You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!Chen Hao was greeting Lai Wu, but he didn't expect that stupid young man with a small head would stand up for his old man again: "Dare to call us Wu Ye's name directly, find..."

The young man hadn't uttered the words behind him. He was interrupted by Lai Wu's slap at the time, and he reprimanded: "Fengzi, don't you stop froze, didn't you get beaten that night?"

The young man with an inch head had a bad look. When he took a closer look, he almost frightened to pee. That night Chen Hao's thigh hurt his thigh for two days. He still dared to talk there.

Lai Wu hurried over to flatter: "Boss Chen, I didn't expect to meet again. Your driver is even better!"

He suddenly thought that his little brother seemed to offend Chen Hao's beautiful driver just now, and hurriedly made up his mind: "Boss Chen, I'm sorry, my little brother is too stupid, don't care about him, if you want to punish me, just punish me!"

Chen Hao was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Lai Wu was still a bit loyal, and he was willing to fight for his little brother. Although the business he had done before was shameless, he needed praise for this.

At this time, the green light was on and the surrounding cars were all moving, and Rolls-Royce and two vans were crossing the intersection, blocking a lane.

"Go to the side and talk, don't get in the way."

Chen Hao waved his hand, and then asked Xia Jing to pull over and stop.

Lai Wu hurried to let his subordinates drive to keep up. He did not get in the car and trot all the way behind Rolls Royce.

Lai Wu was very excited, and it was an honor for Chen Haoken to stop and talk to him.

"Boss Chen, what is your order?" Lai Wu asked carefully when the car stopped.

"What are you doing?" Chen Hao asked him first.

"Isn't this to listen to you, dismiss the gang of women, now that they have no livelihood, I will temporarily help others to move and earn some living expenses." Lai Wu said.

Chen Hao looked at the debris on the van, and felt that he didn't seem to be fooling himself. It was still obedient, and his impression of the bully had changed.

Chen Hao suddenly thought of one thing. Lai Wu is now correcting evil, but after all he broke his financial path. If there is no good business, he may eventually be forced by money. It is estimated that he will return to his old business. This is contrary to Own original intention.

To save a gangster from going ashore, he must have a good job to get rid of his previous life.

At the same time, if Chen Hao wants to develop in Litong County, he also needs manpower. This Laiwu character is good, and it seems that he can consider it.

Thinking of this, Chen Hao asked him: "How many people do you have?"

"I was educated by you that day, and I ran a few times. Now there are only 11 hardcore brothers left, and there are more than 20 others. They don’t really follow me. Drinking and enjoying are okay. If something big happens, it’s probably All ran away."

Hearing what Lai Wu said, Chen Hao knew what he had said, "Do you have a good way of doing it yourself? In the future, are you planning to move someone?"

"Who wants to move? He can't make a lot of money, and he is forced to do nothing, but it's not easy to find a good life in this small place." Lai Wu said slightly confused, he didn't expect a good job for the time being.Lewen Novel

"Then do you want to work with me?" Chen Hao asked.


Lai Wu wanted to curry favor with Chen Hao, but he didn't expect that such a big man would be willing to take him in as a bastard, which surprised him.You know, Chen Hao is a big man who even the son of Tong Zixuan in this county respects. He is a small bastard who lives at the bottom of the society.

"Why, not willing?" Chen Hao asked.

"No, no, I'm so willing, I will hand over to Boss Chen for more than a hundred catties from now on." Lai Wu bowed immediately, overjoyed.

"What are you doing in a daze, come over to see Boss Chen!"

Lai Wu yelled, and the group of younger brothers had reacted and came to see the new boss. They were all the way the brothers met the eldest brother.

He also showed off to Chen Hao: "These are my brothers who have had a fateful relationship. Will we work with you together in the future?"

Chen Hao looked at these social youths, although they were a little scornful, but they didn't have the kind of sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks who looked insidious and insidious at first sight. They were quite satisfied.

Chen Hao said: "It's okay. You will take charge of them for me in the future. Also, don't bring in those unreliable little brothers. I only need loyal subordinates. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Understood, I understand all!"

After Lai Wu finished speaking categorically, he suddenly drew a dagger from his back, slashed his little finger, and suddenly blood dripped on the ground, dots.

"If I have a double heart after five days, let my blood flow clean!"

Lai Wu is such a scornful bullshit, who generally doesn't know how to be sincere, but once he meets a person who is too powerful and convinces him, he will instead loyal to him. Lai Wu is such a person, and Chen Hao's strength Strong enough, he thought he was hugging his thigh, so he initiated a poisonous oath.

When the other boys saw it, they all learned a lot, and took the knife to scratch their fingers.

"Okay, don't engage in formalism, I see your actual performance." Chen Hao stopped them from self-harm.

"Thank you Boss Chen for being considerate!" Several young people said together.

"That's OK, I'm going to the south of the city to see the land, so let's go together." Chen Hao said.

Lai Wu suddenly felt a little embarrassed. He hesitated for a while, and said, "Boss, I have agreed with the mover. I will move him to the place within two hours. Can I send the things to you before looking for you? It’s not that you don’t listen to your instructions, it’s just that men have to count."

"Yes, go, call us later."

Chen Hao threw a business card to him, then lowered the window and told Xia Jing to drive away.

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