You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!"Are you here to bully our orphans and widows again?"

This woman is a single mother, working alone in a different place to pull her son, life is very difficult, she looked at Chen Hao and his party who came in, tears in her eyes.

"No, I'm here to send warmth."

Chen Hao understood at a glance, sympathized with this woman, took out the cash and put it on the table, but this time he gave more, totaling 30,000 yuan.

"Why give me money?"

The woman hugged her child tightly and was very vigilant. Her son was her only treasure, and she was worried that Chen Hao was a human trafficker and would use the money to buy her most precious child.

"Don't get me wrong, this is to allow you to move to a better place. Don't you want to give your children a comfortable environment?"

When Chen Hao said this, the woman's eyes flickered and she was tempted, but she was worried that she would have trouble after taking the money.

"No, there is no name on the money, you just hold it."

The smile on Chen Hao's face made him look handsome and sunny, which made women less suspicious, but she didn't take the money for the first time, but confused and said: "But where can I go? I don't know other places. ."

Chen Hao said: "If you want to work, you can help in the back kitchen of my construction site. In the future, a commercial center will be built here. You can also continue to work as a cleaner. The salary is only higher or lower than outside. Do you think this is okay? "

"Well, just give me a job and a dormitory, I don't need money!"

This woman is still very strong, and she doesn't need any free money.

There are still people who don’t want money, and Chen Hao is a little touched, and said: “Then these money is borrowed from you, buy some new clothes for your child, delicious food, for him to go to school, wait for you to make money, then I will return it. "

"Well, what's your name?" The woman agreed and asked.

An employee on the side introduced: "This is Mr. Chen from Haoran, and he invested in this project."

"You're Mr. Chen? Why is it different from the rumor?" the woman wondered.

"What are my rumors?" Chen Hao asked.

The woman said: "They are all saying that the owner of the development here is a black-hearted boss, who wants to drive us out of the tenants. They also said that they will force a part of the house damage fee and that we should unite and resist not to move!"

"Who said this happened?" Some employees were unhappy and asked.

The woman said: "It was spreading on the streets and alleys the other day, so I didn't dare to move because I was afraid of being cheated. But I didn't expect that Chen was always a good person and the rumors were not accurate."

Chen Hao frowned. If it is a local tenant, there is no reason to spread his rumors on a large scale. Someone must be targeting him, and a potential opponent is disgusting him.Dance God e-book

However, there are very few clues left on this matter, and Chen Hao does not intend to pursue it for the time being, and settle the tenant's affairs first.

In the end, the single mother took Chen Hao's 30,000 yuan and said that she would pay him back if she made money in the future.

Chen Hao didn't care if she would pay back the money, so he should support their poor mother and son.

In this way, Chen Hao took the people, spent two days and some money, finally invited all the tenants stranded in Temple Street out. In order to worry that there would be children hiding in the corner of the corner and causing an accident, Chen Hao also bought it. A thermal imaging camera is scanned for inspection.

Fortunately, no one was hiding in it, but a few stray cats and dogs were rescued and sent to the shelter.

The matter was finally settled. All the engineering equipment under the Chen Hao Leasing Company was brought in and demolished in Temple Street. However, due to the large number of buildings, it would take about a week to level out, and then it would take time to dispose of the construction waste. This is an urgent matter. No.

However, it is only a matter of time. After the most difficult mobilization work is over, the engineering team will be responsible for the follow-up, and Chen Hao can relax a lot.

That night, Chen Hao came out of the construction site and drove a military Hummer to pick up Zhou Xitong from get off work. The two could go to have a romantic dinner together.

Chen Hao came to the downstairs of Zhou's International, waiting for Zhou Xitong who was about to leave work. He browsed the tens of billions subsidy app and planned to buy a bunch of flowers. When searching for "rose", he saw a new kind of rare rose.

Bihaiyuntian (green rose), the place of origin is listed in B, the price is 120 yuan each, and the subsidy price is 1 yuan each.

Chinese people are always afraid of green, but Chen Hao inquired about the words of green roses, which represent innocence, simplicity and youth, which is very suitable for Zhou Xitong, who loves beauty, and the flowers of unique colors are indeed gratifying. Chen Hao bought a bunch of 99 Blossom, the flowers arrived in an instant.

Chen Hao was waiting downstairs with a new green flower in his hand.

At this time, several Zhous International employees got off work and saw Chen Hao waiting for someone with flowers. They all walked away with an ambiguous expression. It is not convenient to say hello to the leader at this time. They don’t need to ask. They also know Chen Hao. Who are waiting.

Suddenly, Chen Hao heard the roar of a sports car engine behind him. He heard it from a distance of hundreds of meters from far and near. The sports car was actually blasting the street, and there was no morality.

The sports car came to the side of Zhou's International Building and stopped directly on the side of the road. It seemed that it was not afraid of the fine from the traffic police uncle.

Chen Hao looked back curiously. This is a blue Pagani Huayra-Roadster sports car. A trendy cool guy got off the car. This cool guy took a handful of red roses from the car and came to the building. Under et al.

Chen Hao and this young cool guy don't know each other, but there is a saying in the rivers and lakes, called red with green, be stupid, Chen Hao holding a green rose, and the other holding a red rose, he is born to dislike each other.

Coupled with the fact that both of them are both famous brands and so proud, they vaguely have the idea of ​​being competitive. They are not convinced of each other. After looking at each other, they ignore each other.

It's just that Chen Hao feels a little curious. The entire building is staffed by Zhou's International, and among the female employees of Zhou's International, there are such tyrant-level boyfriends. It must be beautiful.

I remembered that Zhou Xitong once said that her beautiful assistant Su Li had an object. Could this cool guy be Su Li’s boyfriend, waiting for her to leave work with flowers?

Chen Hao didn't bother to ask him, and he would know after a while.

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