You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!"What do you think?" Chen Hao was asking Zhou Xitong's opinion, but his tone had already revealed his thoughts.

"I listen to you." Zhou Xitong always gave Chen Hao face in front of others.

"Okay, just go to your place." Chen Hao agreed.

"Okay, you two don't need to move, I'll drive over!"

When Tong Zixuan trot all the way, he drove his Land Rover up the steps, then stopped to the door, he took the initiative to open the car door and let Chen Hao go up.

As for Tong Zixuan's diligence, Lai Wu, who was on the side, saw it, and stormy waves rose in his heart.

In his opinion, Tong Zixuan, the most powerful and the number one dude in Litong County, both flattered the two in this way. Then the behavior that he had just confronted each other was pure brain damage.

Lai Wu is not a fool either. At this time, if he doesn't know that Chen Hao is someone he can't afford to provoke, he is too foolish. Since Tong Zixuan is so flattering, he still wants to get involved in Litong County. Make a gesture.

So Lai Wuyi gritted his teeth and walked towards the Land Rover.

When Chen Hao was getting in the car, Lai Wu came to the door of the car. Chen Hao narrowed his eyes and asked, "Why? Still not convinced?"

"Serve, I have a hundred servings!"

Lai Wu ignored his swollen face and bowed in a low voice ninety degrees: "I'm sorry, boss Chen, I have no eyes, I offended you, please punish you!"

As he said, he knelt on the ground and knocked his head, making noise.

How much he could pretend to be in front of Chen Hao before, but now he is just as ruthless.

"Okay, if you continue to fight, you can act as a pig without makeup. Remember what I told you?" Chen Hao asked.

"Remember, I will let the women go back to their homes and find their mothers when I turn around." Lai Wu said.

Chen Hao waved his hand to allow Lai Wu to leave. Today's punishment is enough, saying that there is gold under the men's knees. Since they are willing to kowtow, there is no need to be bothered.

At this time, a woman walked out of the hotel. It was the red-haired girl who caused the conflict between the two before. She saw her boss Lai Wu kneeling on the ground and suddenly shouted, "Wuye, why are you like this?"

"It's not all you killed!"

Lai Wu's grievances were sent to the red-haired woman, and she slapped her when she stood up.


The redhead clutched her hot cheeks at a loss.360 Literature Network

"I won't apologize to Boss Chen. Today is all about you. If Boss Chen doesn't forgive you, I must take your skin off!" Lai Wu said viciously.

"Well, I didn't do anything, why hit me? I was told that it was Room 309." The red-haired woman cried aggrievedly.

"I want you to apologize! You are crying here!" Lai Wu raised his hand and tried to beat, the red-haired woman clasped her head and screamed, and the scene was in chaos.

"Okay, don't hit people."

Zhou Xitong can't stand to speak anymore. She is a woman, and she most looks down upon a man hitting a woman. Although this woman ruined the good atmosphere between her and Chen Hao, she wouldn't be so cruel.

Zhou Xitong speaks equally well,

Lai Wu's hand stopped in the air, and then retracted angrily.

"Remember, men who beat women are not promising. They have the ability to find someone stronger than you to beat them. What kind of ability to beat weak women, do you need me to practice with you?" Chen Hao said lightly.

"No, no, I promise not to beat her in the future."

Lai Wu shook his head like a rattle, and he didn't dare to do anything with Chen Hao anymore. He would never forget this belt feast.

"That's fine, Tong Zixuan, drive."

When Chen Hao spoke, Tong Zixuan stepped on the accelerator and the Land Rover drove away from Jinjiang Inn.

Seeing the incident just now, Tong Zixuan had never said anything, but he was even more in awe of Chen Hao.

Just an hour ago, when Tong Zixuan's father heard that his son had offended Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong, he was furious, and Zhou Xitong was fine. After all, he was a woman, not so scary, but Chen Hao was extraordinary.

Maybe many people don’t know Chen Hao’s greatness, but Tong Zixuan’s father knows that rumours have spread in the business district of the province about how Chen Hao defeated Mu Dawei and solved the problem of Baihe’s tyrant. Even a joint-stock company as big as Qian Rongkai went bankrupt and went to jail when it said it went bankrupt. There was Chen Hao's shadow behind these big incidents.

The strength behind Chen Hao is probably unfathomable.

Therefore, in the minds of well-informed people in the business circles of the province, there is already a consensus that Chen Hao must not be provoked. Mu Dawei and Qian Rongkai are all living examples.

It is precisely because of this that Tong Zixuan was forced by his father in the field to please apologize and try to make up for the relationship.

While driving on the road, Chen Hao noticed that the car bumped from time to time, which was caused by uneven roads.

When Chen Hao moved in his heart, he asked, "Are the roads in the county seat so broken?"

"No way, our residents have been talking about it for so many years, no one has taken care of it, and no one has repaired it. I heard that the county has no money." Tong Zixuan said.

Chen Hao nodded. It seems that he is the one who saves the people by investing in road construction in Litong County to benefit the people's livelihood.

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