of running water and only blamed the falling flowers for too much love.

Of course Zhou Xitong knew that the group of classmates were joking, so he exchanged eyebrows with Chen Hao, and then went to socialize.

She didn't just come as a guest today, but with a business purpose, to make more friends and talk about business for her and Chen Hao.

Chen Hao was also busy receiving guests. After six o'clock, the guests were almost there, so he asked Xia Jing to turn on all the banquet lights, and the song and dance troupe performed singing and dancing performances on the built stage.

At the banquet, the waiter began to serve dishes, lobster, abalone, bird’s nest, bear paw and other delicacies were served in turn. Some of them were cooked by Xia Jing. Delicious, worth it today.

The musical fountain in the yard is also open. Under the brilliant lights, the fountain gushes up and down with the dynamic music drums. The effect is no worse than some small evening parties. The guests also feel Chen Hao's pride and have participated in many banquets. , There are definitely not many upscale like this.

As far as the preparation for this banquet is concerned, the cost will be hundreds of thousands and millions, and they all admire Chen Hao. He deserves to be the owner of the China Garden. This grade is second to none in the country.

Everyone was having fun, and suddenly the surroundings plunged into darkness. All the lights and speakers went off instantly, and the power went out.

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