You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!If Chen Haoxing didn't change his name, he didn't change his surname. He dared to cause trouble and was not afraid of it. No matter what happened, he was alone in his pocket, so he flicked his middle finger and his business card spun in front of Guan Song handsomely.

Finally, he picked up the business card from the ground.

"Haoran Trading? Huh, that's it?"

Guan Song was very disdainful and shredded his business card. He had already written down Chen Hao's name and was about to retaliate.

However, he didn't bring anyone here today, so he couldn't make money from Chen Hao, and he couldn't provoke Zhou Xitong. He had to deal with the important matters beforehand.

Guan Song took out a red invitation card from his pocket and threw it to Zhou Xitong, and then said: "Tomorrow night, my uncle will hold a business celebrity reception at the Kaihua Hotel in Yunyang City, the provincial capital. Please attend!"

After finishing speaking, he glared at Chen Hao, turned his head and walked away, got on the sports car, accelerated to 100 yards in 3 seconds, and disappeared with a "swish".

Zhou Xitong opened the invitation and found that she was asked to go to the provincial capital Yunyang to attend a cocktail party tomorrow night. Many business leaders will attend. The organizer is Guan Yunchang, the powerful figure of the Guan family in the four provinces of the Central Plains.

Guan Yunchang is an outstanding representative of the second generation of housekeepers, Guan Song’s youngest uncle, and a celebrity in business circles. He invited the Trend Group to give face.

"Ms. Zhou Xitong is sincerely invited to bring her relatives and friends to the business celebrity cocktail party tomorrow evening. Please be sure to appreciate it... The words are very polite, I'm afraid there will be no good meetings."

After Chen Hao read the invitation, he returned it to Zhou Xitong. It depends on the urinary nature of Guan Song who sent the invitation. This Guan family is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

"In general exchange meetings or banquets, invitations are sent many days in advance. This is tomorrow's meeting. It is a bit unreasonable to send invitations tonight. I also smelled a hint of conspiracy." Zhou Xitong said in a deep voice.

"It's okay, I'll accompany you, you can break through the mountains and the sea." Chen Hao said with arrogance.


Zhou Xitong nodded. With Chen Hao, she really doesn't worry about it. Otherwise, it is estimated that she will suffer from insomnia for half a night, so she will consider a solution.

Chen Hao drove away with Zhou Xitong and went to eat at an exquisite high-end restaurant. The food here is exquisite. A gourmet show recommended, so I will bring Zhou Xitong to experience it today.

After seated, Chen Hao ordered a few dishes casually, and when the food came up, he found that the dishes were indeed beautiful and the taste was not bad, which was comparable to that of Michelin restaurants.

"This seafood porridge is good. It has a lot of collagen and is good for the skin. Eat more." Chen Hao is recommending it to her.

"Do you know food culture well?" Zhou Xitong smiled.

"After all, I also open a restaurant, of course I know a little bit."

"By the way, your beautiful chef, is it hot now? I hear people mention her from time to time."

"She is very famous, there are many fans in Douyin, and some people come from outside to join in." First Literature

Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong talked about Xia Jing, and she suddenly said: "Miss Xia is very beautiful, some people shouldn't be near the water tower."

This sentence was light-hearted, but Zhou Xitong was reminding Chen Hao that rabbits should not eat grass on the edge of their nest.

"Where did you want to go, I'm not that kind of dirty boss." Chen Hao said.

Zhou Xitong smiled and didn't continue this topic. A smart woman would always stop at enough and save a lot of contradictions between men and women.

They were eating and chatting. Suddenly Zhou Xitong called in. When she saw the call reminder, she said "Cui Yongbing" and then answered the phone.

"Mr. Zhou, the weather has been cold recently. If you go out tomorrow, you need to prepare more in advance and add some clothes."

Cui Yongbing, the president of the Chamber of Commerce in this province, said nonsense and hung up, and the whole conversation did not exceed 10 seconds.

With the identity and status of both parties, talking on the phone would not be so abrupt. There was something in the obvious words. Cui Yongbing was reminding something vaguely, and Zhou Xitong immediately began to think.

After hearing this, Chen Hao quickly analyzed several key elements from this sentence, "Tomorrow" and "Prepare in advance."

Combining with the things just now, Chen Hao's heart suddenly moved. Does Cui Yongbing mean tomorrow's exchange meeting?

It is very possible that Chen Hao and Cui Yongbing have a good relationship, and his identity is not easy to offend the housekeeper. It is possible to use the weather as a metaphor.

When Chen Hao told Zhou Xitong about his thoughts, Zhou Xitong looked stern, and said with certainty: "It must be. Chairman Cui is reminding me that this meeting of the Guan family is not simple and needs to be dealt with in advance."

"It's okay, the time to come will come, even if it is a Hongmen Banquet, I will accompany you." Chen Hao said confidently.

With tens of billions of subsidies, and the kung fu of Wu Qin Xi, Chen Hao is confident that he can protect Zhou Xitong's integrity. If someone targets Zhou Xitong, he will surely make him lose a few teeth.

"Well, I believe you."

Zhou Xitong shook Chen Hao's hand, "But after all, it is a provincial capital, so I still need to prepare more. I will let the people of the provincial capital branch stand by nearby just in case."

There is nothing wrong with being careful, and Chen Hao agreed.

A crisis, because of Chen Hao's presence, was so calmly exposed. After the two had a sweet meal, Chen Hao sent Zhou Xi home.

When the car drove one kilometer away from the Zhou’s villa, it was quite secluded. Chen Hao slowly stopped the car under a big tree and turned off the lights. If you were not paying attention, no one could spot them. .

Zhou Xitong, who was sitting in the co-pilot, looked at Chen Hao in confusion, not understanding what he was going to do.

Chen Hao unfastened his seat belt, leaned to her side, and kissed him.

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