You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!Then came the most important thing. The bait alone was not enough. If a cunning fish ate the bait, it would be a waste of water, and Chen Hao continued to place orders in the app.

Shudi card mini GPS tracking monitor locator, the price is 3888 yuan, the subsidy price is 49 yuan.

This kind of tracker can not only locate, but also has the function of recording sound. There is nothing to say. Chen Hao bought 20 in one breath. This small tracker, like a button battery, is very small and just works.

Chen Hao stuffed the trackers into the cups and bowls with steel rims and adjusted them. If you don't search carefully, you really can't see them.

Chen Hao downloaded the monitoring software on his mobile phone and did an experiment. After he leaned closer, he could clearly hear the sound of his breath, and he walked a few meters in the bathroom, and the app was displayed with accurate accuracy. This one.

So Chen Hao walked out of the men's bathroom with a big black bag, and the students passing by in the dormitory building looked sideways.

"That classmate, wait a minute, what's in the bag?"

A security guard on patrol saw Chen Hao and asked to stop the inspection. Because he was investigating the thief recently, he had to check if he saw any suspicious persons.

Chen Hao suddenly felt stunned. The contents of his bag were all women's clothes. If this was opened, he would be confused for a while, so he pointed his head and said: "Look, there is a flying saucer!"

"Where is the flying saucer?"

The security guard was taken aback and hurriedly looked up, only to find that there was a ceiling above his head and he couldn't see anything at all.

Looking back again, something seemed to flash past, but Chen Hao disappeared.

The security guard went around and found no trace of Chen Hao. He couldn't help but feel a little scared, thinking that he had encountered a ghost during the day and was going to burn incense and worship Buddha at night.

At this time, Chen Hao had already used Long Xianghubu to escape the scene. For the first time, he found that Wu Qin Xi was so useful. If he was caught, he might be the scapegoat for that dirty thief.

Chen Hao returned to the female dormitory, put the big bag on the ground, let Zhu Min take it into the dormitory, and hung it on the balcony on the sixth or seventh floor.

"No? You bought so many!"

Zhu Min opened the zipper of the travel bag and saw a lot of colorful clothes.

However, she flipped through a few times and suddenly saw a piece of clothing, and she was pleasantly surprised: "You even bought this limited collection of Emrifang. It costs more than two thousand yuan. I have not been willing to buy it!"

Zhu Min was surprised again and again, but she suddenly realized that she had gone wrong, so she closed the zipper and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I will hang up now."

Chen Hao smiled and said, "Just stay as you like, and the rest is enough." Good mood literature website

Zhu Min was a little embarrassed and didn't speak. After entering the dormitory, he was not embarrassed to take away the clothes and went to the top floor, unpacking these new clothes, and hung them one by one on the balcony on the sixth and seventh floors.

When it was hung up, it looked very spectacular. After all, Chen Hao bought all brand-name goods. At a glance, he knew that the clothes were taller and the styles crushed the surrounding ordinary clothes.

"Even this style is too embarrassing. It is used by couples to adjust their lives. College girls are probably embarrassed to wear it."

Zhu Min blushed a little when he saw it, and these styles were too bold. I don't know what the thief would think after seeing it.

Zhu Min poked his head out of the window and gestured "OK" to Chen Haobi downstairs.

Chen Hao nodded, gestured to let her down, yelled, and if the thief was nearby, he would be alarmed.

When Zhu Min came down, Chen Hao looked up. From his perspective, he could vaguely see the hot clothing. He believed that as long as he was a man, he would definitely be attracted, and a real thief would never let go. After this opportunity, you will surely steal, and then there will be a good show.

Zhu Min came downstairs, pulling Chen Hao to hide in a quiet place, and the two of them wanted to wait for the thief to appear in the cold wind.

Chen Hao said: "Stupid, why are you waiting here? Let's find a milk tea shop and drink milk tea while blowing on the air conditioner. Isn't it good?"

"Then, what if we don't find it stolen?" Zhu Min asked hesitantly.

Chen Haoliang turned on her mobile phone and showed her the real-time tracking signal. There are 20 red dots flashing densely on it, and the location is where she hangs her clothes.

"Ah, you actually installed tracking..."

Zhu Min realized it, and hurriedly blocked her mouth, and there was no leak.

"Let's go, you are familiar with the terrain, just find a small shop and wait for the result." Chen Hao smiled.


Zhu Min happily took Chen Hao to a milk tea shop on campus. The location was small but there were a lot of people. There were an endless stream of students who came to buy milk tea. After all, milk tea is one of the favorite drinks of contemporary youth.

Fortunately, it was still the last class in the afternoon, and there were not many people. The two of them quickly waited for a place and ordered two cups of milk tea and two plates of fruit plates. The two of them ate and chatted to kill time.

"You said, can you catch that thief?" Zhu Min asked.

"As long as he doesn't stop, he will be able to catch it. There are 20 trackers. As long as he steals one of them, he won't be able to run away." Chen Hao said.

"You still have a way." Zhu Min smiled like a flower, admiring the man in front of him.

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