You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!Chen Hao’s "good temper" has further contributed to the arrogance of the young people. They exchanged eye contact with each other, and they all wanted to make a show. Maybe the tall beauty saw their heroism and could get rid of Chen. Hao, go home with them.

So, the young man named Gangzi took a wine glass and walked around Zhou Xitong's side, and said slyly: "Beauty, I have a drink with my brother."

Hearing this, Zhou Xitong put down the can and sighed softly. It seems that Chen Hao was right. Facing these people, he can't be polite, or he would be uneasy after eating some skewers.

Gangzi still didn't feel the taste, and continued: "We will go to the movies after we finish drinking. There is a new movie theater in the county seat that is very exciting, and there are lovers.

"the third time!"

Chen Hao's eyes suddenly became fierce. The so-called things are no more than three. The first two times they were forbearance children, but they repeatedly provoke Zhou Xitong, that is, they are beating themselves.

"Watching a movie, right? First please watch an old movie "The Shameful Iron Fist" for free!"

Suddenly, Chen Hao's two punches hit the eye socket of the Gangzi.


Gangzi let out a painful cry, and only felt severe pain in his eyes. When several of his friends came up to check, everyone found that the eye sockets were bruised and looked like panda eyes. This free Tekken movie looked quite solid.

"Grass, dare to beat the Gangzi, fuck him!"

The group of young people, like a lit powder keg, picked up the wine bottles one by one and rushed up.

All of a sudden, the surrounding diners were all panicked, for fear of harming the pond fish.

"My wife, stand back a little."

At this tense juncture, Chen Hao smiled back and asked Zhou Xitong to escape.

"Well, I'm fine, you have to be careful."

Zhou Xitong knew her man's abilities, she took the bag of the two, retreated outside the food stall, became an enthusiastic audience, cheering for her boyfriend.

Chen Hao had no worries about the future, so it was convenient for him to use it. He retreated two steps to avoid the bombardment of the wine bottle. He lifted his leg and kicked, knocking over the table and chairs behind, and suddenly screams one after another. , Other diners fled.

Chen Hao hit the abdomen of a young man with a black tiger's heart, and the stomach of this man was like a volcanic eruption, what he had eaten just now. The uncontrollable vomited, spitting out acid water on the ground, and immediately lost combat effectiveness.

At this time, a young man walked around behind Chen Hao and attacked. Zhou Xitong saw it and smashed it with half a can of beer in his hand.Wu Jiu Literature


This heavy blow hit the back of the man's head, causing his sneak attack to pause. Chen Hao also noticed it, and directly returned his hand with an elbow blow and hit the man's stomach.

Just after eating, the stomach and intestines were swelling up and working. With this heavy blow, the young man suddenly had abdominal pain like cramping, and he vomited on the ground.

The scene was messed up and smelly.

Chen Hao turned his head and gave Zhou Xitong a thumbs up. His own woman was also fierce and could help in the fight.

There were four young youths left on the court. Seeing Chen Hao so fierce, they hesitated for a moment.

Chen Hao hooked his fingers at them and motioned to them together, otherwise it would be too challenging.

"Make you arrogant, shoulder to shoulder!"

One of them yelled, and all four of them rushed up side by side, with empty wine bottles in their hands. They thought that as long as they approached, one person would give Chen Hao a head to end the battle.

Chen Hao smiled slightly, took a step back and grabbed one side of the large round table next to him, and then lifted the table with one hand. Together with the food residue on it, it turned into a big shield, and suddenly slammed it at them.


The four young people were horrified when facing the tabletop. The shield restrained their wine bottles and had nowhere to use it. As a result, they couldn’t run even if they wanted to. The large round table top is pressed down together.

Chen Hao saw that it was fun, so he jumped directly to the table to prevent them from opening. The addition of his weight and impulse, immediately caused the four people below to scream, and they were crushed.

They struggled crazily on the ground, and the tabletop kept tilting back and forth. Fortunately, Chen Hao's legs were strong enough to control the situation firmly, just like the Five Finger Mountain that suppressed Monkey King.

At this time, the only one who could stand up was the first beating. Chen Hao saw him continue to hook his fingers and let him come over.

Gangzi talked about his brother's loyalty at this time, but he took up a plastic stool and got on.

Standing on the table, Chen Hao stood upright with one leg, and kicked the plastic stool to pieces with one kick. It was light in Gangzi's hand. With a dazed effort, Chen Hao suddenly grabbed his collar and covered his face. It was just a few slaps, then a hug and threw him on the table.

Chen Hao stepped on Gangzi's butt forcefully, Gangzi screamed in pain, and then the four little friends under the table also screamed four times at the same time. This is the real "difficulty at the same time."

"Aren't you going to watch a movie? "Eight Hundred" was released recently. I will step on your 800 feet and let you watch the movie for free!"

Chen Hao's most annoying behavior was another heavy kick, followed by the screams of five people, and the feedback was very quick.

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