I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 245 The company is on fire

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu!"I want to buy a brush from Qiu Wencheng's Pen Shop. Do you have it here?"

Zhu Min learned brush calligraphy when she was a child, and occasionally splashed a little ink. She knew that Qiu Wencheng's pen shop had been closed for several years because no one had inherited it. Now there are no such pens on the market. See if Chen Hao has the real ability to get the brushes that have closed down the pen workshop.

"Qiu Wencheng Bi Zhuang? Wait a moment, I'll call to ask."

When Chen Hao went to no one's place, he actually turned on the mobile phone's tens of billions of subsidies to search.

Qiu Wencheng's full set of brushes (private collection), estimated at 2688 yuan, subsidized price of 5 yuan, 1 set survived.

This should be an out-of-print brush. Unexpectedly, there is still a set of stock in the tens of billions of subsidies. The price of this out-of-print item is definitely getting higher and higher. Chen Hao bought it directly, in order to avoid directly taking it out to make Zhu Min suspicious. I copied a few product photos for Zhu Min to see, and the genuine products were sent to her by express afterwards.

"Do you really have one?"

Zhu Min was very surprised when he saw the pictures of the products. There were all out-of-print brushes, and Chen Hao's Haoran trade was too powerful!

She used to search for second-hand items on the website for many years without any results. As a result, when she came to Chen Hao's company, the results were available within a few minutes.

"Okay, I bought it. You can send it to me when you have time."

Zhu Min found the Zhan Yifei and bought this set of brushes in accordance with the normal process, but was surprised to find that Zhan Yifei only accepted her two dollars and six cents.

"You made a wrong decimal point. You should multiply it by 1000." Zhu Min reminded him.

Zhan Yifei said: "No less, our boss ordered that you are his friend. This is a friendly price."

"How embarrassing it is." Zhu Min found Chen Hao, and didn't want to take advantage of this. All of a sudden, it was more than two thousand yuan cheaper, which was equivalent to giving away for nothing.

"As a gift to you, take the interview video better for me." Chen Hao smiled.

Zhu Min pushed it to no avail, so he laughed at this brush set, feeling happy, after all, it is an out-of-print brush, and it was given to her by Chen Hao, which is of great significance.

After completing this transaction, Zhu Min understood the essence of Haoran's trade, that is, the retail of rare goods, and the trading company that relies on volume wholesale is taking two completely different business routes.

It’s hard to say which is better or worse. The key lies in the operator’s positioning of his own company. Zhu Min believes that Chen Hao has his reasons for doing so, and Haoran Trading is very different from the companies she interviewed. bright.

Today’s shooting mission was completed, Zhu Min was an eye-opener. He didn’t expect that such a "almost all-round" trade was hidden in the luxurious Zhou's International Building. As long as there is a demand for purchase, this place can basically meet the needs of customers.18 Novel Network www.18xs.org

Zhu Min thinks this is a very good news material, and sending it out will definitely cause controversy.

Many netizens don’t believe in the magic of Haoran’s trade, and will definitely criticize it, that is, Internet spouts. News needs such topicality. When there are more people questioning, some people will be curious. When they want to give it a try, they will find Haoran. After the trade is really a "Little Ding Dong" type of magic company, the effect will be more shocking, and it will have a better publicity effect.

"Mr. Chen, thank you for your cooperation. I will edit and broadcast as soon as possible when I go back!" Zhu Min shook hands with Chen Hao before leaving.

"Just do your best." Chen Hao said politely.

When Zhu Min left, Chen Hao suddenly smelled a delicate fragrance on his hand. He didn't know what perfume the reporter Zhu Min was spraying. It smelled good.


In this way, three days later, this interview short film shot by Zhu Min began to be broadcast on TV and on the official Weibo account. The title and the name were a bit like the shock department of UC.

"Shocked! There is an all-around company in our city, selling everything!"

Such a headline really attracted a bunch of Internet trolls, saying that the ad was too low-level, and there was a limit to bragging.

Of course, some old customers of Haoran Trading saw it, and left a message and reasoned with them. The result was said to be the navy and the trust, and the two sides quarreled.

This incident has aroused certain attention on the Internet. Many netizens have spontaneously filmed videos to verify whether Haoran Trading is truly "all-round" as stated in the video, and they have asked for some strange and weird goods.

For example, some rare hand-made items, a certain kind of treasured ingredients, a limited number of snapped up but always out of stock Xiaomi mobile phones, etc. As a result, Haoran Trading has all met their requirements as they wished. This has made Haoran Trading's reputation and business volume huge. rise.

Chen Hao is not afraid of those who come. As long as there are goods in the tens of billions of subsidies, he can buy them and resell them to customers, and they are basically subsidized prices. He made a lot of blood because of this, and he bought a few dollars and sold several thousand. Wan is commonplace, relying on tens of billions of subsidies, Chen Hao's deposits are increasing, and it is cool to enjoy the tens of billions of subsidies!

After Zhou Xitong knew about it, she called to congratulate Chen Hao, saying that Chen Hao is also a wonderful work in the industry. She also used the public relations department of Zhou's International to add fire, and she also made up a slogan called "If you have difficulty, find Haoran." "After forming a network stalk, someone asked to buy rare items, the first thing that came to mind was Haoran Trade.

So far, Haoran Trading has become the only rare and rare item purchase company in China. Although the business volume is not very large, every single order can be truly praised by customers.

Haoran Trading suddenly became popular. It was the video taken by Zhu Min and the help of Zhou Xitong's operation team. On the phone, Chen Hao emphatically thanked his woman.

"Thanks." Chen Hao said.

"Why are you still seeing me like this...Oh!" Zhou Xitong was talking on the phone, and suddenly cried out in pain.

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