You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!Lai Wu shuddered with fright, and turned his head back with a smile that was uglier than crying: "Just call me Lai Wu. I dare not call him a master in front of you."

That's right, he was beaten as a grandson for a "fifth master", and it was almost the same to change his name to five grandson.

Chen Hao said, "I advise you, don't do this business anymore. I will open a hotel in the county soon. If you come to my hotel to take business, do you know the consequences?"

Wu Ye Lai was shocked and immediately said: "I know, I know, I will change my career immediately."

"Okay, let's go." Chen Hao finally let go.

Lai Wuye and his younger brother ran into the van in a hurry. When they were about to drive off, they found a Land Rover and suddenly stopped by the road.

This Land Rover Lai Wu is too familiar with it. It is the car of Tong Zixuan, the richest and second generation in the county. He was beaten to a low morale. After seeing Tong Zixuan, he immediately raised the hope of revenge.

He is a gangster and has little influence. If there is a son of the richest man in the county, he might be able to stabilize Chen Hao's head, and he can also take his breath away, so Lai Wu asked his men not to drive, he opened the door and ran away first. Come down.

Tong Zixuan came to Jinjiang Inn Hotel with purpose, and as soon as he got out of the car, he saw a big-headed doll approaching him, which shocked him.


Lai Wu said hello in the past.

"Lai Wu? Why are you so awkward that it scared me, thinking you went to the Westward Journey crew to play Bajie." Tong Zixuan sarcastically said.

He is the son of the richest man in the county, and of course he is superior and despise this bastard.

On the contrary, Lai Wu has been fawning on Tong Zixuan, making some extra money from his hands.

"Young Master Tong, you don't know, I made you bully!" Lai Wu squeezed out a tear, pretending to be extremely sad.

"Can you still make people bully? Isn't it all you bullying others?" Tong Zixuan was a little puzzled.

"It's a foreign countryman, right over there. He said that we guys in Litong County didn't plant it. It was rubbish. I didn't accept it. So beat me like this. You have to be careful when you meet him. !"

Lai Wuyi pointed to Chen Hao, who was still enjoying the night view of the starry sky at the entrance of the hotel, and lodged a complaint.

"What? You said he was the one who beat you up?" Tong Zixuan's eyes suddenly widened, as if seeing an incredible thing.

"Yes, it's him, he is so ruthless, and he looks down on us Litong people!"

Lai Wu wanted to arouse Tong Zixuan's righteous indignation and use his energy to deal with Chen Hao.

He didn't know that Tong Zixuan had already met Chen Hao, and he left a deep memory.2k Novel Network

Tong Zixuan is not a fool either, staring at Lai Wu for a while, then suddenly sneered, making Lai Wu's heart tremble.

"Lai Wu, want to cheat me, you are still a little tender, don't you know who he is?" Tong Zixuan pointed to Chen Hao and said.

"He, who is he?" Lai Wu stammered, realizing that it was not good.

"You can be crushed to death with just one finger. It's a big man you can't afford to provoke. You were beaten and wanted to drag me into the water. Are you looking at me stupid?"

Tong Zixuan was very disdainful of Lai Wu's behavior, but he was also a little lucky. If he hadn't been in contact with Chen Hao twice, he might have been fooled by him.

Whether in high-speed racing or fighting for wealth in ktv, Tong Zixuan clearly lost. It was not a level of crushing at all. After Chen Hao's victory, he did not make things difficult and ridicule him too much, as is evident. Now, this social tumor, Lai Wu, has come to provoke him to challenge the big boss, which is purely bad intentions.

Tong Zixuan had already lost twice under Chen Hao's hands, but he didn't want to add another defeat, not to mention that he came to Chen Hao this time, and he had a special purpose.

Although Lai Wu’s tricks were exposed, Tong Zixuan didn’t have time to care about him. Instead, he persuaded him: “I advise you, this boss Chen is not something you can offend. If you understand the courtesy, you can apologize, otherwise See you later, stay away."

Tong Zixuan ignored Lai Wu who had been silly, he sorted his clothes, and then walked over quickly.

"Boss Chen, Mr. Zhou, good evening!"

Tong Zixuan said respectfully, and then bowed to say hello.

Chen Hao saw that he was a little puzzled, why he found it again, but this time he was more polite and improved.

"How do the two big bosses live in such a place?"

Tong Zixuan looked up at Jinjiang Inn, "This hotel is too shabby. If you two don't dislike it, you can go to live with me. I have a villa that has been renovated and haven't lived in. The house has been empty for more than a year. There is no formaldehyde. I just cleaned it not long ago. My dad kept it for my wedding. The environment there is good."

Zhou Xitong was stunned and didn't understand how this silly rich second generation was so fawning, was he really being educated twice by Chen Hao?

Chen Hao smiled slightly and understood that this Tong Zixuan must have been instructed by others to come here to make up for the relationship.

"Your new house, we can't live in it." Chen Hao said lightly.

"It's okay, our family doesn't pay much attention to it, so please go live." Tong Zixuan said anxiously.

Zhou Xitong didn't have the habit of going to other people's houses, and he politely declined.

Tong Zixuan was anxious and could only tell the truth: "Boss Chen, Mr. Zhou, please, you must go live. My dad heard that I offended the two of them, so he scolded me with a dog-blood sprinkler. I’m here to apologize and invite the two of you to stay at a new home for one night. If the hospitality is not good, he said he will break my leg when he comes back from abroad, so in order to pity me, you will just go there for one night.

After he finished talking, he was afraid that Chen Hao would refuse, so he said: "Don't worry, the furniture and bedding there are all new and unopened, and no one else is there, so that the two can enjoy the peaceful world of two."

In this way, it seems that if Chen Hao does not go, this young man will have his leg broken, but the most important thing is that the environment of this hotel is so bad that you can’t even enjoy doing shy things. This hotel , No matter what.

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