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Chen Hao got up early in the morning, and he decided to drive the Rolls Royce in the China Garden. This car was solemn and grand enough for this ceremony.

The reporter Zhu Min and a male cameraman were accompanied this time. They drove a news report car and followed Chen Hao’s car. They could also take a shot of the live scene on the road. Chen Hao’s entourage consisted of two people. They are Wang Qiang and Xia Jing.

Wang Qiang was brought by Chen Hao to experience the big scene and let him get familiar with the press conference in advance. After all, as the CEO of Haoran Group, he can't be stage fright.

In addition, Xia Jing just begged to follow her, she called Chen Hao as an assistant, but actually wanted to go to the mountains and play, and to monitor Chen Hao, so as not to get him outside.

This time it was a big project, and Chen Hao really needed an assistant, so he took Xia Jing with her. She was responsible for carrying bags and materials, and couldn't just sit idle.

Chen Hao understands her, and gives her free time to make trouble. Only by tying her up with things can she anchor her wild heart.

But this time is not the whole team. As Chen Hao's strategic partner, Zhou's International will of course also send people to participate.

But Zhou Xitong didn’t plan to show up anymore. This time it’s going to be on the news. Sitting together, the two of them are prone to various associations and scandals, which is not good for their plans. So Zhou Xitong sent Cui Mingde, Vice President of Zhou International Go and sign.

So the whole team set off, with Chen Hao’s Rolls-Royce taking the lead, followed by Zhou’s International Vice President Cui Mingde’s Mercedes-Benz, and the TV station’s interview car at the end.

Reporter Zhu Min is sitting in the co-driver of the interview car and is already recording the show.

"Dear viewers, we are now on the way to Litong County. We can see that the investor is in the car ahead, Mr. Chen Hao, General Manager of Haoran Trading, and Mr. Cui Mingde, Vice President of Zhou International..."

After the brief introduction, the photographer turned off the equipment, and said with emotion: "Is it a rich man who actually opened an extended Rolls-Royce. Isn't it more than ten million?"

Zhu Min said: "As far as I know, the cost is more than 40 million yuan. This is an extended version of the domestic dealer's magic modification. It is unique."

"I'm obedient," the photographer exclaimed, "why these people are so rich, I have worked so hard for only eighty ten thousand a month, and they are not worth someone else's wheel."

"Strength and luck are indispensable."

Zhu Min also said with emotion, "Chen Hao has been in a poor family since he was a child, and he was still a part-time student when he was in college. You see, people are so wealthy now, and his fortune must be amazing. I really want to be an interview."

The cameraman became interested: "Hey, Xiao Zhu, haven't you done his interview before? The relationship should be good. If you interview him and make an album, it is probably an urban inspirational legendary autobiographical novel. Then he I will definitely sponsor the publication and I should be able to make a fortune."

Zhu Min smiled and shook her head. She learned about Chen Hao’s character from a short time of contact. She also knew that there were many secrets in him. She probably didn’t like to be known, so she could only explore the past and privacy matters. Take the initiative to come to her instead of asking yourself.59 Book Bank

I have to say that Zhu Min is very discreet and intelligent, which is why Chen Hao is willing to contact her.

This time it was with an important task, so no one in the convoy drove to Litong County smoothly.

After waiting for the high-speed toll gate, I found that there was already a bus from the county waiting. When Chen Hao’s motorcade was coming, the police car cleared the way, and then two Audi A6s flashed in front, waiting for the Chen Hao motorcade After the three cars passed, the two cars were followed by two cars, and they were also behind the palace with double flashing lights to ensure the absolute safety of Chen Hao and his group.

In some road sections, road closures were also implemented, which was enough to see the importance of Litong County, and the convoy arrived at the destination unimpeded.

This is an auditorium, the scene of the signing ceremony.

At this time, there were all kinds of banners and crowds of onlookers outside the auditorium, but they were blocked by fences. After the convoy arrived, they raised the railings to let them go.

The car stopped under the guidance of the staff. After Chen Hao got off the car, a group of leaders from Litong County came to greet him. The leader was Xu Shixian.

"Boss Chen has worked hard from afar!" Xu Shixian smiled and shook hands.

"Leader Xu is polite." Chen Hao politely, and then shook hands with other small leaders.

Both parties met briefly, and then led by Xu Shixian into the auditorium.

Reporter Zhu Min has already followed all the way to shoot.

As the investor, Chen Hao sat in the middle of the auditorium. Zhou's International Vice President, Wang Qiang and others were seated in turn. In addition, the heads and brains of Litong County gathered together.

At 10 o’clock in the morning, the press conference officially started. Xu Shixian first spoke and talked about the amount of the project. Haoran Company and Zhou’s International jointly invested nearly 600 million in Litong County to carry out the county’s infrastructure renovation and the development of Temple Street. In-depth development, etc.

This is a big project. For a while, the flashlights of the reporters are constantly on, and they are all taking pictures, especially Chen Hao, who is sitting in the middle, is very handsome and handsome in a brand-name suit, and it can't be used as a news cover.

"Come on, boss! The boss is the most handsome!"

Xia Jing in the audience became a fan of Chen Hao, and she took out light sticks and slogans to brandish, shouting loudly, just like a celebrity meeting.

The people around retreated to the side at once, not wanting to sit with this woman with abnormal brain circuits.

The leader of the speech on the stage was embarrassed, pointed his finger, and a security guard passed by, and Xia Jing stopped.

Chen Hao held his forehead and couldn't bear this girl.

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