You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!"Boss Chen, can I ask you a question?" Zhu Min asked suddenly while walking.

"Please tell me, I know everything except what I can't answer." Chen Hao said.

"Mr. Chen is very humorous," Zhu Min asked with a smile. "This is the first time I have come to Zhou's International Building. I heard that their building is not rented out. Is your Haoran Trading Company also a shareholder of Zhou's International Investment? "

"The company is currently solely owned by me, and Zhou's International and I have a strategic cooperative relationship."

Chen Hao replied, but he thought in his heart that he did often "cooperate" with President Zhou Xitong, and he had "in-depth exchanges" just now. This answer is quite appropriate.

"Being able to cooperate with a large group like Zhoushi International, your company must be unique." Zhu Min smiled.

"Go and see you will know, please!"

The elevator opened, and Chen Hao led a group of reporters to Haoran Trading's office and asked them to interview casually.

There are currently a dozen employees in Haoran. They all welcome the boss when they come with reporters. The relationship between their colleagues is harmonious, the atmosphere is relaxed, and their faces are smiling. This is the same as in many large companies where employees are in a high-pressure environment. , The situation of lack of smile is quite different.

The reason is that the nature of their company's business is different. Chen Hao never pushes them with performance, and it is a flexible work system. As long as he can complete the scheduled work, it doesn't matter if he doesn't even come to the company. By the end of the month, he will receive a lot of salary. In the company, employees are comfortable, everyone works hard, forming a virtuous circle.

An employee prepared drinks and snacks for Zhu Min. After a little familiarity with the structure of the company, she was ready to start the interview.

This time I was preparing to serve as a soft advertisement for Haoran Company, so Zhu Min interviewed the material in the company and specifically asked Haoran Trading’s business philosophy. When I learned that this place is mainly selling scarce products, and as long as it is famous on the market The items of the number are basically available, which aroused Zhu Min's interest.

"Really so amazing?"

The photographers expressed that they didn't believe it, but they came to promote it, and it was not easy to sing the right stage. They just gave Haoran Trading a "bragger" company label.

"Then can we follow the whole process of a business?" Zhu Min felt that it was necessary to take a real shot to verify the authenticity.

"Of course." Zhan Yifei, who is a gold medal salesman, agreed. He happened to have an order for digital products and was handing over with customers.

"Are you selling Apple phones?" Zhu Min asked after seeing the chat pictures.

She only saw an Apple mobile phone icon, but this mobile phone looks different from the Apple mobile phones on sale. It has a transparent folding screen. This is a bit strange. It seems that Apple has never heard of this product.Love my novel

Zhu Min couldn't help but raise a row of question marks in her head. She was suddenly shocked, wondering if this is a domestic copycat machine, that's why this black technology is available. If it is really as she guessed, then this video must not be broadcast. Otherwise, Haoran Trading will sell counterfeit and shoddy products, and it will be a lawsuit.

"This is the new transparent foldable iPhoneTX that Apple will launch in January next year, priced at 31880 yuan, which is a high-end concept model."

While talking, Zhan Yifei put on rubber gloves, then turned on the phone to show Zhu Min, the interface is the IOS system, running smoothly, the texture is very similar to the real Apple machine, it should be genuine.

"It's just that it hasn't been listed yet, and the unlocking cannot be activated, but the customer accepts this small shortcoming." Zhan Yifei added.

Zhu Min immediately took out his mobile phone to search, and he found the introduction of this mobile phone on Apple's official website. The appearance is exactly the same as this mobile phone, except that it says that the global unified sales date is January 1 next year. There are still several months left. Why did Haoran Trading have a spot mobile phone just after it was released?

"This is not scientific!" Zhu Min's mind was a little confused.

"Hehe, my mobile phone is a factory-developed prototype, with top performance and higher configuration than those sold externally. This configuration will not be available in specialty stores at that time." Zhan Yifei smiled.

"Wow, so to speak, this is a new model that was launched in advance. If you can get it a few months in advance, I guess some fruit fans will be happy to go to heaven." Zhu Min shouted.

"Yes, this intended customer is a senior fruit fan. He has collected every generation of Apple products, and he is willing to add 30 to buy this phone."

While Zhan Yifei was talking, he had already completed the transaction with this customer and the other party paid the purchase price. Zhan Yifei packed the world's only high-end Apple development prototype and sent it to the customer by express delivery. In order to avoid losses, he chose express delivery to insure the price.

Seeing how easy sales are, Zhu Min can’t help but envy. It’s too easy to make money, but she is very concerned about the source of mobile phones. How can this kind of thing that should be highly confidential by Apple flow out in advance and enter the retail field?

"We have to ask our boss. They are all sources of goods provided by the boss." Zhan Yifei said truthfully.

Zhu Min ran to ask Chen Hao if he had any sources of supply. He also had a cousin who was a fruit fan and wanted to buy one for her.

"This one is out of stock. Only one is available."

Chen Hao expressed his apologies. After all, the purchase of goods in the tens of billions of subsidies was limited. At that time, there was only one prototype of this sneaker version, and he couldn't make more.

Nevertheless, it was already amazing. Zhu Min asked again: "So, in Haoran company, you can buy anything you want?"

"It doesn't have everything. For example, guns, tanks, aircraft carriers, I can't sell them." Chen Hao joked.

Zhu Min snickered, Chen Hao is really a talent, humorous and rich, but she also has a prank in mind and wants to test him.

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