You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!The small twists and turns brought by Xia Jing calmed down, and the county leaders continued to speak, speaking some Mandarin, which made people drowsy.

After half an hour, it was finally Chen Hao's turn to speak.

A staff member handed him a manuscript, which he could follow, anyway, it was pretty words.

Chen Hao didn't like such formalism. In order to train Wang Qiang, he specifically asked him to make a short speech on his behalf.

Although Wang Qiang was a bit cautious, he also showed his style.

Then, Cui Mingde, vice president of Zhou's International, gave a speech. He is a veteran of the battlefield. He doesn't need to read the manuscript, and he praised all parties. He also gave Chen Hao and Zhou's international a wave of advertisements. The speech is indeed good and worth learning from others.

Then it was time for reporters to ask questions. They asked about some topics of concern to the people.

For example, can the funds be available all at once, whether the funds are earmarked, etc. Then a group of people on the stage answered one by one.

Chen Hao said: "The funds are in place all at once."

"This President Chen is amazing and he has strong financial resources!"

Many reporters in the audience came to this conclusion.

In the past, large-scale investments were usually invested in stages in order to alleviate the pressure on funds. How much is invested in the first phase and how much is invested in the second phase. Such a one-time investment is still relatively rare, and it is usually done by large consortia that do not need money. This kind of ability, everyone did not expect Chen Hao to be the same.

After a while, the signing ceremony was broadcast live on the stage. Xu Shixian filled in the name of Party A on behalf of Litong County. On Chen Hao’s side, a professional lawyer brought by Vice President Cui Mingde checked the contract and confirmed that it was correct. Sign with Chen Hao, Zhou's International is responsible for the development of this investment, and Chen Hao is solely responsible for the payment.

The contract was signed, and then the official seal was affixed, and everyone on the stage clapped, which triggered a series of flash shots.

The contract stipulates the responsibilities and obligations of both parties. Among them, Litong County must use at least 60% of the capital to invest in infrastructure, while Chen Hao needs to pay the investment amount within three days, a total of 5.8. Billion.

However, without waiting for three days, Chen Hao opened the tens of billions of subsidy VR mode on the spot and exchanged a 1 point free card to pay for this investment.

"Due to the system upgrade, the free card level is too low, please change to a super free card."

The system suddenly prompted such a sentence, and Chen Hao was taken aback, and immediately went to check the description of the super free card.

"For the delivery of large sums of money, 50 points are required."

Such a card actually requires 50 points, so that Chen Hao's inventory points are half of them all at once, and after observation, the points required to redeem some of the cards have gone up, not as cheap as before.Passion Novel

Chen Hao did not expect that there would be inflation in points. He thought that more than a hundred points could be squandered. As a result, the system was quietly upgraded, which made his points depreciate a lot. If he wants to live the life of the card without leaving his hand, he can only work hard to earn points. Up.

However, the point inflation is irreversible. In order to pay for this investment, Chen Hao exchanged a super free card on the spot and paid the investment of 580 million yuan.

"The Super Free Card has been successfully used and the funds have been credited to the designated account."

When the county financial account received the full amount, it immediately announced it at the press conference. Team leader Xu Shixian excitedly announced: "Mr. Chen Hao has remitted all the funds into our account. For this cooperation, here is a A good start!"

There was enthusiastic applause.

Several measures were announced later, and the press conference was over. As the host, a celebration banquet was prepared in the hotel and the key personnel were invited to participate.

During the meal, there was nothing fancy, nothing more than a routine. However, at the banquet, Chen Hao also emphasized that he had absolute dominance in the development of Temple Street, requiring all to be demolished and rebuilt, and he did not want too much interference.

This was approved by the leader, so Chen Hao took the most important right of this investment in his hands.

Before the banquet was over, Chen Hao went to a quiet place and called Zhou Xitong: "It's all done here, and Miaojie can start action."

"Well, the engineering team has already been sent in. The house will be demolished first, and the rest will have to wait for the personnel to move out." Zhou Xitong replied.

"Okay, Tongtong has worked hard." Chen Hao smiled.

"It's you who worked harder, I guess I drank a lot of wine." Zhou Xitong said.

The two were tired of saying something. After Chen Hao finished the call, he returned to the banquet and continued to eat and drink.

After a meal, he and the leaders of Litong County got acquainted. When they heard that Chen Hao intended to build a luxury hotel in the county seat, they expressed their support, which may provide a lot of employment and improve the hardware level of the tourism industry. , Is a good project.

So the director Liao said with a burp: "Boss Chen, you are optimistic about that piece of land in the city. As long as you speak, I will find a solution for you."

The idea of ​​building a hotel is still the encounter with Zhou Xitong that night in Jinjiang Inn. However, considering that in crowded places, demolition and construction is a headache. In case there are a few stubborn residents, the project will last indefinitely. Delayed.

Therefore, Chen Hao prefers to build hotels in unmanned wasteland. As for traffic problems, road repairs can be done. Anyway, the county town is small, and the car will be there quickly, and the location with sparse personnel is quiet at night.

Director Liao said: "It's OK, then you can tell me if you choose a good place, just one sentence."

"Thank you Director."

Chen Hao smiled slightly and touched him a drink.

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