You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!In the end, Liang Chengfa was taken to the police car, and his gangsters could only watch. These were rascals who liked to play rogues. No one dared to stand up against the law enforcement agencies, and finally watched Liang Chengfa be taken away.

Now things are simple, Chen Hao said to those Liang Chengfa's men: "Give you one day to move all your boss's things away, otherwise I will find someone to throw them in the trash!"

"you dare!"

These little hooligans stared at them, and they wanted to stand up for their boss to deter Chen Hao.

However, Chen Hao smiled slightly, and thought "click" with the fingers of both hands, preparing for boxing.

The little hooligans immediately changed their expressions, and instantly remembered their previous experience of being beaten by Chen Hao. They were all persuaded, and slowly began to move things, but looking at their posture with instant noodles, Yugong was tired. It is estimated that moving the entire supermarket will take several months.

Chen Hao could see that they were dragging. He probably wanted to wait until Liang Chengfa was contacted to listen to his instructions. Chen Hao wouldn't urge him. He didn't like the small supermarket anyway.

He is now going to run for other properties in Temple Street, and to buy the entire Temple Street, he needs to go to Litong County to get things done, and it is best to go with Zhou Xitong, after all, she has more weight than herself. You can also talk to local officials.

"Tongtong, do you want to go on a day trip to Linxian with me?" Chen Hao called and asked in an ambiguous tone that only two of them could understand.

Saying to travel, it is actually a business trip to Litong County, because the Miaojie project is a big business of at least several billion yuan, which is worth a half of the net profit of Zhou International's one year. Of course, Zhou Xitong takes it seriously.

Besides, this is going to work with Chen Hao. She hasn't lived with Chen Haowen for several days. When she heard the news, she smiled on the phone.

"Okay, I agree, then we will go there early tomorrow morning." Zhou Xitong agreed.

"Ok, I'll drive over, so don't bring other entourage."

Chen Hao’s reminder is that the drunkard’s intention is not to drink, and there is no light bulb to obstruct it.

After Chen Hao finished the call, he drove up the beauty reporter Zhu Min and left Temple Street, sending her back to the TV station.

"Thank you for today, and I will buy you tea next day."

At the door of the TV station, Zhu sensitively said.

"You're welcome," Chen Hao said, "but you still have to pay attention to your personal safety in the future. Don't be a girl who dares to go to any dangerous place. If you really want to go, you have to plan for the worst and leave behind."

"Okay, I remembered."

Zhu Min nodded, then remembered something, took out his mobile phone and sent a WeChat friend verification to Chen Hao.Fate Novel

"This is my private account. The previous one was a work account. I want to use my private account to contact me more appropriately." Zhu Min said.


Chen Hao didn't think much, but just added another friend, so he bid farewell to Zhu Min and drove away by himself.

His next destination is a hairdresser. Tomorrow he will travel with Zhou Xitong and he needs to get a new haircut.

The hairdresser he came to was the same one he had visited with Cao Rui last time. This time Chen Hao has an acquaintance hairstylist and directly appointed Mr. Tony to give him a haircut.

"Boss, you are here, what hairdo this time?"

Tony asked politely.

Because he knew Chen Hao’s financial resources, spending money without blinking, and serving Chen Hao better than anything else, he gave up the accent of returning returnees that he used to pretend and used the Baihe dialect, which seemed even more obvious Be kind.

Chen Hao has no special preference for styling, so he asked him, "What are the popular hairstyles lately?"

"Recently, several hairstyles that have become popular in Korea are cool. Look, these are the most fashionable hairstyles."

Teacher Tony showed Chen Hao a few hair style photos. Chen Hao was disgusted at the first glance. They looked similar to Liang Chengfa's wig, and Chen Hao would never consider the same style as that rascal.

"Just give me a simple position." Chen Hao said.

"Yes, I promise you will be satisfied."

Tony then gave Chen Hao a full set of washing, cutting and blowing services. The scissors flew up and down, playing a lot of flower work.

While waiting for the haircut, Chen Hao took out his mobile phone to pass the boring time.

The sales of fruit wines sold under the tens of billions of subsidies have begun to climb, and many repeat customers, most of which are rated as five-star praise, have allowed Chen Hao's points to increase steadily.

However, Chen Hao discovered that if a customer repeatedly purchases the same product, only the first five-star praise will be rewarded with points, and there will be no points increase later. It seems that the development of new customers and broadening the product chain is the kingly way.

The popularity of palace fruit wine is also expected. Now that the production capacity is insufficient, the second batch of newly packaged fruit wine is ready to be shipped, and there are many scheduled orders. The group of wine powder attracted from the Expo will be tasted. Can't wait.

After reading the business, Chen Hao opened WeChat and suddenly noticed Zhu Min's new account. This new account was a photo of her private house wearing sunglasses, which looked pretty cool.

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