You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!These internal news spread extremely quickly in the circle. People in Bank of China learned about it and spread to other banks. At almost the same time, everyone heard that Rongkai Group was going to die, and lending them money was a thunder.

As a result, the banks that received loans from Rongkai Group became ambiguous and did not say no, but it was just an excuse to review and approve, and it took time, at least to observe for a period of time before lending.

However, Rongkai Group can't wait. If it drags on, the company's stock price will be worthless, and many years of operation will be destroyed.

Since the bank could not lend money, Qian Rongkai set his target on some of his business partners, borrowing money from them, millions or tens of millions, and guaranteed high interest rates. As long as they have dealt with the crisis, Can be repaid.

However, the wealthy businessmen in the business district in the province have received a hint from Cui Yongbing, the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, not to lend money to Qian Rongkai. Therefore, none of Qian Rongkai’s apparent brothers have lost contact, or the phone signal is not good. on.

The reason why Cui Yongbing made such news was because Chen Hao communicated with him in advance. Cui Yongbing's awe of Chen Hao had reached a certain level, and without hesitation, he helped Chen Hao spread the negative news about Qian Rongkai.

"This bunch of rubbish is usually called brothers and sisters, and none of them are useful at critical moments!"

After working for a few days without borrowing any money, Qian Rongkai yelled in the office and dropped several cups, but to no avail, he could only put his last hope on selling property.

The luxury cars and mansions accumulated over the years are all dealt with at low prices. They require that they can get the cash as soon as possible, and only leave a small commercial house for his wife and children. Those real estate registered under the name of the junior third are all recovered immediately. Realize for cash.

After two more days of raising, Qian Rongkai finally raised 500 million yuan, ready to invest all of it in the company's account to deal with the difficulties.

"Brother Hao, the preparation of the surname Qian made a desperate move, and sold his house and car for 500 million."

Xing Zetao, who has been in charge of monitoring Qian Rongkai's mobile phone, notified Chen Hao of this important news.

After Chen Hao heard it, the corners of his mouth curled up, and the final blow was about to begin. To blame, Qian Rongkai could only be blamed for being too arrogant and provoking people who shouldn't be offended!

At this moment, Chen Hao in Zhou's International Building resolutely used the poverty alleviation card he had prepared long ago, first transferred all his own deposits, and then locked the card to Qian Rongkai's body.

"The all poor card has taken effect, the target person Qian Rongkai, the user and the target fund account are both 0."

A reminder came from the app. This time Chen Hao finally completed the last link in the plan. He cleared Qian Rongkai's personal account with his poor card and achieved a lore.

"Consultant Huang, Qian Rongkai is out of money, and the rest is left to you." Chen Hao said.

"Okay, I will release the news immediately, saying that Qian Rongkai has changed his property and is ready to run away, and those creditors can let him drink a pot." Kanshuwo

Advisor Huang smiled and ordered his hands to spread the news, and then step up the annihilation plan of the Rongkai Group.

Qian Rongkai, who was in the provincial capital company, had the last hope. He wanted to transfer the 500 million funds raised in the account to the company account, but was told that the balance was insufficient. After checking the balance, he found out that it was just nine figures. The balance is now empty and 0, and his previous glory has become a cloud of smoke.

Qian Rongkai couldn't stand the shock, rolled his eyes and fainted.

"Boss, what's wrong with you, boss?"

The subordinates lifted Qian Rongkai to the hospital in a panic. However, when he woke up, the matter had settled. The Rongkai Group was unable to recover due to the breakdown of the capital chain. All of its subsidiaries were closed, and bankruptcy and liquidation would be announced soon.


"Mr. Chen, I'm considered convinced. It was the first time I saw an expert in the business world for so many years, chatting and laughing, and killed the Rongkai Group. It didn't take any effort, it was nothing short of overwhelming!"

At the internal celebration banquet, Consultant Huang raised a glass to express his admiration to Chen Hao.

This acquisition can be said to have created a historical precedent. Throughout the history of business, it seems that it has not been so easy. It seems that a group with abundant financial resources has fallen apart in a short period of time, which only shows that Chen Hao is too strong. , Be considered as exhaustive.

"Where, you still have to work together to achieve this result."

Chen Hao toasted with everyone and drank a glass of champagne.

"Mr. Chen is right, everyone has worked hard this time. Your red envelopes will be included in this month's salary. Please keep working hard." Zhou Xitong announced with a smile.

The employees of the investment department present were all overjoyed. Because they started the acquisition early, they knew the inside story. They made a big profit and made a conservative estimate of more than 70 million. They made so much in just a few days. Windfall is higher than the annual turnover of many companies.

"By the way, where is Qian Rongkai?" Chen Hao asked.

"He ran away in debt and was arrested at the airport. This time he was involved in a number of economic crimes. It is estimated that he will spend several years in jail, and he also became a pauper when he came out, and he can't get up and running." Consultant Huang said.

"That's good, this can be regarded as a life lesson for him. If you save a little money, you won't know the sky is high and the earth is rich." Chen Hao said coldly.

"That's right, this kind of person wants Mr. Chen to personally rectify it." The surrounding employees smiled knowingly.

Everyone has been together these days, and it is clear that the cause is Qian Rongkai’s repeated provocations against Chen Hao. It can be said that he is self-inflicted and cannot be alive. It is not good to provoke anyone, but if he is provoked by Chen Hao, who is so powerful, it can only end up in this situation. , It can be said to be self-blaming.

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