You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!After waiting for about five minutes, the female assistant Su Li really came out of the office building. When she saw Chen Hao, she said hello with a smile on her jaws, and then left straight from the door, not having a relationship with that cool guy. Any exchange, it seems that he is not Su Li's boyfriend.

After another while, Zhou Xitong, wearing a long red trench coat, came out. She was tall like a supermodel and also wearing high heels. She looked taller than an average man. She smiled slightly when she saw Chen Hao. Come over.

Chen Hao walked forward with flowers in his hand, but there was someone next to him who was a step faster than him. That was the cool guy holding the red rose. He rushed to Zhou Xitong and shouted: "Zhou Xitong, meet again, you It's really getting pretty!"

This speech was frivolous, and it seemed that he was not a serious young man.

Chen Hao's face turned cold at the time, and he actually sent flowers to his girlfriend in front of him. This was a serious provocation to him. No wonder he was bored from seeing him at the beginning. It seems that the sixth sense is accurate.

Chen Hao directly dialed that cool guy aside with his hand, and said to him coldly, "Who are you?"

"Who are you? Dare to move me, are you tired of life?" Cool brother was also angry, glaring at him, as if he was going to eat people.

Chen Hao sneered, and gave the flowers in his hand to Zhou Xitong, and then pressed his fingers, the joints made a "pop" sound, which was a warm-up exercise before the beating.

Chen Hao is not a person who likes to pick things up, but he can't bear to hook up his girlfriend in person.

"Chen Hao, don't do it, he is Guan Song." Zhou Xitong reminded in a low voice from behind.

She knew that Chen Hao was not a person in the business world, and she must have never heard of the name, so she explained: "He is the third-generation only son of the Guan family. Everyone calls him Guan Shao. Guan Shi is a big family with many companies under it. The Woodpecker Group, one of the top 500 companies in China, is just a company under the steward. The steward not only has money, but also has a deep background."

"What about Zhou International?" Chen Hao asked.

He didn't know butlers, so he used Zhou's International as a comparison.

"I have to admit that the housekeeper is much stronger than our Zhou family, both in terms of financial resources and background." Zhou Xitong is a little sad. Their Zhou International is a model of honest business. When Zhou's father was in office, they had close contacts with some officials. , Now that Zhou Xitong is in charge of the company, the relationship has been weakened a lot, and it is far incomparable as a housekeeper in China.

Chen Hao understands that Guan Song is a strong enemy, but no matter how powerful, a woman who dares to hook him will have only one end, Bian Zhi.

"Hello Guan Song, this is my friend Chen Hao, I hope you don't have any misunderstandings." Zhou Xitong was introducing.


Guan Song sneered. Seeing the intimate whispers of the two just now, he had guessed that the two have a close relationship.

However, Guan Song is used to being arrogant and very arrogant. He doesn't put Chen Hao in his eyes, but holds a flower in one hand to dedicate it to Zhou Xitong.Fat Cat Literature Network

This bunch of red roses represents fiery love. Zhou Xitong has fallen in love with Chen Hao and will definitely not pick up flowers from other men.

But Guan Song is a child of a big family after all. If he doesn't take his flowers, he will also offend him, and may add a powerful opponent to the Zhou Family.

Chen Hao saw the difficulty of his girlfriend, and suddenly flew out and kicked the bottom of the bouquet. The bouquet of roses fell into the trash can by a beautiful parabola, right in the middle of the bucket.

"you wanna die!"

The violent Guan Song couldn't bear it anymore, raising his hand was a punch.

Chen Hao showed a disdainful chuckle. With his vain strength, there was no threat at all. Chen Hao just stretched out the three fingers of his right hand, and then grabbed Guan Song's wrist first.

Guan Song's wrist sank and he couldn't move forward in the air. His face suddenly changed, and his anger was incredible. He lacked the strength of one arm to exercise, and he couldn't help Chen Hao's three fingers.

Guan Song, who does not believe in evil, suddenly broke both hands, and then wanted to use the weight of his whole body to drag, his blushing and thick neck, the image of cool brother disappeared.

Chen Hao let go of his hand in a timely manner, and the strength of this pipe was exhausted, and he staggered two steps to sit on the ground and made a great appearance.

"Yes, dare to tease Lao Tzu!"

Guan Song was furious, and got up to fight again, but Chen Hao suddenly punched and came with a strong wind. In a blink of an eye, the peak of fist stopped in front of Guan Song. To a distance of 1cm.

Guan Song closed his eyes subconsciously, and the hair on his forehead was messed up by the ensuing fist wind. It was enough to see the strength of the punch. If he really hit him, Guan Song would at least be a panda eye.

Fortunately, Chen Hao has the habit of not bullying the weak, and when dealing with such ordinary people, he disdains beating.

"Don't leave yet? Zhou Xitong is my person, stay away from her in the future!" Chen Hao said domineeringly.

Only then did Guan Song open his eyes again and saw a big fist in front of him, almost blocking all his vision.

Guan Song stepped back abruptly, a little frightened, and repeatedly slumped under Chen Hao, showing that the combat power of the two is no longer on the same level.

"You have a kind, save a wrist!"

Guan Song's expression was vicious, and he would certainly not let go.

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