I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 273: Looking for the Third Uncle

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The four under the table couldn't stand it first, and began to beg for mercy.

Gangzi was kicked not lightly. He was already shocked and frightened, his nose and tears flowing, and he whimpered: "If you don't watch it, I won't watch the movie again. Who will watch the grandson again."

Chen Hao snorted coldly. Today's young people are spoiled by their parents. They don’t know that they are humble and blindly proactive. Sooner or later they will be beaten up by the society. But now Chen Hao has let them learn the lesson in advance, which is a lesson for the society. class.

"Go and apologize to my girlfriend!" Chen Hao kicked him again.

Gangzi can't get up at all now, so he can only shout on the ground: "Sister, I was wrong, I don't owe anymore."

"Okay, Ahao, let these kids go." Zhou Xitong felt that it was enough, and the other party had already been punished, and she was relieved.

"It's really not a long memory."

Chen Hao let out a cold snort, raised his legs and feet, and jumped off the table. The young group of young people climbed up from the ground like an amnesty, and they either rubbed their legs or stroked their waists. Chen Hao was punished by Chen Hao.

Now the seven young people are honest, and cowering and gathering aside.

Zhou Xitong walked over with a smile, handed Chen Hao two wet tissues, let him wipe his hands, and taught a few "children". He also only got dirty hands, not a big move.

Chen Hao took a piece of wet tissue paper, wiped off the blood on his hand, then turned back to face Zhou Xitong and smiled.

"Are you scared?" Chen Hao asked concerned.

"No, I'm afraid that if you break others, it will not be good to be on the news." Zhou Xitong said funny.

Indeed, they are also people with identities in the business circle. If they are stabbed on the Internet, even if they are on the right side, they will be criticized by netizens who do not know the truth.

"I will handle it." Chen Hao said.

They ate the barbecue, taught the young man, and were about to leave, but the owner of the barbecue stall was still at a loss. Xianglin's wife muttered like, "Why are you fighting? Isn't this damaging the stall?"

Indeed, the biggest loss of property is the owner of the barbecue stall.

Chen Hao is a person with a clear grudge, he drew a wad of money from his wallet, which looked like two thousand yuan, and stuffed it into his boss.

"These losses count mine."

After speaking, he left with Zhou Xitong.

The owner of the barbecue stall watched Chen Hao leave in a daze, only to realize that Chen Hao is definitely a good man, fighting fiercely, and he is generous in his shots, and he has a beautiful girlfriend. Such a person is not the young people on the street. To provoke him, he couldn't help but educate the young people: "You guys, keep your memory in the future."

"Grass, I want you to take care of it, and then I will force Lao Tzu to treat you...Oh!" Xixi Xiaoshuo.com www.xixixiaoshuo.com

After Chen Hao left, Gangzi regained his unruly character, but when he was about to speak harshly, he affected the wound and screamed in pain.

"Gangzi, just forget it?" a boy who vomited his stomach, asked unwillingly.

Gangzi gritted his teeth and said: "How can I forget, I'm looking for my third uncle!"

Upon hearing that Gangzi was looking for his third uncle, several young men showed a happy expression. They all knew that Gangzi had the hardest relationship in the local area. There was an uncle who was an official, and he could handle all the big things and small things for them. It is also safe to vent a lesson from a foreigner.

He immediately called the third uncle, but the phone was hung up without answering, and Gang continued to dial with perseverance until it was connected after three times.

After the call was connected, he directly pretended to howl and cry, and the crying was called sadness.

At the moment, in the county administrative building, the investment promotion team leader Xu Shixian is still working overtime to write a report, working overtime late at night, he is tireless, because he has just negotiated a big investment today, and his investment promotion task this year is about to be overfulfilled.

At this moment, he suddenly received a call from his nephew.

Xu Shixian knew that this nephew was not educated and skillful, and had caused troubles all day long, and wiped his ass many times. This time it was not a good thing, so he hung up directly without answering.

But the phone rang again and again, he was a little irritable, but not answering it also affected the office, Xu Shixian could only answer it.

When the phone was connected, I heard my nephew crying over there.

Xu Shixian was shocked. In the past, when answering the phone, his nephew called someone else, and he was triumphant to get him out. Why did he cry like this this time? Could it be a big deal?

"What's the matter?" Xu Shixian asked hurriedly.

"Uncle, I let an outsider beat me, and I beat him so hard!" my nephew whimpered.

"That's right, how many times have I told you to make you less trouble and lose money sooner or later, this will not be fulfilled." Xu Shixian denounced the desperate nephew.

"Uncle, we are all a family. I was bullied. You can't leave it alone. Just leave it alone." The nephew cried.

Xu Shixian didn't want to worry about it, but turned around, his nephew told his aunt, and he was going to be nagging again at night.

"The fight will not be over if you call the police directly. I will take care of it when we go through the process." Xu Shixian said, holding back his anger.

"Okay, you must help me hold the couple of men and women tightly for a few months!" My nephew added at this time.

"Wait a minute? You said that the other party is a man and a woman? What does it look like, can you describe it to me?"

Xu Shixian deserves to be a leader. He felt that things were strange and had a bad premonition in his heart, so he hurriedly asked.

"They are all in their twenties, and the men are just like that, but the women are pretty, just like female stars." The nephew described.

Xu Shixian's mind suddenly shook, and asked him where the accident happened, and his nephew replied that he was near Lover Poe.

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