You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!"Chen Hao, what are you thinking about?"

Zhu Min's hand shook in front of his eyes before he woke Chen Hao in thought. It turned out that she had ended the current interview and asked Chen Hao to put away the phone.

"Oh it's all right."

Chen Hao's thoughts are said, after all, light work is a bit weird for real people, and this is just a guess, it is impossible to guess it.

"Well, Mr. Chen Hao, please give your opinion from a male perspective. How did this wretched thief sneak into the girls' dormitory to steal clothes, and is there any way to catch him?"

"You asked me to come, so that I could help you catch the thief? Didn't you help with the shooting?" Chen Hao asked in astonishment. This was the rhythm that turned him into a detective.

"It’s my personal reason to catch the thief. After all, it’s my good elementary school girl who came to me. I try to help her solve the problem. Bringing you here is also to brainstorm. And you feel safer by your side. In case I meet that thief on the spot. Now, you can still protect me." Zhu Min said several reasons why Chen Hao must be found.

Indeed, after experiencing the siege of Miaojie, Zhu Min has a special sense of trust in Chen Hao.

"Well, I think about it."

Chen Hao looked at the seven-story female dormitory and began to think.

I couldn't get in inside the dormitory, but I turned around from the outside and found that the outside air-conditioning unit can be used for climbing, but it will definitely leave traces, shoe prints and the like.

Chen Hao deliberately went to observe downstairs in Xiaoya's dormitory. There were no footprints around. If he climbed the stairs on the outside of the air conditioner, there would be no traces.

"Could it be that the thief used a rope to get down from the roof? After all, the sixth and seventh floors lost the most." Chen Hao thought suddenly.

"It's impossible. There is only one door to the top floor. If you enter through the door, our auntie is not a vegetarian, and we have so many girls, it is impossible not to find it." Xiaoya explained.

"Is that your classmate's guarding and stealing?" Chen Hao thought of another possibility.

"It's impossible, right? You said that if our girls stole it, it would not be better to steal money, stealing clothes is illegal and it is not easy to write off accounts, so why bother." Xiaoya said.

Chen Hao thought that this was the same reason, which was surprising. Now he can't even figure out how the thief commits the crime. It is even more nonsense to talk about catching the thief.

"I really don't understand."

Chen Hao spread his hands together and admitted that he did not have the capabilities of Conan and Holmes, saying that he could not solve the case.

Zhu Min sighed and said: "If you can't find it, it's okay. When I report the matter and let the police come out to catch the thief, I will definitely find the thief soon."

"But, although I don't know how the thief committed the crime, I can find him." Chen Hao suddenly showed a mysterious smile.

"What way, say it!"

Zhu Min is very interested. Chen Hao has always performed miraculously, and it seems that it is the same this time.Cola Literature

"However, this method is a bit unfair. Don't say that I thought it out in the report." Chen Hao said.

"Well, I won't disclose it. If I can solve this strange case, maybe I can get the title of a detective reporter." Zhu Min said with joy.

"You believe me too much, right?" Chen Hao asked back.

"Don't you believe me too much." Zhu Min blinked with big eyes, referring to the city documents.

"That's right, then I won't sell it."

Chen Hao looked at Xiaoya, his method was a bit off the table, and he didn't want female students to be there.

"I'm going to read a book, so I won't bother you!"

Xiaoya realized that she was staying here with a light bulb, so she smiled and ran back to the dormitory.

Chen Hao was speechless, wondering if this Xiaoya had misunderstood something.

When Xiaoya left, Zhu Min asked curiously: "What method, hurry up and tell me!"

"My idea is to lead the snake out of the hole, also called fishing law enforcement."

Chen Hao has a well-established appearance. If he had a lupine scarf, he would have the same style as the strategist Zhuge Liang.

Zhu Min blinked, and suddenly took a step back in fear, guarding her rather large curve, and nervously said, "You, don't you want me to contribute clothes? But I didn't bring any spares, so use them as bait. What am I wearing!"

Chen Hao was speechless, and immediately said: "Where I want to go, don't you just buy those privacy clothes? You don't need to contribute."

"That's good." Zhu Min was relieved.

"Then I will buy it now!" Zhu Min took the initiative to invite Ying.

"I'm here, you don't need you, you wait for me here for a while."

Chen Hao didn't care about her as he said, turned and left alone.

Chen Hao came to a men's room, and finally there was a secluded space. He immediately opened up the tens of billions of subsidies to buy items for catching thieves.

The first is "fish bait", all kinds of sultry women's privacy clothes, Chen Hao is slightly confused when he sees it.

To say that the current fashion designers are too good, and the design of women's clothes is so hot, how men can hold them.

Since he was trying to lure the thief out, Chen Hao chose to buy sultry styles, and even had clothes made up of a few thin bands, which could no longer be used to cover them. Several band-aids could cover more places than it. .

Anyway, they were subsidized products. Chen Hao bought fifty pieces in one go, with a lot of colorful packages. Chen Hao picked a big travel bag and stuffed these small pieces of clothing in.

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