You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!The hair is blown dry, so I will change clothes next. Chen Hao pointed to the neatly stacked clothes on the bedside, and said like a treasure: "Look, I chose the one for you, do you like it?"

Fortunately, Zhou Xitong showed an awkward look when he saw the black underwear: "This set is not my style, it's too thorough, I can't wear it."

Chen Hao was a little embarrassed. It was indeed not bought in Zhou Xitong's style, but from his own man's perspective. He had to say: "Just wear it for one night today, and I will choose a normal one for you tomorrow."


Zhou Xitong compromised, turned her back to Chen Hao, removed the bath towel from her body, and then changed into the semi-transparent suit.

"Does it look good like this?" Zhou Xitong turned around and showed it to Chen Hao.

Chen Hao immediately shocked a little, which is more beautiful than what you saw on the promotional map. Sure enough, this era is the era of looking at faces. Good-looking will add points to clothing, and this kind of clothing full of color tools, Keep moving Chen Hao's fragile reason.

Chen Hao couldn't hold it anymore, and rolled onto the bed with Zhou Xitong.

When he was ready to be indescribable, someone knocked on the door a few times.

"Who?" Chen Hao yelled displeasedly, even if the man was disturbed at this time, he would not be happy.

No one answered, but a colorful little card was inserted at the door.

Chen Hao is speechless. This is the common small card printed with beautiful women and contact numbers in hotels. It is the first choice for men on business trips to kill loneliness. As long as you dial the phone, there will be glamorous women coming to serve you.

Chen Hao was proud of the spring breeze and was too lazy to pay attention, but Zhou Xitong had never experienced this. Curiously, she asked Chen Hao to wait, then got up and walked to the door and picked up the card.

Sure enough, as Chen Hao expected, the contact number of the beautiful woman was on it. Zhou Xitong was taken aback, and immediately understood the purpose of the card.

She pinched the card with two green jade fingers, and asked with a chuckle: "Does every hotel have this kind of card? Why have I never encountered it before?"

"That's because you live in high-end hotels, like this third-rate hotel, many people come here to do business, generally the smaller the place, the more rampant this kind of." Chen Hao explained.

"It turned out to be so."

Zhou Xitong suddenly thought of something and asked sharply, "You are so familiar, have you taken care of these people's businesses before?"

This is a proposition. If you don't answer well, there is a worry about your life. Chen Hao clarified: "Do you think I look like that kind of person."

Zhou Xitong kept staring at Chen Hao's eyes with a pair of wonderful eyes, trying to tell the truth or not from his eyes, but Chen Hao didn't lie, and she didn't find any clues.

Chen Hao immediately smiled and said, "Don't worry, my body and heart belong to you."

After saying this, Chen Hao lifted Zhou Xitong's chin with his fingers and kissed it at his red lips.

Chen Hao tasted the sweetness, his girlfriend really smelled everywhere, even on his lips, it made him linger.168 Book Bank

The flames that Chen Hao had picked up rose again. He straightened his legs and hugged Zhou Xitong, returned to the bed, and continued the shameful things.

"Wait, I remember buying your Victoria's Secret suit back then, and I took a buyer show for you." At this exciting moment, Zhou Xitong suddenly brought up an irrelevant topic and pressed Chen Hao to explain her back. Buttoned hands.

Chen Hao was startled, "It's still stored in my phone, what's wrong?"

"Delete it now, OK? That's too shameful, I'm worried that the phone will be lost and seen by others." Zhou Xitong said.

"Okay, delete it now."

At this time, his girlfriend had to agree to any request. Chen Hao took out his mobile phone and deleted the five treasured photos. Anyway, Zhou Xitong is his girlfriend. If he wants to see it later, he will perform in real life without these photos.

When the worry was over, Zhou Xitong obeyed, closed his eyes, and let Chen Hao do it.

However, at this critical moment, a knock on the door suddenly sounded outside.

"Who? It's endless?"

After being interrupted one after another, Chen Hao shouted angrily.

"Boss, the massage service you ordered!" A charming woman outside was talking.

Chen Hao was stunned. He hadn't ordered any massage.

Zhou Xitong's expression suddenly became serious, and he stared at Chen Hao with a scrutiny gaze and asked, "Have you called the phone on that little card?"

"Heaven and earth conscience, I haven't beaten it, we have been together."

Chen Hao felt that he was wronged. Now he must open the door and confront the woman outside to prove his innocence.

So Chen Hao put on his coat, Zhou Xitong also simply put on the new coat, and the two came to the door together.

Chen Hao wanted to prove her innocence, and Zhou Xitong wanted to know if Chen Hao did something to sorry her.

As soon as the door opened, there stood a flat-looking young woman with long dark red hair dyed in a short skirt with simple fabrics and cheap black stockings on her legs. Her eyes were frivolous, and she smelled of dust.

"What's the matter with you? When did I call you?" Chen Hao asked.

"Isn't it the one you called? I said to make a full set, so I'm here, Jinjiang Inn Room 309." The red-haired woman spoke with a dialect, and she knew she was from outside.

"You must be mistaken." Chen Hao said displeasedly, "I have a girlfriend, what do you want to do?"

This thing is really strange. Usually there is a girlfriend who lives with him and does not call a massage. But when a red-haired girl sees Zhou Xitong, who is a beautiful country, she suddenly feels jealous and forgets about her doubts.

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