You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!The celebration banquet was over and everyone was overjoyed. The staff all left to go to work, leaving Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong in the entire banquet hall.

"Tong Tong..." Chen Hao called her a nickname, and walked in towards her.

"What are you doing?" Zhou Xitong had a premonition, and her white cheeks became more rosy.

"Hands are a bit tight these days, don't you, subsidize me so that I can earn some extra money?" Chen Hao went to put his arms around her waist with a smirk on his face. This was a secret sign when the two wanted to be "intimacy".

Zhou Xitong is a woman after all, and I am embarrassed to say this kind of thing, looking at the beloved man in front of him, smiling silently.

Chen Hao had anything else to say, and threw her directly on the sofa and put her hands down.

"Don't, there are a lot of people here." Zhou Xitong groaned, and pulled the opened skirt back to her legs. After all, she is the group president and wants to maintain her personal image.

"Either go to my office." But she also made a compromise and provided a solution to the incident.

"Okay, as you wish." Chen Hao smiled and pulled Zhou Xitong up.

After finishing their clothes, the two of them came out of the banquet hall, took the elevator, and arrived at Zhou Xitong's office.

After the two entered, Zhou Xitong locked the door behind him and put up a "Do Not Disturb" sign, and then took Chen Hao into the cubicle lounge.

This lounge is relatively soundproof. It is used by Zhou Xitong to rest during lunch break or overtime. It has a bed and simple furniture such as wardrobes. They are here and no one will bother them.

Entering this kind of confined space, the two of them no longer keep it, and soon their clothes slipped off and merged into one (7341 is omitted here)...

After some clouds and rain, Zhou Xitong lay lazily in Chen Hao's arms, his face was red, young men and women, who knew each other at first glance, never tired of it, now is the time to enjoy the aftertaste.

"I ordered a Jade Buddha for my mother. Ask my mother when it is a good time, and I will send it to her." Chen Hao looked at Zhou Xitong, who was shy in his arms, and teased her.

"Well, I'll ask when I go back."

Zhou Xitong said, "Although my mother did not explicitly agree with me after eating the vegetarian meal last time, she does not object to me being with you, and..."

Zhou Xitong was a little bit ashamed to say this, so he wasn't as embarrassed to say it.

"And what?" Chen Hao asked.

"I won't tell you." Zhou Xitong wanted to hide.

However, Chen Hao's curiosity was aroused, so he would not let her go, so he started to itch, Zhou Xitong screamed again and again, and finally was tortured, so he had to confess.80 Novel Network

"Okay, okay, I said, it was my mother who asked us to pay attention to measures. Don't get pregnant before we get married, it's too indecent." Zhou Xitong said shyly.

Chen Hao was taken aback and asked: "I have taken measures these few times, but not the first time. There will be no such measures?

"Don't worry, I took medicine that time." Zhou Xitong began to get up and put on clothes, while Chen Hao lay on the bed and admired the beauty's dressing. His exquisite figure was pleasing to the eye.

"Have you not seen enough?"

Zhou Xitong turned her back to him, she had already put silk stockings on her legs, her skin was white and smooth, and it seemed that there was no friction.

"Not enough, never enough." Chen Hao said with a smile.

Zhou Xitong smiled, then threw the clothes torn by Chen Hao on him, changed a coat and pushed the door out, the high heels "clicked" away, and Chen Hao heard her talking to the staff in the corridor , Seems to be asking about work progress.

Chen Hao couldn't help but admire that his woman is really dedicated. She has just gone through a hand-to-hand combat, and now she is working again, and she is not afraid of being exhausted.

Chen Hao also tidyed up his clothes and got up. Since Zhou Xitong is so dedicated, he shouldn't be left behind, lest she be looked down upon.

Chen Hao went downstairs to his Haoran trading company. Today, he has an appointment with reporter Zhu Min, a reporter he met not long ago. She reported on the spontaneous combustion video of Flying Elephant Group during the World Expo. After an ugly appearance, Chen Hao had a good impression of her, and the cooperation between the two began.

However, it seems that Zhu Min is more grateful to Chen Hao. After all, Chen Hao provided her with good news and invited her to dinners many times before.

Zhu Minzhien Illustrated News, once promised to advertise for Chen Hao's company. As soon as the application was approved by the program team in the station, she brought the camera crew and planned to provide Haoran Trading as a free business through talk shows.

"Hello, Reporter Zhu!"

In the downstairs of Zhou's International Building, Chen Hao enthusiastically shook hands with Zhu Min, and behind her, a cameraman was carrying a camera to shoot.

"Hello Mr. Chen, don't be nervous today. Let's just interview. The video will be processed later. If there is content you don't want to broadcast, you can cut it out." Zhu Min said with a smile.

The female reporter was blown by the outdoor breeze, her black hair was flowing, and she looked pretty in this way, and the eyes of the surrounding security guards floated towards her unconsciously.

Chen Hao nodded secretly, Zhu Min has the potential to become a big reporter, just this good image can attract a lot of male fans.

Next, Chen Hao led him into the Zhou's International Building, and a group of people took the elevator upstairs.

The Zhou’s International Building is luxuriously decorated, and there are many black-tech gadgets, such as fully automated service robots. When employees order food and beverages in the building, they will be delivered directly to workers’ posts.

With these facilities, Zhu Min, who was knowledgeable, couldn't help showing her yearning. It was the first time for her to witness such a luxurious company building.

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