You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!It was really more people to die than people, just shop around. From appearance to figure, size to age, she was completely crushed, and the red-haired woman was filled with sourness, no one could beat Zhou Xitong.

Indeed, with such a beautiful woman by her side, she would not be clicked.

But after all, the order I received was room 309, so there is only one possibility, that is, this woman is a colleague who just arrived, grabbing business.

The red-haired woman pointed at Zhou Xitong and said angrily: "Who are you? You don't know the rules to grab business, do you know that this is Lai Wuye's site?"

Such things as robbing business happen frequently inside them, and they often collude with their customers, claiming to be boy and girl friends, and red-haired girls have experienced similar things, so this time they misunderstood.

Chen Hao was angry at the time, and he reached out his hand to fan the finger pointed by the red-haired woman, and said angrily: "Fuck off, dare to point to my woman!"

That is, the other party is a woman, otherwise Chen Hao would kick her directly.

Zhou Xitong also felt inexplicable, and asked Chen Hao with a look of confusion: "Why can't I understand what she is talking about?"

Chen Hao understands that this is an oolong, and a good time of intimacy has been mixed up by these people who do business in the pickling business.

Chen Hao didn't want to pursue it at first, but the red-haired girl didn't want to be forgiven. She believed Zhou Xitong was here to grab business, so she picked up the phone in the corridor and dialed: "Fifth Lord, someone grabs business!"

Seemingly receiving a response, the red-haired girl hung up the phone and said triumphantly to Chen Hao: "Don't you guys, come here, let's see what you do!"

Now Chen Hao was completely angry. After being repeatedly mixed up, he got angry and smirked: "Okay, I'll wait for him here. Someone will be responsible for interrupting my rest."

Chen Hao asked Zhou Xitong to go back to the house and rest first. He was going out to meet the group for a while.

Zhou Xitong also felt a little depressed, and sighed: "It's really not peaceful today."

"It's okay, I'll let them'peace', just wait a while."

Chen Hao put on his coat and leather shoes and was about to go downstairs, and Zhou Xitong would go down together.

"It may be dangerous. Just wait in the room. Don't open the door if anyone knocks except me." Chen Hao ordered.

"You also know that there is danger, so I will not abandon you. Do you think it's good for me to worry about ten or twenty minutes in the room? If I can't see you, it will be even more tormenting." Zhou Xitong said.

Feeling the concern of her lover, Chen Hao caressed her white and smooth cheeks lovingly, and suddenly burst out proudly: "That's right, you can watch the battle with me and see how your husband fixes the trash!" 202 e-book www

"I believe in your strength," Zhou Xitong said with a smile, "but you can't be careless. You must be careful to sail the Wannian Ship. You have to prepare a weapon."

Chen Hao believes that Zhou Xitong’s statement is reasonable. Black lights at night are no better than daytime. Maybe he was attacked by a night thief, but he is more particular about the weapon. If it is a machete, a dagger and other controlled knives, it is a troublesome matter. Daily necessities, the kind that can be used easily.

Chen Hao patrolled the room and didn't find the guy who was in hand. Suddenly he noticed the belt on his body. If this thing is pure leather, it is strong and tough and has an iron head. It can be used as a whip and a meteor hammer. Remember to watch it when you were young. In a martial arts movie played by Jet Li, he used a belt to teach the villain. When he was a child, Chen Hao thought that trick was very handsome, and today he wants to try it by himself.

But this crocodile belt on my body is too delicate, obviously not suitable, it is better to have the pure cowhide that is often sold in the night market.

Chen Hao immediately looked for the tens of billions of subsidies, and he found it. After the subsidy, for 1 cent, Chen Hao bought the longest and strongest one, held it in his hand, folded it in half, loosened and tightened, and issued a "pop "The sound is crisp and powerful.

"My wife, let's go down and let you enjoy a big martial arts movie before going to bed." Chen Hao held the leather belt in his hand and said boldly.

"it is good."

Zhou Xitong leaned against Chen Hao's shoulder, and then the two went out together.

The red-haired girl outside was still guarding the door. Seeing them coming out, she thought she was going to run, so she immediately came over to hold Chen Hao.


Suddenly, Chen Hao used a belt to flew the red-haired girl's salty pig's knuckles. When this kind of woman touched him, he felt nauseous, but because the other party was a woman, he had spared his strength, otherwise he would be able to fracture the other party.

"You dare to hit me, you can't run!" The red-haired girl said viciously, rubbing her aching hand.

"I don't know how to run, I will go downstairs and wait for your so-called fifth master. There is a big place and you can do it well." After Chen Hao finished speaking, he went downstairs leisurely with Zhou Xitong, while the red-haired girl was watching behind. .

The result was beyond the red-haired woman's expectation. Chen Hao and the two came to the outside of the hotel, and they really didn't leave. They stopped to admire the night view and chatted like no one else.

"Ahao, look at the Big Dipper in the sky. When I was young, I relied on it to find the north."

"Yes, when I was young, I also liked to observe the constellations, but now the urban area is more polluted, and only the countryside and counties can see such clear stars.

The red-haired woman watched the two chatting, snorted coldly, saying that the two of them really didn't know how to die, and they didn't run at this time. They were caught by the fifth master Lai, and they had to lose money and be beaten.

Sure enough, after a while, three vans drove outside. After the car stopped, more than a dozen bastards with sticks came down from above. The headed one was a strong middle-aged man wearing a floral shirt and wearing a floral shirt around his neck. Wearing a big golden chain, shaved a bald head with green stubble, and has a few small sarcomas on his face, a typical image of a villain.

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