You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!After the car drove away, a smile appeared on Chen Hao's face. This Lai Wu looks pretty good at the moment. He has brotherly loyalty and honesty. He likes such a subordinate.

On the way, Xia Jing asked: "Look for these blind currents, are you afraid that they will cheat you?"

Chen Hao said: "If their brains are normal, they wouldn't do it, and I give them a decent job, it is better than risking the risk of going to jail to do bad things, as long as the money is sufficient to let them be respected, I think Lai Wu will make the right choice."

Xia Jing was ignorant of these social experiences, but Wang Qiang and Chen Hao had the same opinion, and agreed with this opinion. When the time comes to open a hotel here, you must find a group of familiar locals. These old gangsters will use them well. It will work wonders.

Rolls-Royce couldn't drive in the beach south of the city. Chen Hao and his party got out and walked.

Along the road, I saw this piece of grass, and some construction waste dumped nearby. It has not been developed here. There are mountains and waters in the distance, and the scenery is not bad.

"Boss, just here, build a comprehensive resort, I want to come to vacation." Xia Jing said with joy.

"What do you think?" Chen Hao was asking Wang Qiang's opinion. In fact, he already knew it in his heart and was just testing him.

Wang Qiang groaned: "I think it is possible. This is better than the land in the east of the city. It has three advantages. First, the scenery here is good, which invisibly improves the hotel's quality. The natural landscape is more in line with the public's aesthetics than the artificial landscape. There is no need to drill mountains and rocks to build a hotel here, which saves costs; the third is that there are no people, no land acquisition, which is convenient."

Chen Hao nodded, and Wang Qiang's answer satisfied him.

However, there is another hidden advantage. It is closer to Baihe City. If the road is connected to the highway, the guests of Baihe City can come here for vacation and leisure in more than an hour. This is a potential source of tourists.

After all, relying on a county seat cannot support a large hotel. Only more customers can build an ultra-luxury hotel and resort.

So things were settled like this, and all that was left was to find the leaders to approve the land, to find the construction team, and to draw architectural drawings.

These things are not in a hurry, and must be carried out simultaneously with the reconstruction of the county town, otherwise the county facilities are too backward, and even if a seven-star sailing hotel is built here, which is more advanced than Dubai, there will not be too many people to stay.

They walked back, but when they got to the car, they found three local men sneaking around watching.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Xiaojiao Xia Jing first shouted sharply.

"You can't get in the sun!" said a local man.

This is by the river, the wind is very strong, there is still no warmth in the early winter afternoon, which is obviously an excuse.No.1 Novel

The three people had no good intentions, but they didn't choose anything, so there was no need to care about them. Chen Hao waited for the three to get in the car and leave.

As a result, when the car was not far away, a three-wheeled agricultural vehicle drove on the front, blocking the road that was not wide. Then, in the grass on the side of the road, another walking tractor drove out to avoid the road behind. Block it.

The extended Rolls-Royce was blocked by two agricultural vehicles and surrounded by gravel and grass. The Rolls-Royce had no off-road function and could not make a detour, so it had to be stopped.

"Hey, why get in the way!" Xia Jing opened the window and shouted.

As a result, the two agricultural truck drivers turned off and got out of the car. They ran faster than the rabbit and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Are you sick? Who is this!"

Xia Jing pressed the car whistle angrily, and no one responded.

"Boss, aren't you strong? Get out of the car and push the car away together." Xia Jing suggested.

"They did this deliberately. Someone will come soon. Wait and see what they want." Chen Hao said calmly.

At this time, the three local men who surrounded the vehicle at first came over with a wicked smile and said, "Beauty, you have encountered a bad guy blocking the road. Give our brother three 500 yuan and help you push the car away. ."

Now Xia Jing also understood that feelings are a gang committing crimes, and someone is responsible for blocking the road. The three of them will come over and ask for money. It is really long-sighted, and they will encounter this kind of thing.

After thinking about it carefully, this trick is really awesome. The alarm is useless. Even if the driver in the traffic jam is found, he cannot be held accountable, because this is not a highway and it is not reachable to obstruct traffic, and the person asking for money and carts is not a forced sale. It can be said that not knowing the person in the traffic jam does not constitute a crime.

Therefore, this trick is considered a "legal" blackmail.

"We still call the police to resolve."

Wang Qiang has a steady character. He knows that it's useless to get angry with these locals in the field. Calling the police and making the other person afraid, even if the police come, they can help them push the car away. After all, they are now distinguished guests in the county.

Xia Jing has a hot personality, and urged: "Boss, you go down and beat them all. If you convince them, you will give way."

Both of these methods are effective, but they are not the best method. It is shameful to be violent with these unruly people and lose your identity, and to report to the police.

Chen Hao has been sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, because he thought of the third method, which is to use violence to control violence, one thing to lose one thing, and even to look at the new subordinates.

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