You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!"Hey, your fake testimony is pretty lifelike, you came here prepared!"

Liang Chengfa and other filthy people don't think Chen Hao's proof is true, and they are still ridiculing.

"When did you apply for the title certificate?"

Zhu Min is a reporter and can tell the authenticity of the documents. After looking carefully, her eyes widened. She did not understand that Chen Hao had bought so many properties in Temple Street silently. Chen Hao's business has reached a certain level. , Almost wherever he goes.

What kind of financial resources is this?Maybe it can only be described as a monster.

This Liang Chengfa did not move. Chen Hao expected that he would use official power to suppress the little demon. Chen Hao called 110 in Litong County and told them that someone had illegally invaded his house and asked them to deal with it immediately.

"This person is really sick. He took the false certificate to defraud and took the initiative to call the police. I'll see who the police arrested for a while."

Liang Chengfa was very disdainful, fiddling with the bangs on his forehead, and went back to the small supermarket with a few of his men, drinking beer and watching TV, very casual.

While waiting for the police to arrive, Chen Hao walked around. Suddenly, he looked up and saw row upon row of tall buildings around him.

The economy of Baihe City has developed rapidly. Various high-rise buildings and business districts have basically been built in the urban area. Temple Street is surrounded by a relatively prosperous area. The surrounding housing prices have risen to 15,000 square meters, and this Temple Street However, due to special reasons, the land is quite cheap, less than a fraction of the surrounding land prices, forming a sharp contrast.

But if you change the direction and think about it, if Temple Street is also developed, the land price will increase several times, and you can make a lot of money.

"Yeah, if I buy and develop all of Temple Street, this is a big business worth billions of dollars!" Chen Hao's eyes lit up and he thought of a good business.

Although the idea is wonderful, he doesn't have such a big mouth, and he has to ask for cooperation, and the most suitable one is his own woman Zhou Xitong.

Chen Hao has financial resources, and Zhou Xitong has manpower and influence. The two have a combination of swords and they will definitely be able to make this business.

The more Chen Hao thinks about it, the more it feels feasible, so he immediately called Zhou Xitong and asked her opinions on the development of Temple Street.

"Temple Street?"

After hearing this, Zhou Xitong was surprised and said, "My subordinates also had the idea of ​​developing Temple Street, but it failed. The reasons are complicated. But if you can do it, I can be responsible for subsequent operations and project development. The most difficult thing is the land procedures. Because it involves Litong County, I am not familiar with it."

"I will find a way for the land, and don't worry about the money. You can take advantage of this time and find someone to plan the construction plan." Chen Hao ended the call with confidence.

Looking at the dirty and low-rise shanty towns around, and then at the modern high-rise buildings in the distance, Chen Hao suddenly gave birth to a sense of mission. He wanted to turn the backward Temple Street into a beautiful and tidy corner of the city, not to mention it can be large. Making a fortune is the most important thing in the near future.

Chen Hao couldn't help but look at Zhu Min next to him, and suddenly looked a little shy at the beautiful reporter.

"Thank you," Chen Hao said with a smile.

"Thank me for what? You come to save me, I want to thank you." Zhu Min asked puzzled.Xixi Novel Network

Chen Hao smiled and didn't say anything. Today, he really accidentally cut the willow and helped a female reporter. But he found a big business opportunity. Maybe this is a good thing for good people.

Others don't have the ability to develop Temple Street, but he does, and he can start preparing for action now.

Chen Hao only bought a few private real estates owned by Liang Chengfa, but when he checked other real estate information, he frowned because the property rights system showed that this was land used by the government of Litong County and belonged to the state-owned 10 billion subsidy system. There is no way to levy forcibly, and the system can only use points to purchase land in private hands.

"It seems that I can only go to Litong County once." Chen Hao had a decision in his heart.

When Chen Hao had an idea, the police car from Litong County finally arrived late. A small police car sat in a small police car with the driver and two policemen. After getting off, he communicated with the reporter, Chen Hao, and Chen Hao showed it. The evidence showed that he was the head of the household, and Liang Chengfa was asked to move out immediately.

"Hey, Lao Liang, don't stay at someone's house and move your things quickly, otherwise everyone will be bothered."

Unexpectedly, these two policemen knew Liang Chengfa very well.

As expected, Liang Chengfa has been operating in Temple Street for many years, and it is impossible not to have disputes with others, and it is reasonable to know the police.

"What? His home, what kind of joke! I have bought these pieces of land for several years, so how come they belong to him?"

Liang Chengfa's eyes widened, they were almost like bull's eye, he didn't believe it at all.

"Others have a certificate of property rights. What you say is useless, hurry up and don't waste time." The police urged.

"I don't believe it, I want to see the title certificate!" Liang Chengfa reached out and asked Chen Hao.

Chen Hao smiled, not everyone can see the title certificate, Chen Hao ignored him at all, he only showed it to the police.It is also very simple for the police to check the authenticity. Through the property number, one can find out through the internal website that he is the authentic proof of the authenticity.

Although the evidence was presented, Liang Chengfa insisted that it was false.

"I knew this house was bought by Lao Tzu, no one would let me move!" Liang Chengfa went sideways and moved his property, which would kill his life.

"Then we are not welcome. If you don't move, we must summon you according to the law!" The policeman was also unambiguous, his clothes were lifted, revealing the handcuffs on his back.

"You two little policemen still challenge me. Both of you and I drink a lot. Tell you, be careful and don't get into trouble."

This Liang Chengfa actually threatened the police.

This annoyed the police, who directly showed the handcuffs and handcuffed Liang Chengfa to the police car.

"Let go, do you dare to catch me?"

As Liang Chengfa struggled, a piece of his scalp suddenly fell off, revealing a half-protruding forehead. It turned out that his trendy hairstyle was wearing a wig, and he had already lost his head. This was the hair volume of his age.

Chen Hao looked funny, applauded and praised the police for doing harm to the people.

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