I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 236 Fireworks Conference

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu!"It's broken, how can the power go out?" Chen Hao was a little upset, and the banquet had happened so much.

"It doesn't seem to be a simple power outage." Xia Jing ran over with the mobile phone lighting for the first time, and pointed out to Chen Hao.

However, I saw that the street lights outside the China Garden were all on, and the same line was used for the lighting of the China Garden. That means that the power supply on the street lights outside is good, but there is a problem with the circuit in the park, which is associated with the boulder blocking the road in the afternoon. This is more likely to be man-made.

"Someone must be at fault!"

Chen Hao was really angry. The other party was hitting a bar with him. If he wanted to mix thoroughly, then Chen Hao decided to have fun with him.

The sudden power outage has caused a panic on the scene. Some guests fell and collided due to poor vision, and a major accident was about to happen.

"Don't worry, everyone, this is just a temporary program for everyone, because the program needs a power outage, and I didn't notify everyone in advance, which caused everyone's troubles. I also hope that Haihan, please stay still in place for the time being, and it will be fine.

Chen Hao first used words to stabilize everyone, and then he had to divert everyone's attention within a short period of time, otherwise it would be a shame tonight.

The electrician in the park has already gone to check the wiring, but the near thirst cannot be quenched by far, and the problem must be solved within a minute.

However, now the only thing Chen Hao can rely on is the tens of billions of subsidies. He immediately turned on his mobile phone and found a service that he could use through the convenience zone in the tens of billions of subsidies app.

Pyrotechnics service, high-end fireworks are 1,000 yuan each, the subsidy price is 0.5 yuan each, and free display services are provided.

Looking at the product stickers is the kind of fireworks for large-scale fireworks shows. Each one costs 1,000 yuan. It's not that the rich can't afford it. But now the subsidy price is 50 cents. This dark environment is suitable for viewing and can comfort the guests. It is perfect Disgust.

So Chen Hao directly bought fireworks for two thousand yuan and asked them to set them off first.

Immediately after Chen Hao placed the order, he heard a muffled sound not far away, and then a group of sparks rushed into the sky. After reaching the highest point, it suddenly burst, emitting a dazzling brilliance, reflecting the night sky.

Then, one after another, fireworks were launched into the air, and in a short time, there were thousands of rays of sunshine and thousands of Rui Cai, just like gorgeous flowers blooming on a pure black picture scroll, and it was so beautiful.

"Wow, what a beautiful firework!"

"It turns out that the power outage was just for the fireworks display. Boss Chen is quite able to clean up the scene."

At this time, the guests were relieved. They all looked up at the fireworks, saw them in the dim light, watched the magnificent fireworks, tasted wine, ate food, and chatted with the handsome men and beauties around.

The guests stabilized, but Chen Hao looked serious. He called Xing Zetao, who was in charge of security in the monitoring room of the park, and asked him to trace the troublemaker behind the scenes. This cannot be done.

The singing and dancing troupe also began to perform. Without lighting, they used the flash of their mobile phones to illuminate them, singing and dancing, and they had a new life.Hot search novel www.resoooxs.com

The fireworks show in the night sky continues. The fireworks of various colors and styles are pleasing to the eye. In this way, everyone quietly enjoyed the fireworks show for ten minutes, and no one was bored.

Finally, all the lights in the China Garden were turned on at the same time, and the lighting was restored. Everyone cheered, and then continued to do what they should do.

Chen Hao successfully responded to this crisis with tens of billions of subsidies.

The electrician then came back to report that the wire was indeed cut by humans. He has simply repaired the connection and will need to replace a new cable tomorrow to ensure safety.

"Thank you." Chen Hao let the electricians and security guards go out, searching for possible troublemakers, so that they could no longer cause damage.

However, it seemed that the other party had also retreated, and there were no surprises afterwards, and the banquet went on smoothly this time.

The banquet lasted until ten o'clock in the evening, and some guests had things to do the next day, so they said goodbye to Chen Hao in advance and thanked him for his hospitality.

Everyone was mainly impressed by today's fireworks display, delicious food, and court fruit wine. Before leaving, they said they would come to taste it another day.

Chen Hao smiled and said that there is no problem, welcome to come again.

In this way, the reputation of Chen Hao's food and wine has become famous in the upper business district of Baihe.

The yard gradually became deserted, but there were still some high-drinking guests who did not leave, and they still had a high-pitched voice to fight wine and guess punches with others, and had a great time playing.

Chen Hao did not destroy their Yaxing, but came to Zhou Xitong and poured her a glass of fruit wine.

"I have drunk almost two bottles and can't drink anymore." Zhou Xitong said with a reddish face. Looking at Chen Hao, she was not intoxicated by alcohol.

"Why don't you go with the guests?" Zhou Xitong asked.

"You are a guest, I am here to accompany you specially." Chen Hao looked at her with scorching eyes, with a faint smile on his face.

The two understood in a moment, and they hadn't touched it in private for many days. Tonight was indeed a good opportunity. So the two of them gradually separated from the crowd by chatting and walking and went to the backyard residential area.

"Take you to my room and have a look." Chen Hao said with deep meaning.

A man invites a beautiful woman to his room late at night, his motive is not so simple, but Zhou Xitong is also a little yearning at this time, so he comes to his villa with Chen Hao.

The villa where Chen Hao lives is located in the center of the China Garden. It has a good location and high floors. Xia Jing chose it specially for him.

After entering the door, you can see the antique style. To be honest, Zhou Xitong still rarely sees this kind of pure antique style home villa decoration, which looks very fresh.

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