I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 332: You Kid Is Really A Genius

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu!At the same time, Chen Hao was also very curious about how Lai Wu subdued Liang Chengfa. He also wanted to learn a little bit. He also has the means to cope with rogues later.

Lai Wu smiled and explained: "I invited two gay guys and asked them to follow Liang Chengfa day and night."

"That's it?" Chen Hao didn't quite believe it, so a gay guy can cure a rogue?

Lai Wu explained to him: "I let them work day and night and follow Liang Chengfa 24 hours a day. They can't fight back or scold them, and they are still inseparable. Even Liang Chengfa goes to the toilet, picking up his pants for him, and shaking him, it's all right. Without leaving his hand, Vaseline stared straight at his crotch. After two days, Liang Chengfa couldn't stand it anymore and ran away by himself."

"Your kid is really a genius!"

Chen Hao learned Li Yunlong’s accent and praised Lai Wu, and now he has to admire Lai Wu’s brains. It is true that evil people have their own evil spirits. He could not think of such a wonderful way to cure rogues. Although he can’t be on the stage, black cats and white cats A good cat can catch a mouse. Chen Hao recognized Lai Wu's ability and was qualified to be his subordinate.

As long as he acts faithfully in the future, he will certainly benefit from it.

No one is making trouble now, and the demolition progress is still slowing down, because many people living in Temple Street are tenants struggling with poverty. They don’t have the money to rent such a cheap house on Temple Street, and they will have to sleep on the street when they move out. If people stay in the house, the project cannot be carried out.

The person in charge was still not suitable for these mobilization work, and he was not persuaded to leave them at all. When reporting to Zhou Xitong, the strong woman was helpless. These subordinates were too poor in doing things. Although she was excellent, she had too many things to do. Distracted, I had to ask Chen Hao again.

Of course, Chen Hao had no objection to his girlfriend's request. What's more, the reconstruction plan of Temple Street was still led by him. He assured Zhou Xitong that he would deal with it as soon as possible.

Chen Hao came to the Miaojie Engineering Office again and found out that there were still seventy or eighty people who had not moved out.

If others do not move, it is nothing more than a matter of survival. In such a messy environment as Temple Street, as long as there is a way out, no one will want to live here.

So Chen Hao took a group of people to visit the tenant who had not moved.

"I don't move, it's useless to say anything, I can't sleep outside on the street!"

The first homeowner is a man in his thirties. He is lean and it is winter. The clothes on his body are still thin, his clothes and hair are very greasy, and he has an unpleasant smell. I don’t know how many days it has not been. washed.

It can be seen that his life is very difficult, and his family is surrounded by walls in a dilapidated small room.

Knowing that words are not as good as actions, Chen Hao didn't persuade him much, and directly took out two stacks of pink banknotes from his bag and put them on the table.Chinese bar www.zwen8.com

The brand-new 20,000 yuan, exuding an attractive luster, the thin man's eyes straightened all at once, astonished: "You, what do you mean?"

Chen Hao said: "This is the moving fee for you. If you move out, you can live for one or two months even if you live in a hotel for 20,000 yuan. During this period, you can find a job at random and you will not worry about food and accommodation in the future. I can’t find a suitable job, and I can come to work at my Temple Street site. There is still a shortage of people here.”

"Well, all these money is given to me? Don't you need to pay it back?"

The man couldn't believe it, stammering, and had never seen such a generous boss.

This man is just a tenant. Chen Hao has already bought the property rights of the entire Temple Street. He no longer has the right to live here. Chen Hao's willingness to subsidize him is a surprise.

"Of course, as long as you move out of here today, the money will be yours, but if it's still there tomorrow, I'm sorry, I will take it back." Chen Hao smiled.

"Okay, I move!"

The idiot didn't move if he took 20,000 yuan for nothing, so the thin man happily packed his luggage. It didn't take a day for him to leave within half an hour.

After finishing a house, Chen Hao took a group of construction crew to the next house.

This matter was done so neatly and neatly. One employee stepped forward and asked, "Mr. Chen, did you give too much? If each family gave 20,000 yuan, how much more would it cost? They should move, and if they don’t, we can force them to leave through legal channels.

Chen Hao explained to him: "The project duration is the most important at present. If it is completed a day every night, the amount of loss will be tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands. Compared to wasting the money, it is better to give these money. The poor tenants will still think of our good. This is a win-win situation. We have won time and reputation, and the other party has gained benefits and benefits."

In this way, the employees suddenly realized that they had to sigh that their vision was incomparable with Chen Hao. Boss Chen looked far away, if he could not bear such a big hand.

In fact, these employees can't be blamed. After all, they work part-time, and Chen Hao is the boss and can easily use money to solve problems.

If a low-level employee does the same thing, he must first apply for funds from his boss. If he spends the money and does not work well, he has to bear the responsibility. No one is so stupid, and it seems that his subordinates are inadequate. Chen Hao will do it himself.

Chen Hao came to the next house. This house was a middle-aged woman. She also brought a dirty little boy. The little boy was scared to hide behind his mother when seeing so many people coming in.

This mother is also weather-beaten, overworked, she looks like she is in her forties, with crow's feet in the corners of her eyes.

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